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  1. IE Embedded Control Versioning Use IE 9+ and HTML5 features inside a GUI This UDF allows the use of embedded IE controls which support IE versions greater than IE 7. By default, all embedded IE controls default to IE 7 compatibility mode (unless for some reason somebody has IE 6 installed!), so its not possible to use most of the HTML5 features available today. Fortunately, IE 9 and greater allow the use of HTML5, and the embedded IE control actually supports it. The problem is convincing Windows to let your program actually use those features! There are Registry branches that modify how an IE control works in specific programs. Those branches are: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION In at least one of these branches, the executable name needs to appear as a value name ("autoit.exe" for example), and the value data needs to indicate what IE version to 'emulate'. The value data is actually dependent on the version and whether quirks-mode is enabled. See Web Browser Control - Specifying the IE Version for more information. Note that a 64-bit O/S needs adjustments to the HKLM paths. Also, prefer the HKCU branch unless the program needs to enable access across all user accounts. HTML5 Canvas Element Example Anyway, all the complexity of setting the right value with the right name with the right 32/64-bit branch is handled for you in this UDF. Enabling support for IE9+, and new HTML5 features, is as simple as making one call to _IE_EmbeddedSetBrowserEmulation(). _IE_EmbeddedSetBrowserEmulation() takes an executable name (@AutoItExe if none is provided), and checks the Registry for an entry for it. If it doesn't find one, it will create one and enable support for later versions of IE. The full parameters to the function are as follows: _IE_EmbeddedSetBrowserEmulation($nIEVersion, $bIgnoreDOCTYPE = True, $bHKLMBranch = False, $sExeName = @AutoItExe) The parameter passed in $nIEVersion can be anything from 8 to 11 [or 12+ in the future], or just the current version of IE, which is available also through a call to _IE_EmbeddedGetVersion(). $bIgnoreDOCTYPE controls when IE will go into quirks mode based on any "<!DOCTYPE>" declarations on webpages. This mode can cause major problems, so by default it is set to ignore it (set this to False to enable it). $bHKLMBranch controls where in the registry the Browser Emulation Mode setting will be stored. If you wish to store the mode for ALL users, set this parameter to True. Note, however, that elevated privileges are required for modifying the HKLM branch! If the call to _IE_EmbeddedSetBrowserEmulation() is successful, then you can enable a (more) HTML5 compliant IE browser control in a GUI. The complete set of functions in the UDF: _IE_EmbeddedGetVersion() ; Gets version of IE Embeddable Control (from ieframe.dll or Registry) _IE_EmbeddedGetBrowserEmulation() ; Gets Browser Emulation Version for given Executable (or 0 if not found) _IE_EmbeddedSetBrowserEmulation() ; Sets Browser Emulation Version. NOTE: HKLM branch REQUIRES ELEVATED PRIVILEGES! _ IMPORTANT: Setting the embedded browser object to a newer version of IE may alter the behavior of some things. See documenation for the HTMLDocumentEvents2 interface and HTMLAnchorEvents2 interface for example. Also, there is at least one difference in behavior noted by mesale0077 in working with IE10 (and possibly other versions of IE) - clicks for elements inside an <a> anchor tag will register as the actual internal element rather than the surrounding anchor. For example, an <img> element wrapped by an <a> anchor will only send the click to the <img> element