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  1. If you need to generate text data, this tool is for you. If you are gathering data from multiple sources and filtering it, or sorting it, this tool is for you. Generating text data manually can be time-consuming and mind-numbing. To ease my pain in this endeavour, I created this tool. I allows you to: - Gather data from multiple sources without having to paste it again and again in some editor before anything can be done to it. A user-defined string separator is used to separate the appended clipboard entries into records. - Or take a single line of formatted data and multiplying it by hundreds, then incrementing its lead field. Typical use: copy a line such as 2015/03/23 data 1 This is a test And this is a value where tabs separate data fields, for example. Then after generating a clipboard buffer where the line is repeated 10 times, and then incrementing it, the date at the start is detected and the day/month/year date value is correctly incremented This value is the output, and it is then placed into the clipboard: 2015/03/23 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/24 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/25 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/26 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/27 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/28 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/29 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/30 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/03/31 data 1 This is a test And this is a value 2015/04/01 data 1 This is a test And this is a value - Or if you are tring to filter records, enter a list of strings to find in the clipboard buffer and only keep the records that contain one of the find strings, or only keep the records that don't have one of the find strings This tool runs in the background and allows copying information that is scattered in documents or web pages etc to the clipboard by appending to what is already in the clipboard. To make the updated clipboard buffer more usable and separate records, a separator is used. The default separator is CRLF, but it can be changed to any user text string including CR or LF. Using the clipboard separator, records can be sorted as text up and down before pasting them, or you can copy a list and sort it in the clipboard before pasting it back sorted. Use hotkeys ctrl-alt-c to copy-append, ctrl-alt-x to cut-append, ctrl-alt-f to parse the clipboard text contents, and only keep the records that contain a find string ctrl alt d, prompt for find string, then find records in clipboard that contain the string and remove them only keeping other records in clipboard ctrl alt h, prompt for a find and a replace string, replace and update the clipboard ctrl-alt-r to run the current text selection as a command, ctrl-alt-F1 to display the list of commands, ctrl-alt-arrow up or down to sort up or down the entries, ctrl-alt-s to bring up the setup dialog, to set the separator, and other values. ctrl-alt-q to quit. There are a few more commands that I use to easily generate large amounts of testing data. ctrl-alt-g copies what is selected and prompts the user for the number of times the selection should be repeated. Then if each record starts with a number, or a date with format yyyy/mm/dd, or time, ctrl-alt-i increments the numeric or date or time value for each record. If these ctrl-alt keys are not convenient, you can change them in the first 8 HotKeySet statements of the code to fit what you need. This works fine for me on my windows 7 64 bit machines. If you find that you have problems on a different platform, please share your fixes. Enjoy, and please share your improvements. #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Date.au3> Local $sClipSeparator = @CRLF ; some apps at times misbehave and hog the clipboard for a while, they are supposed to release it and may take their time before they release it, if ever... Local $dNumberOfRetries = 3 ; number of times to try again in case it's needed Local $dWaitTimeMilliSec = 200 ; how long to wait between tries, in