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In the display settings, in the advanced settings on the General tab is more or less the setting: The translation from GOOGLE: "If the resolution makes items are too small to achieve visual comfort, you can to offset this effect increase the resolution dpi. To change only the font size, click Cancel and go to the Appearance tab." EDIT: Here there is a possibility to choose: Default size 96 dpi Big size 120 dpi When I Change this option to 120 dpi, this causes display problems with elements such as Button. The problem is manifested by the fact that the text does not fit within the limits set by the size of the button. Of course, if you set 96 dpi, the text looks normal. Does anyone know a solution to this problem. I note that the solution like this: GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) unfortunately does not help. mLipok
I use SetSoundDevice to control my audio devices but the UI was either blurry like this: or unusable like this: so I made this horrible thing to add scaling to the GUI: #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_HiDpi=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-w 3 -w 4 -w 5 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/sf /sv /rm #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <File.au3> ;~ _convertGUI("") If $CmdLine[0] <> 0 Then _convertGUI($CmdLine[1]) Func _convertGUI($sFilePath) If $sFilePath <> "" Then Local $aArray = FileReadToArray($sFilePath) Else ;TEST DATA Local $aArray[6] = ['$H_Res_Language = GUICtrlCreateProgress(5, 120, 210 + 25, 480, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_COMBO, $CBS_SIMPLE)) ; $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)', _ 'Local $h_Ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok", 72, 224, 81, 33, 0)', _ 'GUICreate($Warning_TiTle, 700, 310, -1, -1, $WS_SIZEBOX + $WS_SYSMENU + $WS_MINIMIZEBOX)', _ 'GUICtrlCreateLabel("Output type: ", 30, 130, 65, 20) ;, $SS_RIGHT)', _ '$H_FieldNameEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit($INP_FieldNameEdit, 100,260+25, 500, 150 - 25) ;comment', 'Local $H_CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateGraphic("Cancel", 224, 224, 97, 33, 0)'] EndIf Local $hTimer = TimerInit(), $iGUIElementCount = 0, $sResult = "", $sFileName = "", $sDrive = "", $sDir = "", $sExtension = "" If @Compiled Then _PathSplit($sFilePath, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension) $sFileName = StringRegExpReplace($sFilePath, "^.*\\", "") EndIf For $i = 0 To (UBound($aArray) - 1) If StringRegExp($aArray[$i], "GUICtrlCreate|GUICreate") Then $sResult = _splitComma($aArray[$i]) If Not @error Then $aArray[$i] = $sResult $iGUIElementCount += 1 EndIf Next ConsoleWrite("t = " & TimerDiff($hTimer) & " GUI elements = " & $iGUIElementCount & " lines = " & (UBound($aArray) - 1) & @CRLF) If $sFileName <> "" Then Local $hFile = FileOpen("edited." & $sFileName, 2) _FileWriteFromArray("edited." & $sFileName, $aArray) FileClose($hFile) EndIf Exit EndFunc ;==>_convertGUI Func _splitComma($sString) Local $sSplitResult = "", $sTrimmedR = "", $sTrimmedL = "" Local $aSplit = StringSplit($sString, ',') If Not @error Then $sTrimmedR = "" $sTrimmedL = "" For $j = 1 To $aSplit[0] If StringRegExp($aSplit[1], "(?:.GUICtrlCreateGraphic|GUICtrlCreateProgress|GUICtrlCreateSlider|GUICtrlCreateTab|GUICtrlCreateTreeView)") Then If $j = 1 Then While StringLeft($aSplit[$j], 1) <> '(' $sTrimmedL &= StringLeft($aSplit[$j], 1) $aSplit[$j] = StringTrimLeft($aSplit[$j], 1) WEnd $aSplit[$j] = StringTrimLeft($aSplit[$j], 1) EndIf EndIf If $j = $aSplit[0] Then While StringRight($aSplit[$j], 1) <> ')' $sTrimmedR &= StringRight($aSplit[$j], 1) $aSplit[$j] = StringTrimRight($aSplit[$j], 1) WEnd $aSplit[$j] = StringTrimRight($aSplit[$j], 1) EndIf If StringRegExp($aSplit[$j], "[0-9]") And $aSplit[$j] <> -1 And $aSplit[$j] <> 0 And $aSplit[$j] <> 1 And Not StringInStr($aSplit[$j], ')') Then If StringRegExp($aSplit[$j], "\-|\+") Then ;put parenthesis around + or - $aSplit[$j] = '(' & $aSplit[$j] & ")*$g_DPI" Else $aSplit[$j] = $aSplit[$j] & "*$g_DPI" EndIf EndIf If $j < $aSplit[0] Then $sSplitResult &= $aSplit[$j] & ',' ElseIf $j = $aSplit[0] Then $sSplitResult &= $aSplit[$j] & ')' Else $sSplitResult &= $aSplit[$j] EndIf Next If $sTrimmedR <> "" Then $sSplitResult &= StringReverse($sTrimmedR) If $sTrimmedL <> "" Then $sSplitResult = $sTrimmedL & '(' & $sSplitResult Else SetError(1) Return EndIf ConsoleWrite($sSplitResult & @CRLF) Return $sSplitResult EndFunc ;==>_splitComma And now it looks good: but it doesn't work on everything, for example the "GUICtrlCreateLabel("Output type: ", 30, 130, 65, 20) ;, $SS_RIGHT)" (from the autoit3wrapper gui) because the comment contains a parenthesis and it would break completely if there were variables as parameters.. Is there some kind of parser around that I could use instead or maybe someone who has already done something like this?