and not propagate it any further. A workaround for this is to check the parentNode to see if it is an <a> element. See the discussion in the >ObjEvent dont work thread. It could be that there's some other reason for this behavior, but nothing has come to light yet. As an aside, also see trancexx's response in >ObjEvent usage for more techniques for capturing IE events. History: An example of HTML5 use, which has a little interactive Canvas, follows (requires IE9 or higher!): #include "IE_EmbeddedVersioning.au3" ; =============================================================================================================================== ; <IE_EmbeddedHTML5Example.au3> ; ; Example of using 'IE_EmbeddedVersioning' UDF ; ; This example 1st attempts to set the Browser Emulation information in the registry, then ; creates an embedded IE control with an interactive HTML5 Canvas element. ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; =============================================================================================================================== #Region IE_CANVAS_EXAMPLE #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <IE.au3> ; ----------- ; GLOBALS ; ----------- Global $bMouseDown = False, $iLastX1 = 0, $iLastY1 = 0 Global $g_oCanvas, $g_oCtx Global $hGUI, $ctGUI_ErrMessageLabel Global $GUI_IE_Obj Global $nRet = _WinMain() ; Optionally remove valuename at Exit (not recommended if compiled to executable) ;~ _IE_EmbeddedRemoveBrowserEmulation() Exit $nRet ; ====================================================================================================== ; Embedded IE Browser-Emulation Fix + HTML5 Example ; ====================================================================================================== Func _WinMain() ConsoleWrite("@AutoItX64 = " & @AutoItX64 & ", IsAdmin() = " & IsAdmin() & @CRLF) ;; Get Current IE Embeddable Control Version (from ieframe.dll) Local $sIEVer = _IE_EmbeddedGetVersion(), $nIEVer = @extended ConsoleWrite("Embedded Version = " & $sIEVer & ", as Int: " & $nIEVer & ", @error = " & @error & @CRLF) ; Old IE version w/o HTML5 support? Exit If $nIEVer < 9 Then Return MsgBox(0, "Old IE Version", "IE version is less than 9, HTML5 example will not work") ;; Current Browser Emulation Mode for this executable (if exists) Local $nIEBEVer = _IE_EmbeddedGetBrowserEmulation() ConsoleWrite("GetEmbeddedVersion: " & $nIEBEVer & ", @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF) ;; Set Browser Emulation Mode for this executable (if not already set or set to a different version) ; HKCU Branch: _IE_EmbeddedSetBrowserEmulation() ; HKLM Branch: ;_IE_EmbeddedSetBrowserEmulation(-1, True, True) If @error Then ; -1 error means trying to access HKLM, so script needs elevation to access the Registry If @error = -1 Then If MsgBox(32 + 3, "Elevation Required", "Elevate script to enable setting Browser Emulation Mode?") = 6 Then Return _ReRunIfNotElevated() Return 1 EndIf Return MsgBox(0, "Error", "Couldn't set Browser Emulation mode") EndIf ;Local $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrFunc") ;; Create Embedded Browser Control and GUI Local $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() ; GUI (vars are Global) $hGUI = GUICreate("Embedded Web control Test", 460, 360, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN) $GUI_IE_Obj = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 10, 10, 440, 340) $ctGUI_ErrMessageLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 100, 500, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xff0000) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Show GUI ; Doesn't work (at least for keyboard