milliseconds Local $IncrementValue = 1 Local $Version = "1.01" ; if you change the key assignments below, you may want to also modify the Help() function accordingly HotKeySet("^!c", "CopyAppend") ; ctrl alt c, copy append HotKeySet("^!f", "FilterInClpRecords") ; ctrl alt f, prompt for find string, then find records in clipboard that contain the string and remove other records from clipboard HotKeySet("^!d", "FilterOutClpRecords") ; ctrl alt d, prompt for find string, then find records in clipboard that contain the string and remove them only keeping other records in clipboard HotKeySet("^!h", "ReplaceInClpRecords") ; ctrl alt h, prompt for a find and a replace string, replace and update the clipboard HotKeySet("^!x", "CutAppend") ; ctrl alt x, cut append HotKeySet("^!r", "RunSelection") ; ctrl alt r, run selection as command line HotKeySet("^!s", "ClipAppendSetup") ; ctrl alt s HotKeySet("^!q", "QuitClipAppend") ; ctrl alt q HotKeySet("!^{UP}", "SortAscending") ; ctrl alt up HotKeySet("!^{DOWN}", "SortDescending") ; ctrl alt down HotKeySet("!^{F1}", "Help") ; ctrl alt F1 ; This reads the current text selection, then prompts for number of needed lines in output buffer. HotKeySet("^!g", "GenerateListFromSelection") ; If the ctrl alt g list is numeric or date time or starts with a number or date time, ctrl alt i uses the setup increment or decrement value to increment or decrement each buffer entry HotKeySet("^!i", "InOrDecrementSelection") ; ctrl alt i, looks at record starts, if it is date or numeric and of consistent length, updates that prefix to increase or decrease with each record ReadSettings() ; The loop that will go on and on while the app is running, between sleeps autoit checks to see if a hotkey from statements above was called from the keyboard while 1 Sleep(100) WEnd ;=========Functions called by hot keys=============== Func ClipAppendSetup() ; Run the clipAppend setup GUI Local $listValue Local $LocalSep Local $boolSepIsLitt = False Local $frmSetup = GUICreate("Append to Clipboard, setup", 530, 220, 50, 5) GUISetBkColor(0x005555, $frmSetup) WinSetTrans($frmSetup, "", 230) ;set transparency level to 200 (0=invisible, 255=opaque) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Clipboard Separator", 5, 5, 520, 110) Local $rbLiteral = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Enter a custom separator string:",20, 20) Local $rbNonLiteral = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Select a non-literal separator string:",20, 40) Local $lbSeps = GUICtrlCreateList("", 210, 50,300, 60) Local $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 210, 20, 300, 25, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL) Local $CurrentListSelection Local $bSelectionIsCustom = False Switch($sClipSeparator) case @CR $CurrentListSelection = "CR" GUICtrlSetState($rbNonLiteral, $GUI_CHECKED) case @LF $CurrentListSelection = "LF" GUICtrlSetState($rbNonLiteral, $GUI_CHECKED) case @CRLF $CurrentListSelection = "CRLF" GUICtrlSetState($rbNonLiteral, $GUI_CHECKED) case Else $bSelectionIsCustom = True GUICtrlSetState($rbLiteral, $GUI_CHECKED) EndSwitch if $bSelectionIsCustom Then GUICtrlSetState($lbSeps, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($edit, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($lbSeps, "CR|LF|CRLF", $CurrentListSelection) EndIf Local $lblTries = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of tries:", 20, 125) Local $cboTries = GUICtrlCreateCombo($dNumberOfRetries, 110, 125, 50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"1|2|3|4|5|6|7") Local $lblWait = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Delay between tries (ms):",260, 125) Local $cboDelay = GUICtrlCreateCombo($dWaitTimeMilliSec, 390, 125, 50) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900|1000") Local $incVal = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Increment value:",20, 150) Local $cboInc = GUICtrlCreateCombo($IncrementValue, 110, 150, 50) Local $Data = "-20" for $i = -19 to 20 $Data &= "|" & $i Next GUICtrlSetData(-1, $Data) Local $btnSave = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save Settings", 20, 180, 120, 25) Local $btnCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 390, 180, 120, 25) GUICtrlSetState($btnSave, $GUI_DISABLE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $idMsg while 1 $idMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch($idMsg) case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $btnCancel GUIDelete($frmSetup) ;Exit ;debug Return case $rbLiteral $boolSepIsLitt = True GUICtrlSetState($lbSeps, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($edit, $GUI_ENABLE) case $rbNonLiteral $boolSepIsLitt = False GUICtrlSetState($lbSeps, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($edit, $GUI_DISABLE) case $lbSeps $listValue = "@" & GUICtrlRead($lbSeps) GUICtrlSetState($btnSave, $GUI_ENABLE) case $cboInc GUICtrlSetState($btnSave, $GUI_ENABLE) case $btnSave if $boolSepIsLitt Then $sClipSeparator = GUICtrlRead($edit) Else $sClipSeparator = GetStringValue($listValue) EndIf $dNumberOfRetries = GUICtrlRead($cboTries) $dWaitTimeMilliSec = GUICtrlRead($cboDelay) $IncrementValue = GUICtrlRead($cboInc) GUIDelete($frmSetup) SaveSettings() ; save the clipboard separator to the registry value HKCU\software\clipappend\$sClipSeparator Return case $edit, $cboTries, $cboDelay GUICtrlSetState($btnSave, $GUI_ENABLE) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func CopyAppend() SetError(0) Local $CurrentClipString = GetTextClipboard() Switch(@error) case 0 send ("^c") Local $NewClp = ClipGet() PutToClp($CurrentClipString & $sClipSeparator & $NewClp) case 1 ; The data in the clipboard is NOT text Send ("^c") ; the clipboard is empty, no separator case 2 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to append to non-string clipboard contents") case 3, 4 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to access the clipboard") EndSwitch EndFunc func CutAppend() SetError(0) Local $CurrentClipString = GetTextClipboard() Switch(@error) case 0 send ("^x") Local $NewClp = GetTextClipboard() PutToClp($CurrentClipString & $sClipSeparator & $NewClp) case 1 Send ("^x") ; the clipboard is empty, no separator case 2 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to append to non-string clipboard contents") case 3, 4 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to access the clipboard") EndSwitch EndFunc Func FilterInClpRecords() FilterClpRecords(True) EndFunc Func FilterOutClpRecords() FilterClpRecords(False) EndFunc Func GenerateListFromSelection() send("^c") ; get the selection Sleep(100) Local $CurrentClipString = GetTextClipboard() Local $RepeatNumber = int(InputBox("Repeat Number", "Please enter a number between 0 and 36767:")) if $RepeatNumber > 0 Then Local $OutBuf = $CurrentClipString for $i = 1 to $RepeatNumber-1 $OutBuf = $OutBuf & $sClipSeparator & $CurrentClipString Next PutToClp($OutBuf) EndIf EndFunc Func Help() Local $sHelpBuffer = "ClipAppend list of commands" & @LF & "====================" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctl-alt-S to set up the clipboard delimitor" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-c to copy and append the current selection (if it can be copied)" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-x to cut and append the current selection (if it can be cut)" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-r to run the current selection as a command line" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-f to only keep clipboard records that contain user find strings" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-d to only keep clipboard records that DO NOT contain user find strings" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-up/down to sort the clipboard contents up or down" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-g to repeat a selected line in current document n times, where the user is prompted for n" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-i to autoincrement numerically or date wise the clipboard buffer from command above" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-q to quit" & @LF $sHelpBuffer &= "Ctrl-alt-F1 to bring up this message" MsgBox(32,"ClipAppend " & $Version & " Help",$sHelpBuffer) EndFunc Func InOrDecrementSelection() ; check if