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Found 2 results

  1. Prior to posting this question, I have experimented with using FileExists, InetGetInfo and InetGet/InetClose functions to test downloading files into my application folder, in case if my file did not already exist. In my case, I was able to pinpoint to a very specific web address, eg.) https://dropbox.com, etc. and then check/download the file. Now my question is, instead of checking from a hardcoded URL, is it possible to: 1. Do a check against the IP address of a remote computer, eg.) my friend's or colleague's desktop computer 2. After checking the IP address if valid and can be connected to, access the computer's hard drive location, eg.) that machine's C:specifiedFolderspecifiedFile.txt 3. Download a copy of that file into a local computer I did read ('?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>) but that was what I accomplished earlier, so now I am not sure if I were to change the method of file retrieval, what changes are necessary?
  2. Hi, During some tests I have found that at the 3rd call of the InetGetSize function the script freezes for two minutes and the function returns 0, it's regardless to the download link. Even after if I try to call the function it freezes again. Here is the script in question : http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?va4o4tfnln1sscl The function is at the line 819, here is what I have : error: 13, extended: 12002 //ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT ?To reproduce the issue you need to start 3 downloads. It does not make any sense as It works fine on the previous version and I don't see what can cause the problem. Tested on WinXP and Seven, latest production and beta. Thanks for any help; Br, Firefox.
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