focus): ;~ ControlFocus($hGUI, '', $GUI_IE_Obj) ;; Initialize Embedded Control and write some HTML5 data to it _IENavigate($oIE, 'about:blank' ) ; Basic Near-Empty HTML (with minimal CSS styling for Canvas element) Local $sHTML = '<!DOCTYPE html>' & @CR & '<html>' & @CR & '<head>' & @CR & _ '<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type">' & @CR & _ '<title>Experiments</title>' & @CR & _ '<style>canvas { display:block; background-color:white; outline:#00FF00 dotted thin;}</style>' & @CR & _ '</head>' & @CR & '<body>' & @CR & '</body>' & @CR & '</html>' _IEDocWriteHTML($oIE, $sHTML) _IEAction($oIE, "refresh") ;; Setup Event Object Functions Local $oEventsDoc = ObjEvent($oIE.document, "Event_", "HTMLDocumentEvents2") #forceref $oEventsDoc ;~ ConsoleWrite("Obj Name = " & ObjName($oIE) & @CRLF) ;~ ConsoleWrite("Location = " & $oIE.document.location.pathname & @CRLF) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Create Canvas Element through the DOM (optionally just add it in the HTML5 above) ; ------------------------------------------------- ; Note: Support in browsers, see "Can I use..." ; @ http://caniuse.com/#feat=canvas ; and @ http://caniuse.com/#search=canvas ; ------------------------------------------------- ; IE minimum is version 9+, 10+ has more features, but WebGL support requires version 11+ ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $g_oCanvas = $oIE.document.createElement("canvas") $g_oCanvas.id = "myCanvas" ;~ ConsoleWrite("Canvas ID = " & $g_oCanvas.id & @CRLF) $oIE.document.body.appendChild($g_oCanvas) ; Optionally, if added already through the HTML5 text: ;Local $g_oCanvas = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "myCanvas") If @error Then Return MsgBox(0, "Error", "Error creating/accessing Canvas") ;; Tweak Canvas Size, Move into View ;~ ConsoleWrite("window innerwidth = " & $oIE.document.parentWindow.innerWidth & @CRLF) ;$oIE.document.parentWindow.scrollTo(0, 10) $g_oCanvas.width = 420 $g_oCanvas.height = 320 ;ConsoleWrite("Canvas item offsetTop = " & $g_oCanvas.offsetTop & @CRLF) $g_oCanvas.scrollIntoView() ;; Grab the Canvas 2D Context $g_oCtx = $g_oCanvas.getContext("2d") ;; Example Drawing: Gradiant Local $oGrad = $g_oCtx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,60) If IsObj($oGrad) Then $oGrad.addColorStop(0, "red") $oGrad.addColorStop(1, "blue") $g_oCtx.fillStyle = $oGrad EndIf $g_oCtx.fillRect(0,0,419,60) ;; Example Drawing: Text $g_oCtx.font = "30px serif" $g_oCtx.fillStyle = "white" $g_oCtx.textBaseline = "top" $g_oCtx.fillText("HTML5 Canvas Drawing!", 50, 10) ;; Example Drawing: Circle, Line $g_oCtx.beginPath() $g_oCtx.arc(200, 100, 20, 0, ACos(-1) * 2) $g_oCtx.fillStyle = "red" $g_oCtx.fill() $g_oCtx.beginPath() $g_oCtx.lineWidth = "3" $g_oCtx.strokeStyle = "green" $g_oCtx.moveTo(185, 85) $g_oCtx.lineTo(215, 115) $g_oCtx.stroke() ; Waiting for user to close the window While GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Sleep(10) WEnd GUIDelete() EndFunc ; ====================================================================================================== ; IE Event Functions - React to Mouse events with some Canvas graphics ; ====================================================================================================== #Region IE_EVENT_FUNCS ; For right-click, the context menu pops up, UNLESS we change the Event's 'returnValue' property Volatile Func Event_oncontextmenu($oEvtObj) If IsObj($oEvtObj) Then ; Convert to string so that 0 doesn't match EVERY string Local $sId = $oEvtObj.srcElement.id & "" If ($sId = "myCanvas") Then $oEvtObj.returnValue = False EndIf EndFunc Volatile Func Event_onmousedown($oEvtObj) If