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  1. 20 days ago I had the problem '1 file would exceed the total allowed size' and I entered the process some images to throw away and some to change with a lighter one in the link below https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/209668-regexpquicktester-25p/#comment-1513442 I changed the image with a lighter image, and all is well. Today, however, when I entered the link, it was somehow messy, and I entered the process of putting them in a row. Here is a dead link, an image with messy name 230215-044227-602_AutoIt3_fWkeI.png.e5a178c50d9d2684020f07666f205705.png that I cannot throw away, and it gives me the following message [[Template core/global/editor/image is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  2. How do we put a member's name in the post like here
  3. Hello guys I think Stackoverflow Documentation is a really good idea and i want to contribute to my favourite language. We need 4 more contributors to get it accepted in the documentations forum. You need a Stack Overflow account and at least gained 1 positive awnser in the topic AutoIt. If thats the case, you can read more about stackoverflow documentation here: http://stackoverflow.com/tour/documentation And contribute here: http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/autoit
  4. There are three ways you can posts scripts, these are: Inline code Attachments Download system Each has different advantages and disadvantages. In general you should use: Inline code - for short code snippets Attachments - for more complicated code larger than a page. Downloads system - for projects or complex libraries Inline Code Best for entering short snippets of code Easiest for other users to see May be accidentally modified by forum upgrades or when re-editing your post - it's happened before... Inline code is entered using the "Add Code" button in the toolbar and after posting appears with syntax highlighting like this: ; This is some AutoIt code MsgBox(4096, "Message", "Hello there!") Code over around 50 lines will appear in a scrollable box. At this point it becomes more difficult for other users to work with and you should consider an attachment instead. Attachments Best for long pieces of code, entire programs, or multiple files Unlikely to be accidentally lost or modified by forum upgrades or when re-editing your post Counts against your global attachment allocation Can be seen in the "username / My Attachments" part of your profile, along with the number of downloads Multiple attachments can be added to a post. As attachments are stored as complete files in the filesystem, they are more robust than inline code snippets. Downloads System Best for very long and complicated projects or libraries that are of significant use to the community Uses a different part of the forum that is optimised for file downloads and features screenshots, change logs, download counts, etc. Does not count against your global attachment allocation This can be accessed here: Downloads System.
  5. Forum Rules You can read about forum rules here. Announcements and site news Additional information about forum you can read here. Forum etiquette Here you can read about a proper forum etiquette.
  6. The rule against game automation is misguided and unhelpful for the following reasons. I am a developer, using AutoIt to automate testing for a game that I am developing. Singleplayer games can be mundane and sometimes cheating can be overlooked. Multiplayer games usually have anticheat against repetitive robotic actions anyways. People want to override the control schemes of games with bad customization. Eg. Axiom Verge, Fortnite (Crouching). Game automation is not always bad. If the user feels the need to automate a singleplayer game for boring or mundane tasks, that is their choice. Similarly, if I wish to use scripts to automate testing, that is my choice. Game automation can be a problem for online multiplayer games, giving players a competitive advantage. This could be countered by common sense; ask OP what game they are automating, and is it an online game? What is this script for, and what does it seem to do? Please revise the rule as it seems very unnecessary and harmful to people seeking help with innocent attempts at game automation.
  7. Hi everyone, I was previously a member of this forum under the username Wombat. It's been years and multiple email accounts closed since then so I decided to start fresh and take a moment to thank you all... (Admins/Mods let me know if we need to discuss this...) I started programming with AutoIT while working as a scrap catcher for a machine that chopped scrap into pieces for easier moving, I learned styles and gained strengths from some of the best members on this forum by reverse engineering their code. I gained the confidence of our IT manager by making a boast that I could write an application to replace a p.o.s. cobalt based app we were using on the floor at that time, needless to say I was way in over my head but he saw that I had potential and I luckily had built several other apps on the side that were of equal or greater value to the company. I've been working as help-desk for the past 3 years and writing software as well to facilitate the help desk and solve recurring issues with our users. I was given an office and moved out of help-desk about a year ago, after 5 years of hard work I've actually landed the title of Jr. Developer moving into mid level title/pay this year! The company has already set out an improvement path that sees me with 4 certs and a bachelors in 4 more years making great money. Before this I had only ever worked at gas stations, fast food and manual labor jobs. If you're ever worried about your life, want something more, or just want a change you can do it. It's not easy, not at all, but it's possible and software programming is a very rewarding field if you like to make things and see how others interact with them. I utilized AutoIT to bring a company into the twenty-first century, away from paper trails and sticky notes improving the quality of life for the employees on the floor (where I started before learning AutoIT). I was given the go ahead to purchase visual studio and I learned VB.Net and built an awesome piece of Zebra labeling software (Utilizing ZPL code translated froma graphical editor) for our shipping department. Now I'm diving head first into C# and we have another programmer on board as we move on to MS Team Services and begin to tackle a sweet new project involving real time awareness of our product on the factory floor utilizing RFID and windows 10 tablets. That's a long way to come in just 4 years, and I couldn't have done it without the gigantic heart this community has and the mentorship provided for people looking to get into programming. So from the bottom of my heart, with immense respect.... Thank you so much AutoIT community
