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Found 8 results

  1. Test instructions are easy. 1. Run the following code in post #46 2. Click the advanced tab 3. Select a start date and an end date 4. Put a tick in the checkbox where it says 'Include Days Of The Week' 5. Click the Okay button You should get an array with a column of dates in your...
  2. Hi all, I'm currently writing a backup script to automate the process of storing and compressing data for any member leaving the firm I work at. Ideally I would like to pull the user's display name or full name, for instance, a WMI query selecting FullName WHERE Win32_NetworkLoginProfile Name equals...
  3. Atom Table UDF Local and Global Atom Table Since I've had this collecting dust on my computer, I figured I'd release it to see if anyone can find some use for it. About Atom Tables - MSDN Example Global Atom Table Listing Basically, a bunch of strings can be stored locally (at program...
  4. Hello FellowForumers I have some questions about this subject and Although I have researched about i have some problems let it sink in proper Although i have basic understanding of Global and Local I Still have questions to be absolute sure: #include <Array.au3> Global $TSAB[20] While 1 tra...
  5. Hi, I am having issues understanding something in the tutorial Melba23 gave me. At the bottom of page 22- What are Dim, Global. Local, and Scope? What do they do?
  6. What are the GUI functions that can be used to create such as a message log (3) and a local pane (4)? Kindly visit Navigating and window layout referring to the numbers above if you don't know what I mean..
  7. Using this script you can analyze the old scripts and search for keywords like: Local Global Dim Static Search only the above keywords used inside the Loop statements like: For ... Next While ... Wend Do ... Until For ... In ... Next This script parses a other script and reports on incorre...
  8. When running the following code, line 3 causes $script_browser to no longer be an Internet Explorer object, which you can see in the error messages caused by lines 5 & 7. #include <IE.au3> $script_browser = _IECreate() _IENavigate($script_browser, @ScriptDir& "\step1.html") Sleep(2500) _IENaviga...
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