IsObj($oEvtObj) And IsObj($g_oCtx) Then ; Map click coordinates to Canvas coordinates $iLastX1 = $oEvtObj.x - $g_oCanvas.offsetLeft $iLastY1 = $oEvtObj.y - $g_oCanvas.offsetTop ;~ ConsoleWrite("Downclick recvd at X1: " & $iLastX1 & ", Y1: " & $iLastY1 & ", MouseButton [1 = left, 2 = right, etc] = " & $oEvtObj.button & @CRLF) ; Check if click was in fact within Canvas element If $iLastX1 >= 0 And $iLastX1 < $g_oCanvas.width And $iLastY1 >= 0 And $iLastY1 < $g_oCanvas.height Then ; Signal mouse-down occurred inside Canvas $bMouseDown = 1 ; Make a small square where initial down-click was detected $g_oCtx.fillStyle = "blue" $g_oCtx.fillRect($iLastX1 - 2, $iLastY1 - 2, 3, 3) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Volatile Func Event_onmouseup($oEvtObj) If IsObj($oEvtObj) And IsObj($g_oCtx) Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("MouseUp" & @LF) If $bMouseDown Then Local $iX = $oEvtObj.x - $g_oCanvas.offsetLeft, $iY = $oEvtObj.y - $g_oCanvas.offsetTop ; Random color in "#0f1100" (RGB) string form Local $sColor = "#" & Hex(Random(0, 255, 1), 2) & Hex(Random(0, 255, 1), 2) & Hex(Random(0, 255, 1), 2) ;; Draw either a line or circle depending on where the mouse button is released If $iX = $iLastX1 And $iY = $iLastY1 Then ; Circle if mouse start = mouse end $g_oCtx.beginPath() $g_oCtx.arc($iX, $iY, 8, 0, ACos(-1) * 2) $g_oCtx.fillStyle = $sColor $g_oCtx.fill() Else ; Line if mouse start <> mouse end $g_oCtx.beginPath() $g_oCtx.lineWidth = "3" $g_oCtx.strokeStyle = $sColor $g_oCtx.moveTo($iLastX1, $iLastY1) $g_oCtx.lineTo($iX, $iY) $g_oCtx.stroke() EndIf $bMouseDown = 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc Volatile Func Event_onkeydown($oEvtObj) If IsObj($oEvtObj) Then ConsoleWrite("Event type: " & $oEvtObj.type & "id (0 is document) = " & $oEvtObj.srcElement.id) ConsoleWrite(", keycode = " & $oEvtObj.keyCode & ", shiftkey = " & $oEvtObj.shiftKey & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc ; ====================================================================================================== #EndRegion IE_EVENT_FUNCS #EndRegion IE_CANVAS_EXAMPLE #Region UTIL_FUNCS ; ====================================================================================================== ; Func _ReRunIfNotElevated() ; ; Does what it says. (rumored to occasionally say what it does) ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ====================================================================================================== Func _ReRunIfNotElevated() If IsAdmin() Then Return 0 Else If @Compiled Then ; If compiled to A3X, we need to execute it as if not compiled. Local $sCmd = (@AutoItExe = @ScriptFullPath) ? "" : ("/AutoIt3ExecuteScript " & @ScriptFullPath) Return ShellExecute(@AutoItExe, $sCmd, @ScriptDir, "runas") Else Return ShellExecute(@AutoItExe,@ScriptFullPath,@ScriptDir,"runas") EndIf EndIf EndFunc #EndRegion UTIL_FUNCS IEEmbeddedVersioning.zip ~prev Downloads: 61 Also, HTML5+Javascript standalone Canvas demo (should run in any browser): HTML5StandaloneCanvasDemo.zip
  2. As the title says. I open IE11 and navigate to a page with the following HTML5 file upload container in Capture0.JPG I want to click Add Files but I haven't been able to. Here's the code that handles the Add Files button in Capture.JPG _IEGetObjectById and then using _IEAction to click it doesn't work. I can't give access to the actual page unfortunately because it's password protected. All suggestions welcome.
  3. Just trying to display this news site into a GUI with an embedded IE instance: https://news.sky.com/ It looks terrible. Videos won't play. Is there a current way around this? Thank you in advance.
