My current idea involves iterating through the array and recalculating the hash based on the previous hash and appending the next element as I go.
#include <Array.au3>
#include <Crypt.au3>
Dim $arr[1][3][2]=[[["All","Your"],["Base","Are"],["Belong","To Us"]]] ;Declare an Array for Testing
$bin = _HashArray($arr)
ConsoleWrite($bin & @CRLF)
Func _HashArray($arr)
Dim $enc
Global $arrDims[1][2]=[["ElementIdx","ElementCount"]] ;Create an Array to Track Dimensions and Elements
For $x = 1 to UBound($arr,0)
ReDim $arrDims[$x+1][2]
Do ;Loop Through Array Elements
$var = "$arr"
For $x = 1 to UBound($arrDims)-1
$var &= "[" & $arrDims[$x][0] & "]"
$enc = _Crypt_HashData($enc & Execute($var),$CALG_MD5) ;Update Hash
$arrDims[UBound($arrDims)-1][0] += 1 ;Increment Last Dimension Element
For $y = UBound($arrDims)-2 To 1 Step -1 ;Increment Dimension Element
If $arrDims[$y+1][0] = $arrDims[$y+1][1] Then
Until $arrDims[1][0]=$arrDims[1][1]
Return $enc
Sorry the code is confusing. I went off on a tangent to handle multidimensional arrays dynamically.
Does anyone have a recommendation or practice on how to hash an array?
edit: added some comments to the example code