Hello Autoit! Today i discovered that pixelgetcolor doesn't adapt to the DPI of the system, and i want to fix this somehow as my laptop uses 120 DPI. This is what i have came up with so far: AutoItSetOption ( "CaretCoordMode" , 0) AutoItSetOption ( "MouseCoordMode" , 0) AutoItSetOption ( "PixelCoordMode" , 0) AutoItSetOption ( "GUICoordMode" , 0) #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <WinAPIGdi.au3> ; enum _PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS Global Const $PROCESS_DPI_UNAWARE = 0 Global Const $PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE = 1 Global Const $PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE = 2 ; enum _MONITOR_DPI_TYPE Global Const $MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI = 0 Global Const $MDT_ANGULAR_DPI = 1 Global Const $MDT_RAW_DPI = 2 Global Const $MDT_DEFAULT = $MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI HotKeySet('{ESC}','Terminate') Func Terminate() Exit EndFunc $iPD = 1 while 1 $aPos = WinGetPos("[ACTIVE]") ToolTip (PixelGetColor( MouseGetPos()[0]*(96/_DPI(0)), MouseGetPos()[1]*(96/_DPI(1))) & ', ' & MouseGetPos()[0] & ', ' & MouseGetPos()[1] ) if $iPD = 1 and Not _IsPressed(22) Then $iPD = 0 Sleep(100) EndIf if $iPD = 0 And _IsPressed(22) Then ;Page down is pressed ClipPut( 'PixelGetColor($aPos[2]' & '*' & MouseGetPos(0)/$aPos[2] & ',' & '$aPos[3]' & '*' & MouseGetPos(1)/$aPos[3] & ')' & '=' & PixelGetColor( MouseGetPos()[0], MouseGetPos()[1])) $iPD = 1 EndIf WEnd ;Functions Func _DPI($iCordinate) ;0 for x and 1 for y _WinAPI_SetProcessDpiAwareness($PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE) $aMonitors = _WinAPI_EnumDisplayMonitors() $aDPI = _WinAPI_GetDpiForMonitor($aMonitors[1][0], $MDT_DEFAULT) Return $aDPI[$iCordinate] EndFunc Func _WinAPI_SetProcessDpiAwareness($DPIAware) DllCall("Shcore.dll", "long", "SetProcessDpiAwareness", "int", $DPIAware) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc Func _WinAPI_GetDpiForMonitor($hMonitor, $dpiType) Local $X, $Y $aRet = DllCall("Shcore.dll", "long", "GetDpiForMonitor", "long", $hMonitor, "int", $dpiType, "uint*", $X, "uint*", $Y) If @error Or Not IsArray($aRet) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aDPI[2] = [$aRet[3],$aRet[4]] Return $aDPI EndFunc I'm pretty sure it has to do with me using the DPI in the wrong way as i dont really understand it (even after searching around on the internet for like an hour) It would really help if anyone could help me on the right track
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- dpi
- pixelgetcolor
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Hello dears, I'm trying to write a script in AutoIT but, I have issue in DPI. I'm basically a Lead Software Developer and I use AutoIT from time to time. I have an ERP Launcher that should work on all machines starting by Windows 7, Windows 8.x , Windows 10, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012. When I was searching in AutoIT forum, I could see previously this " Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround" in the signature of Mr. @mLipok,, but clicking on the link, => page not found. Do you have any new link or something that you can share with me ? I'm using macbook pro with retina display and VMware machines: Windows 10 and Server 2012 as development machines, but both of them they have 200% scaling and they have AutoIT installed. In this case, when I use Koda (blurry font for sure), I have the controls as I want, and application is working fine, but also blurry font, until it is used on 96 DPI machine. Now, in windows 10, with DPI System Enhanced feature in the compatibility tab, the application running on 200% scaling is excellent visual like it's running on 96 DPI without touching my code and without doing anything, but no all clients they have windows 10. It seems Microsoft worked a lot on the new feature. But for other machines like windows 7/8/2012, the font is blurry if the clients have scaling above 100% (more than 96 DPI). I know how to enable hidpi stuff in the wrapper and I know how to write the code to use a scaling factor that can be multiplied by every coordinate, but this way is cumbersome and I have to change all coordinates of all X, Y, Width, Height after getting the code from Koda. Is there a fast way ? So, what do you recommend me guys ? Thanks, Jowy