  4. Greetings! I am having an issue that I can't seem to be able to figure out. I would really appreciate an extra pair of eyes to validate my work so far. All this is, so far, is just a bunch of shapes on an HTML page. It is to be a very simple game ( just exploring Javascript through making this ) but right now I am just building the framework/elements. The script is this <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #canvas-container { width: 100%; text-align:center; } canvas { display: inline; } </style> </head> <body onload="startUp()"> <div id="canvas-container"> <canvas id="game" width="300" height="500"></canvas> </div> <script> var canvas = document.getElementById('game'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var x = canvas.width; var y = canvas.height; var scoreVal = 0; var itemXRand = Math.floor(Math.random() * x) + 1 ctx.stroke(); function cloud(){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(170, 30); ctx.bezierCurveTo(130, 100, 130, 150, 230, 150); ctx.bezierCurveTo(250, 180, 320, 180, 340, 150); ctx.bezierCurveTo(420, 150, 420, 120, 390, 100); ctx.bezierCurveTo(430, 40, 370, 30, 340, 50); ctx.bezierCurveTo(320, 5, 250, 20, 250, 50); ctx.bezierCurveTo(200, 5, 150, 20, 170, 80); ctx.closePath(); ctx.lineWidth = 5; ctx.fillStyle = '#8ED6FF'; ctx.fill(); ctx.strokeStyle = '#0000ff'; ctx.stroke(); } function workArea(){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(0, 0, x, y); ctx.fillStyle = "#2ab9ff"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke = 1; } function topRect(){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(0, 0, x, 30); ctx.fillStyle = "#D3D3D3"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke = 1; } function scoreKeep(){ ctx.font = "15px Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fillText("Score "+scoreVal,5, 25); } function bttmRect(){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(0, y-30, x, 30); ctx.fillStyle = '#5bc928'; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke = 1; } function monstRect(){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(0, y-80, x, 30); ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke = 1; } function itemCirc(){ var centerX = itemXRand var radius = 15; var positionY = 45; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX, positionY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fillStyle = randomColor(); ctx.fill(); ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = '#003300'; ctx.stroke(); } function startUp(){ workArea(); topRect(); bttmRect(); scoreKeep(); itemCirc(); monstRect(); cloud(); } function randomColor(){ return('#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16)); } </script> </body> </html> The issue is that cloud() and monstRect() will not show up when the page loads. If I comment out workArea(), topRect(), and bttmRect() in the function "startUp()" then monstRect() and cloud() show up. I've re-read those little snippets of code for those three areas that I comment out and I can't see where I have gone wrong. Any advice or if you can spot my mistake I would really appreciate it. Thank you! -Reiz
  5. Never say I don't give this community some little gems once in a while. I came up with the concept of creating a directory structure using nothing but valid HTML5 and CSS3. It uses an unknown "checkbox hack" concept which some HTML5/CSS3 purists consider to be beyond the semantics of the language. But I say if it's supported by all major browsers and it works, then why not! Note: I used >KaFu's idea for the current level and next level, but the rest I came up with myself, albeit I have used this "checkbox hack" before in other projects I have created. #include <File.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '', 'This example only uses HTML5 and CSS3, I know, no JavaScript!') ; Thanks to KaFu for the idea: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/156913-dir2html-create-html-site-with-links-from-a-dir-structure/?p=1136522 Example() Func Example() Local Const $sSaveFilePath = @ScriptDir Local $sHTML = '', $sTab = @TAB _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<!DOCTYPE html>') _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<html lang="en">') _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<head>') _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<meta charset="utf-8">', $sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<title>Directory To HTML5 Concept</title>', $sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<style type="text/css">', $sTab) _Tab_Add($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '@import url(http://weloveiconfonts.com/api/?family=fontawesome);.dirtohtml a{background:transparent;color:#08c;position:relative;text-decoration:none;-webkit-transition:all .3s ease-out;transition:all .3s ease-out}.dirtohtml a:hover{color:#0af}.dirtohtml input[type=checkbox],.dirtohtml input[type=checkbox]+ul{display:none}.dirtohtml input[type=checkbox]:checked+ul{display:block}.dirtohtml label{cursor:pointer}.dirtohtml ul li{list-style:none}[class*="fontawesome-"]:before{font-family:"FontAwesome",sans-serif;margin-right:5px}', $sTab) _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</style>', $sTab) _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</head>') _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<body>') _Tab_Add($sTab) Local Const $sDirectorySelection = FileSelectFolder('Select a folder to map to HTML', '') Local $aFileList = _FileListToArrayRec($sDirectorySelection, '*', 0, 1, 2, 2) If @error Then _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<p>No files were present in the selected directory.