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Found 4 results

  1. I've just written a small script that compares two strings and returns the similarity of those two in %. I know of StringCompare, but I want to get a percentage and I also want to get in touch with Autoit. Compiling doesn't cause any problems, but actually running it does. In line 20 it has a problem with the index and says "Subscript used on non-accessible variable". What's causing that problem, and how can I solve it? Thanks! And sorry for my ugly style Similarity.au3
  2. Hi guys, how are you today ? sea sex sun and holidays ? I want to understand an obvious comparison fact: I use to have many httprequests, for wich result was 'OK' or 'KO' Now for some of these requests, the result send is 1 or 0 I got a function for doing my request, so to test the answer, instinctively i did something like ; $myvar = my_http_request() ; sometimes return 0/1 sometimes returns 'OK/KO' $myvar = 0 ; For test If $myvar = "OK"  Or $myvar = 1 Then     ConsoleWrite("It's equal" & @CRLF )  ; > This is equal. Else     ConsoleWrite("It's NOT equal" & @CRLF ) EndIf In this case, the comparison is always true. Ok i understand that it compare string to integer... but why is this always true ? .. i would have understood if it was always false but why always true ? that's all for me thanks guys, kids, ladies and gentlemen !
  3. Hello, I'm having list of words and put them into an array ($WordsList) and try to compare results with logical function if in such a condition that if letter extracted through _StringBetween doesn't exist in Array ($WordsList) then it'll show message box like "Pattern Not found" and if patter found in array then it'll skip if comparison and show last message "All Done". But in my condition, the if comparison is not able to process commands upto my expectations and just show last message only. Please help me and guide me further how can i make this possible. $file = fileopen(@ScriptDir & "\source.txt", 10) $IE = _IECreate( "http://example.com", 0, 0) $source = _IEDocReadHTML($IE) FileWrite($file, $source) Global $File = @scriptdir & "\source.txt" $sText = FileRead($File) $target_source = _StringBetween($sText, "Dateuploaded</strong><span>", "</span></li><li><strong>Seeders") _ArrayDisplay ($target_source) $WordsList = ("2daysago", "1dayago") If $target_source[0] <> $WordsList Then ; Here is the problem for logical comparison MsgBox ( '', '', 'Pattern Not found') EndIf MsgBox ('', '', 'All Done')
  4. I think there's only a little difference when you create a GUI program with AutoIt from developing a GUI program by writing it in C++, mostly, if you're including cURL in your project.. Because sometimes, I feel that I can write my AutoIt script in C++ programming language. But of course, using AutoIt language is much easier (artificially).. Any thoughts (in detail) about it? And about their differences?
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