Been struggling with this one for a while. when I do a _screencapture_capture call on a high resolution monitor (like my surface book) it gives me an image that has 2 problems: 1. its in the wrong location on the screen and 2. it gives me a picture that is larger than the area of the screen I selected, though it only has the content of what I selected. --------------------------- I was able to easily fix problem #1 by manually adjusting the x y coordinates to compensate for the amount of DPI scale I have. for instance if I'm 200% zoomed in the code looks like this: Local $bmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("", $iX1*2, $iY1*2, $iX2*2, $iY2*2, false) it's problem #2 that is the big problem. I'd like to attach a screen shot of what I'm talking about (see capture.png) --------------------------- Now I basically understand why this is happening. ScreenCapture grabs each pixel of the screen. This screen, being a high resolution, when its zoomed in adds up several pixels to make one on the screen. This is a problem for me because I'm taking images of the screen and later looking for those exact images on the screen. if everything is blown up by an indeterminate amount (in my case 2x) then those images can't be found later on. Does anyone know what I can do? I tried resizing the images back down to no avail. _GDIPlus_ImageResize and _GDIPlus_ImageScale don't work because they don't compress the pixels correctly. quality is lost. and the exact image isn't preserved, so I can't search for it later. (see capture1.png) Anyway, I'm about to give up, been on this problem for too long! does anyone know what I can do? Seems to me that the ideal solution would be to eventually have autoit add an argument to _screencapture_capture that lets you specify a DPI scale amount or something. that can be pulled from the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\control panel\desktop\windowmetrics\appliedDPI. But in the meantime, does anyone have any suggestions for how I can make my program compatible with 4k resolution monitors? I either need to take the screen capture like normal, then scale it down appropriately without losing quality, or I need to capture the screen in the first place like the human sees it. But I don't know how to do that either. I'll post my relevant code here: (in my project I call ScreenCapture_DPI_Aware) #include <Security.au3> Func _GetAppliedDPI() Local $aArrayOfData = _Security__LookupAccountName(@UserName) If IsArray($aArrayOfData) Then ;msgbox(64, "SID String = ", $aArrayOfData[0] & @CRLF) ;msgbox(64, "Domain name = ", $aArrayOfData[1] & @CRLF) ;msgbox(64, "SID type = ", _Security__SidTypeStr($aArrayOfData[2]) & @CRLF) ;Local $AppliedDPI = RegRead("HKEY_USERS\" & $aArrayOfData[0] & "\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics", "AppliedDPI") Local $AppliedDPI = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics", "AppliedDPI") return $AppliedDPI EndIf EndFunc Func GetScale() $applied = _GetAppliedDPI() if $applied == "" then return 1 else return $applied / 96 EndIf EndFunc Func ScreenCapture_Capture_DPI_Aware($sBMP_Path, $iX1, $iY1, $iX2, $iY2, $bool) $R = GetScale() ;Raito Local $bmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture($sBMP_Path, $iX1*$R, $iY1*$R, $iX2*$R, $iY2*$R, $bool) ;Scaling didn't work: ;_ScaleImage($bmp, $sBMP_Path, abs($iX2 - $iX1), abs($iY2 - $iY1), $R) ;return _ScreenCapture_Capture($sBMP_Path, $iX1*$R, $iY1*$R, $iX2*$R, $iY2*$R, $bool) EndFunc ;Func _ScaleImage($bmp, $outimage, $w, $h, $scale) ; _GDIPlus_Startup() ;Get the encoder of to save the resized image in the format you want. ; Local $Ext = StringUpper(StringMid($outimage, StringInStr($outimage, ".", 0, -1) + 1)) ; $CLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID($Ext) ; code found here : ; Local $sImgCLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID("png") ;create CLSID for a JPG image file type ; Local $tGUID = _WinAPI_GUIDFromString($sImgCLSID) ;convert CLSID GUID to binary form and returns $tagGUID structure ; Local $tParams = _GDIPlus_ParamInit(1) ;initialize an encoder parameter list and return $tagGDIPENCODERPARAMS structure ; Local $tData = DllStructCreate("int Quality") ;create struct to set JPG quality setting ; DllStructSetData($tData, "Quality", 100) ;quality 0-100 (0: lowest, 100: highest) ; Local $pData = DllStructGetPtr($tData) ;get pointer from quality struct ; _GDIPlus_ParamAdd($tParams, $GDIP_EPGQUALITY, 1, $GDIP_EPTLONG, $pData) ;add a value to an encoder parameter list ; Local $gbmp = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($bmp) ; _WinAPI_DeleteObject($bmp) ; Local $gsbmp = _GDIPlus_ImageResize($gbmp, $w * $scale, $h * $scale) ;Local $ext = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID("PNG") ; _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($gsbmp, $outimage, $sImgCLSID) ; _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($gbmp) ; _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($gsbmp) ; _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ;EndFunc Thanks for any help you can give me!!!
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- autoit
- screencapture
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In my code, I'm using GUICtrlCreateLabel to create a label and GUICtrlSetFont to set the font. Example... $SELlbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hello World", 8, 8, 286, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif")This works in my GUI unless display settings are changed in Windows 7 from 100% to 125-150%. Then the text is blown up and is misaligned with my GUI. Is there a simple way to ignore the display setting and force the font size?