</p>', $sTab) Else _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<div class="dirtohtml">', $sTab) _Tab_Add($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<ul>', $sTab) _Tab_Add($sTab) Local $bIsRelative = False, _ $iCheckboxCount = 1, $iCurrentLevel = 0, $iNestedDepth = 0, $iNextIndex = 0, $iNextLevel = 0, _ $sFileName = '', $sRelativeFilePath = '' For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0] $aFileList[$i] = StringRegExpReplace($aFileList[$i], '(?:\\|/)', '\\') $iCurrentLevel = @extended If $i < $aFileList[0] Then $iNextIndex = $i + 1 $aFileList[$iNextIndex] = StringRegExpReplace($aFileList[$iNextIndex], '(?:\\|/)', '\\') $iNextLevel = @extended EndIf $sFileName = StringRegExpReplace($aFileList[$i], '^.+\\', '') If _WinAPI_PathIsDirectory($aFileList[$i]) = $FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then If $iNextLevel > $iCurrentLevel Or $iNextLevel = $iCurrentLevel Then _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<li>', $sTab) _Tab_Add($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<label for="dirtohtml_' & $iCheckboxCount & '"><i class="fontawesome-folder-close-alt"></i>' & $sFileName & '</label>', $sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<input id="dirtohtml_' & $iCheckboxCount & '" type="checkbox">', $sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<ul>', $sTab) $iCheckboxCount += 1 $iNestedDepth += 1 ElseIf $iNextLevel < $iCurrentLevel Then _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<li>' & $sFileName, $sTab) EndIf _Tab_Add($sTab) Else $sRelativeFilePath = _PathGetRelative($sSaveFilePath, $aFileList[$i]) $bIsRelative = Not @error _HTML_Add($sHTML, '<li><i class="fontawesome-file"></i><a href="' & ($bIsRelative ? '' : 'file://') & StringReplace($sRelativeFilePath, '\', '/') & '">' & $sFileName & '</a></li>', $sTab) If $iNextLevel < $iCurrentLevel Then For $j = 1 To ($iCurrentLevel - $iNextLevel) _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</ul>', $sTab) _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</li>', $sTab) $iNestedDepth -= 1 Next EndIf EndIf Next If $iNestedDepth Then For $j = 1 To $iNestedDepth _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</ul>', $sTab) _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</li>', $sTab) Next EndIf _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</ul>', $sTab) _Tab_Remove($sTab) _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</div>', $sTab) EndIf _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</body>') _HTML_Add($sHTML, '</html>') Local Const $sHTMLFilePath = _WinAPI_PathRemoveBackslash($sSaveFilePath) & '\index.html' Local Const $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sHTMLFilePath, BitOR($FO_OVERWRITE, $FO_UTF8)) If $hFileOpen > -1 Then FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sHTML) FileClose($hFileOpen) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '', 'HTML file created successfully.' & @CRLF & $sHTMLFilePath) Else MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '', 'An error occurred writing to the HTML file.') EndIf ConsoleWrite($sHTML & @CRLF) ; ShellExecute($sHTMLFilePath) Return True EndFunc ;==>Example Func _HTML_Add(ByRef $sHTML, $sData, $sTab = Default) $sHTML &= (($sTab = Default) ? '' : $sTab) & $sData & @CRLF EndFunc ;==>_HTML_Add Func _Tab_Add(ByRef $sTab) $sTab &= @TAB EndFunc ;==>_Tab_Add Func _Tab_Remove(ByRef $sTab) Local Static $TAB_LENGTH = StringLen(@TAB) $sTab = StringTrimRight($sTab, $TAB_LENGTH) EndFunc ;==>_Tab_Remove
  6. Below you will find both a new Marquee UDF (many W3C/HTML5 features and more) as well as a user-friendly program that both serves as an example script, as well as it will create the code for any particular marquee for you! Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BACKGROUND on <marquee> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <marquee> has been classed as "non-standard" and "non-conforming" as an HTML element (http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/marquee) There is no promise that it will continue to be supported in the future, though it is obvious that many people have a need for this feature and it has remained in the major browsers for years..... <marquee> was originally built into Internet Explorer only, now supported in other browsers, though some original features do not work in IE either - it is clearly trying to be phased out, though a 'replacement' of sorts is coming around, using HTML5 components, so I think it will never totally go away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a project I'm working on, I need a way to create a LOT of different marquees. I thought it simpler to have a program create the code needed, and built the attached 'user interface' program using various references to the feature. THE USER PROGRAM IS BACKWARD COMPATIBLE WITH THE EXISTING UDF FROM Melba23 I also needed some features that are not part of the UDF from Melba23 that are direct references to current (HTML5) recommendations from http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/, so I modified the current UDF to create the additional functions, which make the UDF more HTML5 compliant (some of the features I built in have no HTML5 component, existing functions were updated only where needed for the first release - perhaps someday the rest can be done, though no immediate plans) ******************************************************************************************************************************* KNOWN ISSUES and/or LIMITATIONS within the user program - Tip text NOT IMPLEMENTED (from _GUICtrlMarquee_SetDisplay $sTipTxt) - I had no use for it in my project, though it is not difficult to add if you need to - border styles do not correspond to w3.org settings (not the program's fault...) This article (http://webdesign.about.com/od/beginningcss/a/aa091207.htm) states that IE does not support 'groove', 'ridge', 'inset' or 'outset' styles, yet does support 'dotted', 'dashed' and 'double'. Testing has proven this is true for IE (11), however, in testing AutoIt (with the Marquee UDF), which I thought uses IE (?), it appears that just the OPPOSITE of this is true. Another item for further testing/study......... - 'Align' feature not working 100% on all fonts (not the program's fault! the initial version of <marquee> (designed for IE and copied to other browsers later) contained an element called 'align', which has long been obsolete in favor of css 'vertical-align', however, it is not a direct replacement and does not work inside <marquee>. Several alternatives were tried (including 'line-height' and even 'vspace', which may also soon be phased out) and nothing works 'perfectly' (search the web on font sizing and spacing - you will see this is extremely difficult). This program works around these challenges in a 'best effort' way, using calculations and 'top-margin' (or vspace) spacing. 'Recommended' fonts (http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/appendix/fonts.htm) will be set to 'center' or 'bottom' (within a pixel or 2), while other fonts may be off by several pixels (something in the font is different..). If you need the other fonts, a bit of testing would give some offset numbers that could result in better display. (this is NOT on my list to do, though maybe someone would want to take that on???) - You can create 'unreadable', 'unusable' and even 'UGLY' marquees (not the program's fault, either!) While a bit of effort was put into limiting things, there is no cross-checking to make sure your marquee will look 'nice'. All parameters within the marquee feature have been tested to their max/min limits (and pushed well past the documented limits for speed and delay - you can make a F A S T or S L O W marquee well outside the published specs!) and set accordingly. Any/all color scheme, font size, etc. can be used (no matter how horrible the outcome...) so have fun and create what you like! ******************************************************************************************************************************* Additional recommendations from w3.org built into Marquee_W3C.au3 UDF 1. Border thickness (width) refered as "thin", "medium" and "thick" or <length> (any number - to infinity) (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/box.html#border-properties) (http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_style_borderwidth.asp) Marquee_W3C UDF allows any number as an entry, as well as the more 'friendly' named terms 2. Border Style is included in Marquee_W3C UDF (not in the current UDF, therefore, none of the settings in the user program do anything if you use the old UDF, so it is set to $GUI_DISABLE.) 3. use of PIXELS and EM for formatting text instead of POINTS http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#font-size-props use <length> paramaters http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#value-def-length with named length units (em, ex, cm, in, px, etc.) POINTS are used in typsetting, while PIXELS, and EM are more correct methods of sizing fonts on modern monitors (one good article on this topic can be found at http://webdesign.about.com/cs/typemeasurements/a/aa042803a.htm ) NOTE: The user program is backward compatible with the UDF from Melba23 that uses POINTS and auto-sets the parameter with the chosen UDF. Marquee_W3C.au3 MarqueeMaker.au3
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