  8. The forum is currently being upgraded - this post details the status. Content may look badly formatted at the moment. This is normal until the background rebuild tasks have finished. There is no need to re-edit your old posts or signatures to fix them, this should happen automatically. Please resist the urge to do so The post rebuild is estimated at 9 hours - it's not a quick task. Current Status: Forum upgraded - 100%AutoIt code boxes rebuilt - 100%Double-spaced paragraphs fixed up (as best I can) - 100%Forum to Wiki Access - 100%Signatures rebuilt - 100%Posts rebuilt (emoticons, bbcode, attachments, images, quotes) - 100%Legacy BBCode fixed in signatures​color - 100%color=rgb() - 100%url - 100%img - 100%size - 100%Search engine online - 100%
  9. Hi people, Sorry to post this Topic in this section, but I don't find any Section about the Autoit forum/website. (Moderator fell free to moved it to the right place) I have notice that under Opera 12.17 the Richtext(html) toolbar of the forum do not appear. Cheers, (btw: I still use Opera 12.17 Because I don't find other Browser with is all features !)
  10. When I search something then the results are not up-to-date. E.g. if you search for "UEZ", sorted by Last Update Time, then the first result is from 23. Feb. 2015. Seems that the indexing or something else not working properly.
  11. Hi folks, this is a simple little program I whipped up, due to losing two postings in 24 hours some days ago. Normally, like many of you, when I know I'm gonna write more than a few lines, for safety, I do my writing in Notepad, and then paste into a post. Same scenario for Facebook, etc. Sometimes, I forget or I end up writing far more than I initially foresaw ... or like those two incidents, I was pretty tired as well. I also had an issue where my Netbook was giving my Mouse lag from time to time, so that when I thought I was only clicking on a Firefox tab, it moved at the last millisecond and I clicked on a button, that took me to another site. Once upon a time, when not tired, and with a big red STOP button in the browser, I could react quick enough not to lose everything ... unfortunately that is no longer the case. Anyway, enough dribble. Here is a little simple basic Text Editor program/window, that has several advantages over Notepad for Forum posting, etc. No doubt it could be improved by clever enterprising minds, but it has enough nifty features to suit me, and possibly be useful to others. Source is included in zip, but be aware, it was crafted with AutoIt v3.3.0.0 so will need updating if you want to modify and not use my exe. Also be aware, that UPX was used to reduce the size of the EXE for here. The program has Autosave and remembers it's size and position, plus a floating button for quick access. Text is exported to clipboard or an active field with a few clicks. See Info menu. WARNING! WebPad uses the clipboard, to achieve elements like Case Change, Quotes, Code, Link & Tab insertion or surround. This is to speed up the process and look less clunky than using SEND. This could potentially interfere with any fancy multi-entry Clipboard program you may actively use. This issue could be coded around. NOTE - v1.3 has two more buttons (TAB and COPY), one each side of the ON TOP one. Floating restore button. Web Pad v1.3.zip 318.98 kB (76 + 422 downloads previously) NEWER VERSION (v2.5) also available - See below. See Post #14 for update detail. NOTE - If you want to keep things simple, then probably stick to the version of the program above, though there are some important bugfixes. Later versions increase in complexity, and are more targeted to my requirements. WARNING - Created and updated with AutoIt v3.3.0.0, so the script may have issues running or compiling with later versions of AutoIt. Web Pad v2.5 downloads (open the re-direction html page with your browser, don't save) Web Pad v2.5.zip Web Pad.au3 Details here. Later Screenshots (v2.0) (v2.5) Latest
  12. I'm having a hard time trying to set a value in a specific JavaScript textarea... And I think, this is the right time.. Is it possible to set a value in the "Join the discussion…" textarea and simulate the mouse click of the "Post as {USERNAME}" button of the web page that have added a Disqus forum? If they are possible then: How can I set a value in the "Join the discussion…" textarea? And how to simulate the mouse click of the "Post as {USERNAME}" button? Note: Before you can see the "Post as {USERNAME}" button, you must be sign in with Disqus first! This is the (NULL) previous test work that I've done: #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IECreate("http://professionalserver.tk/php/wp/hello-world/", 0, 1, 1, 0) Sleep(10000) $disqus_thread = $oIE.document.getElementById("disqus_thread") $textarea = $disqus_thread.getElementsByClassName("textarea").innerHTML = "Example Message" _IELinkClickByText($oIE, "Post as") Here is my test blog that have a Disqus thread: http://professionalserver.tk/php/wp/hello-world/ Here is the other web page that have it: http://www.voicesofyouth.org/es/posts/oneminutesjr---syria-my-love- Here is the other one: http://comercioexterior.gob.ec/min-rivadeneira-participo-en-evento-experience-ecuador-love-life-en-dubai/ And also make sure that the script will also work in any page that have a Disqus thread..
