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Hello, I desparetly need to fill a form (field) with a jquery button disabled(submit). The button get activated only if I fill it with my keyboard (real keypress). I tried many things to get it work but I am now desperate to know if a solution really exist. The field I am talking about is on my personal mail account but I found a really similar for testing purpose. #include <_FF.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> $url = "" RunWait("C:\Program Files\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe") Sleep(1000) _FFConnect("", 4242) Sleep(2000) ;_FFOpenURL($url) _FFLoadWait() Sleep(1000) ;Fill the field but does not activate the button near $input = _FFXPath('//*[@id="searchInput"]') _FFSetValue('test', $input, 'elements') $pos = _FFGetPosition($input) ;None of them work ;~ _FFDispatchEvent($input, 'blur') ;~ _FFDispatchEvent($input, 'select') ;~ _FFDispatchEvent($input, 'focus') ;~ _FFDispatchEvent($input, 'click') ;~ _FFDispatchEvent($input, 'mousedown') ;~ _FFDispatchEvent($input, 'keydown', 13) ;~ _FFFormSubmit('submit', 'name') ;~ _FFCmd($input & ".selected") ;~ _FFSetValue('123', $input, 'elements') ;~ _FFDispatchKeyEvent($input, 13, 'keypress') ; pressing "enter" on the input-field ;I could do something crappy like that but, thing is that I got weird control coordinates that needs to be reajusted.... Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) $win = "Mozilla Firefox" WinActivate($win, "") Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2) Mousemove($pos[0] + 5,$pos[1] + 100) MouseClick("left", $pos[0] + 5,$pos[1] + 100) ;Still disabled, I would need to send keystrokes. _FFSetValue('test', $input, 'elements') If somebody has an idea please ? Kind Regards.