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  1. Hi, from the DirMove page we have: I'm facing exactly the same issue and I need a simplest way to fix it. Could somebody take look at this code: Func _Extract_MoveMod($p_Dir) Local $Success=0 $Files=_FileSearch($g_GameDir & '\' & $p_Dir, '*') For $f=1 to $Files[0] If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($g_GameDir & '\' & $p_Dir & '\' & $Files[$f]), "D") Then $Success = DirMove($g_GameDir & '\' & $p_Dir & '\' & $Files[$f], $g_GameDir, 1) Else $Success = FileMove($g_GameDir & '\' & $p_Dir & '\' & $Files[$f], $g_GameDir & '\', 1) EndIf If $Success = 0 Then Return 0 Next $Success = DirRemove($g_GameDir & '\' & $p_Dir, 1) Return $Success EndFunc ;==>_Extract_MoveMod and tell me how I can fix this inside that function? P.S. Why DirMove act such way is beyond my reason, especially as default and there is no flag to change it.
  2. I want to move the content of D:\downloads to D:\pictures in my program. I found DirMove, but that causes problems... Func Move($dest) DirMove("D:\downloads\", "D:\pictures\ABC\" & $dest) DirCreate("D:\downloads") EndFunc In a prior program exactly this piece of code did the job always properly, but now not anymore. The source path stays untouched, and a destination folder is created but empty. I don't have a clue why it doesn't work anymore now. I've checked it dozens of times, read the article about DirMove, tried it with dozens of different combinations, but none lead to the result. I want the content of D:\downloads in D:\pictures\ABC without having another downloads folder within the destination folder or anything else... Thanks! D:\downloads\cute_kitten.jpg should be D:\pictures\ABC\cute_kitten.jpg afterwards.
  3. Hi All, I'm making a stage 1 preparation script to apply to target worksation Win 7 and Win 8.1 machines -in preparation to running a separate batch script later (stage 2) within our Windows Server with "netdom.exe move" xxxxxxxx Stage 1 Script Tasks: 1. delete some common shortcuts 2. Then move all files within common user profile backup locations - including any files in the sub-directories of the common backups locations within each users profile folder. Stage 1 Script Purpose: Make it easy for staff to grab files and folders from one C:\_Backup directory Stage 1 Script PROBLEM: The script successfully removes the desired shortcuts - that part works well. Problem is it only copies files in root directory of each users common folder (eg: Desktop) but doesn't move all the sub-directories and its files and move it to the corresponding backup directory. I've searched the whole AutoIT forum domain for ideas but I've hit a dead end. Here is the code: ;START TASKS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <FileConstants.au3> $ccsystem32 = @SystemDir ;define C:\Windows\System32 folder $ccdesktop = @DesktopCommonDir ;define all users desktop location ;rename CompanyName Remote Desktop shortcut FileCopy($ccdesktop&"\Remote Desktop.rdp", $ccdesktop&"\Company Remote Desktop.rdp", 0) ;delete copies of "SHIP", "eKeySilent", "eKey Manual Login", "eKey Admin" and "ConnX Login" from every profile, adds a copy ot each Desktop folder. $folder = StringLeft(@UserProfileDir,StringInStr(@UserProfileDir,"\",0,-1)) $search = FileFindFirstFile($folder&"*") While 1 $profile = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\desktop\SHIP.url") Then FileDelete($folder&$profile&"\desktop\SHIP.url") EndIf If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\desktop\ekeySilent.lnk") Then FileDelete($folder&$profile&"\desktop\ekeySilent.lnk") EndIf If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\desktop\eKey Manual Login.url") Then FileDelete($folder&$profile&"\desktop\eKey Manual Login.url") EndIf If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\desktop\ConnX Login.lnk") Then FileDelete($folder&$profile&"\desktop\ConnX Login.lnk") EndIf If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\desktop\eKey Admin.url") Then FileDelete($folder&$profile&"\desktop\eKey Admin.url") EndIf If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\desktop\Remote Desktop.rdp") Then FileDelete($folder&$profile&"\desktop\Remote Desktop.rdp") EndIf ;backup desktop folder of each user If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\desktop\"&"*.*") Then FileMove($folder&$profile&"\desktop\"&"*.*", "C:\_Backup\"&$profile&"\Desktop\", 9) ;flag combining overwrite existing files & create destination structure EndIf ;backup downloads folder of each user If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\downloads\"&"*.*") Then FileMove($folder&$profile&"\downloads\"&"*.*", "C:\_Backup\"&$profile&"\Downloads\", 9) ;flag combining overwrite existing files & create destination structure EndIf ;backup Documents folder of each user If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\documents\"&"*.*") Then FileMove($folder&$profile&"\documents\"&"*.*", "C:\_Backup\"&$profile&"\Documents\", 9) ;flag combining overwrite existing files & create destination structure EndIf ;backup pictures folder of each user If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\pictures\"&"*.*") Then FileMove($folder&$profile&"\pictures\"&"*.*", "C:\_Backup\"&$profile&"\Pictures\", 9) ;flag combining overwrite existing files & create destination structure EndIf ;backup music folder of each user If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\music\"&"*.*") Then FileMove($folder&$profile&"\music\"&"*.*", "C:\_Backup\"&$profile&"\Music\", 9) ;flag combining overwrite existing files & create destination structure EndIf ;backup videos folder of each user If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\videos\"&"*.