the buffer starts with a number on each item after splitting around the separator Local $CurrentClipString = GetTextClipboard() if StringInStr($CurrentClipString, $sClipSeparator)>0 Then Local $NumericStringStart = GetNumericStringStart($CurrentClipString) if stringlen($NumericStringStart)>0 Then ; since this starts with a number, it could be the start of a time, date, or date time substring Local $DateTimeStringStart = GetDateTimeStringStart($CurrentClipString) if $DateTimeStringStart <> -1 Then Local $IncValue = $DateTimeStringStart if StringInStr($IncValue, ":")>0 Then ; includes time Local $arTimeInfo = StringSplit($IncValue, ":") Switch($arTimeInfo[0]) case 1 ;we increment minutes Local $OutBuf = IncDate($CurrentClipString, "n", $IncValue) $IncValue = _DateAdd("n", $IncValue, $IncrementValue) case 2 ; we increment seconds Local $OutBuf = IncDate($CurrentClipString, "s", $IncValue) $IncValue = _DateAdd("s", $IncValue, $IncrementValue) EndSwitch Else ; does not include time, we increment days Local $OutBuf = IncDate($CurrentClipString, "D", $IncValue) $IncValue = _DateAdd("D", $IncValue, $IncrementValue) EndIf PutToClp($OutBuf) Else Local $IncValue = $NumericStringStart Local $iLen = stringlen($NumericStringStart) Local $arClip = StringSplit($CurrentClipString, $sClipSeparator, 1) for $i = 1 to $arClip[0] $arClip[$i] = $IncValue & StringRight($arClip[$i], stringlen($arClip[$i]) - stringlen($NumericStringStart)) $IncValue = IncStringNumber($IncValue, $iLen) Next Local $OutBuf = _ArrayToString($arClip, $sClipSeparator, 1, $arClip[0], $sClipSeparator) PutToClp($OutBuf) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func QuitClipAppend() Exit EndFunc Func ReplaceInClpRecords() Local $CurrentClipString = GetTextClipboard() if StringLen($CurrentClipString)>0 Then Local $FindString = InputBox("ClipAppend", "Please enter the find string:") if StringLen($FindString)>0 Then Local $ReplaceString = InputBox("ClipAppend", "Please enter the replace string:") if StringInStr($CurrentClipString, $sClipSeparator)>0 Then Local $arClip = StringSplit($CurrentClipString, $sClipSeparator) for $i = 1 to $arClip[0] if StringInStr($arClip[$i], $FindString)>0 Then $arClip[$i] = StringReplace($arClip[$i], $FindString, $ReplaceString) EndIf Next Local $sOut = _ArrayToString($arClip, $sClipSeparator, 1, 0, $sClipSeparator) PutToClp($sOut) Else if StringInStr($CurrentClipString, $FindString)>0 Then PutToClp(StringReplace($CurrentClipString, $FindString, $ReplaceString)) EndIf EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(0, "Warning!", "No clipboard text!") EndIf EndFunc func RunSelection() SetError(0) Local $CurrentClipString = GetTextClipboard() Switch(@error) case 0 ; PutToClp("") commented because it often causes the next command to fail send ("^c") SetError(0) Local $RunSelection = ClipGet() if StringLen($RunSelection)=0 Then Switch(@error) case 1 MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to copy the selection to the clipboard") case 2 MsgBox(0,"Error!", "The selection is not text") case Else MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to access the clipboard, @error = " & @error) EndSwitch Return Else ; PutToClp("") commented because it often causes the next command to fail PutToClp($CurrentClipString) Local $Result = ShellExecute($RunSelection) ; better than using the run cmd, since it can also interpret a link, an exe, a txt if $Result = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to run the command '" & $RunSelection & "'") EndIf EndIf case 1 Send ("^x") ; the clipboard is empty, no separator case 2 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to append to non-string clipboard contents") case 3, 4 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to access the clipboard") EndSwitch EndFunc Func SortAscending() SetError(0) Local $clp = ClipGet() Switch(@error) case 0 Local $arClip = StringSplit($clp, $sClipSeparator, 1) _ArraySort($arClip,0, 1) PutToClp(_ArrayToString($arClip, $sClipSeparator, 1, 0, $sClipSeparator)) case 1 MsgBox(0,"Warning!", "There is nothing to sort, the clipboard is empty") case 2 MsgBox(0,"Warning!", "There is nothing to sort, the clipboard