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Found 5 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    About AutoIt-DD AutoIt-DD is an carbon copy of Laravels dd helper. DD stands for "Dump and DIE" and is a great tool for debugging AutoIt variables Features Get useful information about any AutoIt variable Nested Arrays and Scripting dictionaries Multi DIM arrays Great structure and colored output Example In Example.au3 you can run a fully featured example, but I also provided a print screen for you lazy people
  2. This is a very little program, just to see all fileformats, count,... in a folder and its subdirectorys. If there are Audio/Videofiles, the length of all files will be shown. Maybe you find it helpful. FolderFileInfo_source.zip
  3. I would like to programmatically check to see if a given tracker has information on the torrent I specify. This requires that the SHA-1 Info Hash of a torrent be encoded to make valid requests. I read from: http://nakkaya.com/2009/12/03/bittorrent-tracker-protocol/ If you don't pay attention to the spec and send this directly to tracker you will get an error this should be in URL Encoded form. Padding every two chars with % sign also doesn't work, been there done that don't waste your time. Any hex in the hash that corresponds to a unreserved character should be replaced, a-z A-Z 0-9 -_.~ Partition the hex in to chunks of two and check if the hex corresponds to any of these values, if they do replace them with the unreserved char. So that a hash such as, 123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789a becomes, %124Vx%9a%bc%de%f1%23Eg%89%ab%cd%ef%124Vx%9a notice that hex 34 became 4 which is what it is in ASCII. You can test the correctness of your hashes using the tracker url but don't request from announce request from file, http://some.tracker.com/file?info_hash=hash If you get a torrent back that means you have the correct hash. I have tried the above and failed. Here's my code: $testStr = "123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789a" ConsoleWrite(_EncodeHash($testStr) & @CRLF) Func _EncodeHash($sString) If (Not IsString($sString)) Or $sString = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aArray = StringRegExp($sString, "(?s).{1," & 2 & "}", 3), $sEncodedHash For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) -1 If StringInStr($sString, Chr(Dec($aArray[$i]))) Then $sEncodedHash &= Chr(Dec($aArray[$i])) Else $sEncodedHash &= "%" & $aArray[$i] EndIf Next Return $sEncodedHash EndFuncIf you follow the first link in my post there is an example but I'm unfamiliar with the language being used. Thanks for any help.
  4. I'm trying to figure out how to grab info about a file with autoit, specifically I want the "Last Modified" attribute. I'm trying to make a system to check when a file has been last modified, and if older, update with the latest one. Thanks.
  5. Its been asked before and I can't seem to find any UDF or built in feature with support for Logging in AutoIt, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask and spark some focus on the matter. Applications built for in house use to be run by those that develop them really isn't an issue. It becomes useful to troubleshoot an application if it utilizes some sort of Logging. It is feasible to write functions to support such a need, but I would be pleased if I could find someone who is a far better programmer than I had visited this so I don't have to divert attention and implement it into projects. What I'm looking for is something similar to NLog or Log4Net with the ability to log events as they happen for ease of troubleshooting if an application fails. I'm aware of Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) but that isn't useful if the end user is not the developer and where screenshots are not desired. I'm not trying to compare Autoit to .NET in any way. I'm just trying to achieve logging capabilities that match those applications mentioned. I have considered AutoItX and recoding the project in .NET except for the components that are essentially AutoIt only capable, but that is a bit extreme for my immediate needs.
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