*") Then FileMove($folder&$profile&"\videos\"&"*.*", "C:\_Backup\"&$profile&"\Videos\", 9) ;flag combining overwrite existing files & create destination structure EndIf ;backup IEfavorites folder of each user If FileExists($folder&$profile&"\favorites\"&"*.*") Then FileMove($folder&$profile&"\favorites\"&"*.*", "C:\_Backup\"&$profile&"\IEFavorites\", 9) ;flag combining overwrite existing files & create destination structure EndIf WEnd FileClose($search) ;end of deletion of old shortcuts and copying of user files in backup directories.I tried DirMove but I can confirm that windows wont let me move the whole eg: Desktop folder as its read only and I obviously dont want to screw up that account as well (in case we need to log into it) - so I don't want to for example delete the actual Desktop directory. Just move I dont know how to move only all the sub-directories of all the above folders eg: Desktop - and not move the directory eg: Desktop itself. is it 2 problems? sub-directories are read only?DirMove is not allowed to copy any sub-directories? Reason why I was asked to use FileMove and DirMove is that we are concerned of running out of C drive space if we use FileCopy and DirCopy (works on eg: Desktop dir) How file structure of C:\_Backup should look like on each target workstation system: but it should not move the for eg: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop but should move all of its files and folders. Why move not copy? C drive space is limited on each workstation, so I don't want to create double the files. Example of Desired File structure of backup directory: C:\_Backup\ C:\_Backup\Admin\ .\Desktop\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Documents\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Downloads\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\IEFavorites\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Music\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Pictures\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Vidoes\* (includes all files & subdirectories) C:\_Backup\Administrator\ .\Desktop\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Documents\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Downloads\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\IEFavorites\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Music\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Pictures\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Vidoes\* (includes all files & subdirectories) C:\_Backup\Administrator.DomainName\ .\Desktop\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Documents\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Downloads\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\IEFavorites\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Music\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Pictures\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Vidoes\* (includes all files & subdirectories) C:\_Backup\Default\ .\Desktop\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Documents\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Downloads\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\IEFavorites\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Music\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Pictures\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Vidoes\* (includes all files & subdirectories) C:\_Backup\Default User\ .\Desktop\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Documents\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Downloads\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\IEFavorites\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Music\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Pictures\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Vidoes\* (includes all files & subdirectories) C:\_Backup\User1 .\Desktop\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Documents\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Downloads\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\IEFavorites\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Music\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Pictures\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Vidoes\* (includes all files & subdirectories) C:\_Backup\Public\ .\Desktop\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Documents\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Downloads\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\IEFavorites\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Music\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Pictures\* (includes all files & subdirectories) .\Vidoes\* (includes all files & subdirectories) Anybody has any ideas or assistance? Might be a really simple thing that I missed. Something missing to the while loop? Maybe the whole while loop needs to be redesigned? ???
  4. Where is the error? ; DIRMOVE? $sDestination = "C:\Destination" $sName = "Folder" $sSource = @DesktopDir & "\" & $sName DirCreate($sDestination) DirCreate($sSource) Sleep(2000) ; Just for test DirMove($sSource, $sDestination) If @error = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("ERROR") I see both folder, but $sSource don't move to $sDestination... DirMove return 0
  5. hi, i don't understand DirMove function, what is problem? example: scriptDir\dictionaries scriptDir\Sound |- dictionaries code: DirMove(@ScriptDir & '\sound\dictionaries',@ScriptDir & "\dictionaries" ,1) result: scriptDir\dictionaries |- dictionaries scriptDir\Sound i want to sound\dictionaries folder move to dictionaries but it is moving under (dictionaries\dictionaries) thanks
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