  13. Is there any possibility how to make the notification features such as: sorting, grouping, filtering e.g. sort by date, name, thread, a notification type grouping by date, name, thread, a notification type filtering, only one date, a name, a thread, a notification type I think it would help many members manage the information coming every day.
  14. Does anyone know what exactly this (see attached file) is?
  15. I read many threads. I follow to many of them. Very often I have that problem. I open Notification / VIew All Notifications Browser open in new tab - Saved Notifications - a list. So I click right mouse button and selecting "Open in new tab" And here I expect it will get a specific page that is relevant topic. Well, it happens. But why did not always open the page is not open to the right post? For example, if I have 10 responses to a post I want to open the first answer. So I click on the first visit, and in the meantime opened last.
  16. Today I want to check script from this post '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> pointed out a script copied to clipboard and I try to paste into SciTE Here's what I have seen in SciTE Func _GetAVInfo() Dim $lArray[4] $oWMI = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\localhost\root\SecurityCenter2") $colItems = $oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from AntiVirusProduct") For $objAntiVirusProduct In $colItems $lArray[0] = $objAntiVirusProduct.displayName $lArray[1] = $objAntiVirusProduct.productstate $lArray[2] = $objAntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedProductExe $lArray[3] = $objAntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedReportingExe Next Dim $AvStatus = Hex($lArray[1]) If StringMid($AvStatus, 5, 2) = "10" Or StringMid($AvStatus, 5, 2) = "11" Then $lArray[1] = "Enabled" ElseIf StringMid($AvStatus, 5, 2) = "00" Or StringMid($AvStatus, 5, 2) = "01" Then $lArray[1] = "Disabled" EndIf Return $lArray EndFunc ;==>_GetAVInfo The strange thing is that while copying is not transferred correctly marks the end of the line. Even stranger is that the problem I noticed for the first time, and has repeatedly acted in this way. It may issue computer (Win7Pro64Bit) can browser (FireFox 22.0). Does anyone have any suggestions how to solve this problem? EDIT: Copy the contents of the IE is correct
  17. Wondering about the possible ways to find a particular forum topic solely base on a given topic-number. Not working for example: (Space in '/ /' is intentional.) - http:/ /www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/<number> - http:/ /www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic?<number> - 1) Using the BBC ... tag in forum editor and previewing the message. -- Pro: works. -- Con: only available to registered forum users. (major con in my view.) - 2) ? --- Note: remove the space in 'http:/ /www...' part. --- Topic Solved, and considered closed.
  18. This is a Torrent Browser that should only be used to download legal torrents. It helps you to look up and download movie trailers. It should never be used to download copyrighted material. It is an awesome program that any torrent downloader will absolutely love. Neither the AutoIt community nor anyone associated with AutoIt condones to the misuse of this program. Don't do it! That being said download your copy while you can! Before you download this program you must read this first: U.S. Copyright Infringement and Remedies or Understandable Version I suggest everyone read this just for informational purposes: RIAA, MPAA Copyright Warnings: Facts and Fiction There are plenty of legal torrent and therfore justification for this program. Legal Torrents: *Games, Music and Software * Movies and Videos Features: Search 30 different torrent websites including The Pirate Bay simultaneously! Easy to use movie trailer lookup tool! Download torrents with your own set of trackers. All your torrent downloading needs in one place there is no need to open your internet browser! If you happen to come across what you may think is copyrighted material you should immediately report it! Stopping Copyright Infringement The reason I posted this here is of course because I have a question. Will you please allow this autoit created program to be posted on the forums? I and many others realize that there is nothing wrong with this. Pheraps the reasonable authority here would consider allowing the Autoit community decide by vote? The attached is a self extracting archive. The password is "anonymous". To obtain the source run the program from the command line with "extract" as a parameter. example: TorrentBrowser.exe -extract or /extract If you don't want this post to be censored then post your thoughts on the matter. Download Torrent Browser Now! Please do not just delete this post without letting us all know why like it was done before with a similiar topic. I would suggest removing the link instead if whoever needs time to make a decision. Thanks.
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