contents are not alphanumeric") case 3, 4 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to access the clipboard") EndSwitch EndFunc Func SortDescending() SetError(0) Local $clp = ClipGet() Switch(@error) case 0 Local $arClip = StringSplit($clp, $sClipSeparator, 1) _ArraySort($arClip,1, 1) PutToClp(_ArrayToString($arClip, $sClipSeparator, 1, 0, $sClipSeparator)) case 1 MsgBox(0,"Warning!", "There is nothing to sort, the clipboard is empty") case 2 MsgBox(0,"Warning!", "There is nothing to sort, the clipboard contents are not alphanumeric") case 3, 4 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Unable to access the clipboard") EndSwitch EndFunc ;==============End of Functions called by hot keys=============== ;====================Support Functions ========================== Func FilterClpRecords($boolInclude) Local $CurrentClipString = GetTextClipboard() if StringLen($CurrentClipString)>0 Then ; There is a clipboard text to search and filter Local $arFindStrings = InputBoxWCheckBox("ClipAppend", "Please enter the find string:", "Please uncheck to stop entering data") if $arFindStrings <> -1 Then ; The user entered at least one find string Local $sOutClip ; output string that will be written to the clipboard when populated below if StringInStr($CurrentClipString, $sClipSeparator)>0 Then ; the clipboard text has multiple records Local $arClip[0], $arFound[0] _ArrayAdd($arClip, $CurrentClipString, 0, $sClipSeparator) ;populate the array of current clipboard records $arClip ; for each user find string, for $i = 0 to UBound($arFindStrings) - 1 Local $arNewFound[0] ; populate an array of indexes where the current find string was found, $arNewFound $arNewFound = _ArrayFindAll($arClip, $arFindStrings[$i], 0, 0, 0, 1) ; append the contents of array $arNewFound to already found array $arFound _ArrayConcatenate($arFound, $arNewFound) Next _ArrayUnique($arFound) ; remove duplicates (different user find strings may be found in the same record) _ArraySort($arFound) ; sort so looping through array items points to increasing indexes of array $arClip if $boolInclude Then ; $boolInclude is the instruction to filter in strings where find strings are found Local $arOutClip[UBound($arFound)] ; declare output clipboard record array with same size as array of found records ; populate output clipboard array for $i = 0 to UBound($arOutClip) - 1 $arOutClip[$i] = $arClip[$arFound[$i]] Next if UBound($arOutClip)>0 then $sOutClip = _ArrayToString($arOutClip,$sClipSeparator) ; serialize the array into a string for output EndIf ElseIf Ubound($arClip) > UBound($arFound) Then ; if not all clipboard records contain one of the find strings, if UBound($arFound) = 0 Then Return ; nothing was found, keep the clipboard as is Else Local $arOutClip[UBound($arClip) - UBound($arFound)] Local $iFound = 0 Local $FoundIndex = $arFound[$iFound] Local $OutClipIndex = 0 for $i = 0 to UBound($arClip) - 1 if $FoundIndex < $i Then ; the current clipboard record does not contain any of the find strings, $arOutClip[$OutClipIndex] = $arClip[$i] $OutClipIndex += 1 ; increment output clipboard array index for (possible) use in later loop Else $iFound += 1 $FoundIndex = $arFound[$iFound] EndIf Next $sOutClip = _ArrayToString($arOutClip,$sClipSeparator) EndIf ;Else ; all records have found strings, the clipboard contents should be emptied, leave $sOutClip as is, which is empty EndIf PutToClp($sOutClip) Else ; clipboard contents has only one record, msgbox(0,@ScriptLineNumber, "clipboard contents has only one record") for $i = 0 to UBound($arFindStrings) - 1 MsgBox(0,@ScriptLineNumber, "checking out " & $arFindStrings[$i]) if StringInStr($CurrentClipString, $arFindStrings[$i])>0 Then If $boolInclude Then Return Else PutToClp("") EndIf EndIf Next EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(0, "Warning!", "No clipboard text!") EndIf EndFunc Func GetDateTimeStringStart($Buf) local $arClip = StringSplit($Buf, $sClipSeparator, 1) ; don't want to check all entries if there are thousands, limit it to 30 Local $scope = $arClip[0] if $scope > 30 then $scope = 30 Local $SubString = "" for $i = 1 to $scope if $SubString = "" Then $SubString = GetNumSubstring($arClip[$i], "/:") Else if stringlen($arClip[$i])>0 Then Local $NewSubString = GetNumSubstring($arClip[$i], "/:") if $NewSubString <> $SubString Then MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Buffer line " & $i & " is different from buffer line " & $i - 1 & "!") Return -1 EndIf EndIf EndIf Next Return $SubString EndFunc Func GetNumericStringStart($Buf) local $arClip = StringSplit($Buf, $sClipSeparator, 1) ; don't want to check all entries if there are thousands, limit it to 30 Local $scope = $arClip[0] if $scope > 30 then $scope = 30 Local $LeftNumeric, $boolDifferent = False for $i = 1 to $scope if $i = 1 Then $LeftNumeric = GetNumSubstring($arClip[$i]) Else Local $NewLeftNumeric = GetNumSubstring($arClip[$i]) if $NewLeftNumeric <> $LeftNumeric Then MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Buffer line " & $i & " is different from buffer line " & $i - 1 & "!") Return -1 EndIf EndIf if StringLen($LeftNumeric) = 0 then MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Buffer line 1 does not start with a number") Return -1 EndIf Next Return $LeftNumeric EndFunc Func GetNumSubstring($sIn, $NonNumAcceptableChars = "") Local $Char, $Ret for $i = 1 to stringlen($sIn) $Char = StringMid($sIn, $i, 1) if Asc($Char)>47 and Asc($Char)<58 Then $Ret &= $Char ElseIf StringInStr($NonNumAcceptableChars, $Char)>0 Then $Ret &= $Char Else ExitLoop EndIf Next if StringLen($NonNumAcceptableChars)>0 Then ; check if it's a date, time, or date time if _DateIsValid($Ret)=0 Then $Ret = "" ; date time is not valid EndIf EndIf Return $Ret EndFunc func GetStringValue($Value) if StringLeft($Value, 1) = "@" Then Switch($Value) case "@CR" Return @CR case "@LF" Return @LF case "@CRLF" return @CRLF case Else Return $Value EndSwitch Else Return $Value EndIf EndFunc Func GetTextClipboard($dFailedNum = 0) Local $ClipText = ClipGet() ; first try to get the text clipboard value Switch(@error) case 0 Return $ClipText case 1 SetError(0) Return "" case 2 Return "" case 3,4 if $dFailedNum = -1 then ; -1 flags that if it fails, we return an empty string and the error set in the ClipGet() call Return "" EndIf ; it failed once, try again till the set number of tries is reached While ++$dFailedNum < $dNumberOfRetries Sleep($dWaitTimeMilliSec) SetError(0) $ClipText = GetTextClipboard(-1) ; use -1 to flag not to keep going recursively forever if @error = 0 Then ; no error, this means that the call succeeded, the function job is complete Return $ClipText EndIf WEnd MsgBox(0, "Error!", "The clipboard seems to be locked, it failed to respond after " & $dNumberOfRetries & " attempts, with " & $dWaitTimeMilliSec & " between tries.") EndSwitch EndFunc Func IncDate($Buf, $Type, $IncValue) Local $arClip = StringSplit($Buf, $sClipSeparator, 1) Local $iLen = stringlen($IncValue) for $i = 1 to $arClip[0] $arClip[$i] = $IncValue & StringRight($arClip[$i], stringlen($arClip[$i]) - $iLen) $IncValue = _DateAdd($Type, $IncrementValue, $IncValue) Next Return _ArrayToString($arClip,$sClipSeparator, 1, $arClip[0], $sClipSeparator) EndFunc Func IncStringNumber($sIn, $iLen) Local $sFormat = "%0" & $iLen & "d" ; build the format string, see PrintFormat in help for the syntax $sIn = $sIn*1 + $IncrementValue ; multyplying by one internally converts the string that contains characters between 0 and 9 to a numeric value Return StringFormat($sFormat, $sIn) EndFunc ; returns an array of user strings, user enters till the checkbox is unchecked Func InputBoxWCheckBox($Title, $Prompt, $CheckBoxLabel) Local $boolChecked = True Local $boolClearEdit = True Local $arUE[1] Local $GuiID = GUICreate($Title, 415, 120) Local $PromptID = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Prompt, 5, 10, 200) Local $UserInputID = GUICtrlCreateInput("",210, 10, 200) Local $cbDoneID = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($CheckBoxLabel, 5, 35) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) Local $cbEmptyEditOnOK = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Delete Find string on OK press", 200, 35) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) Local $btnCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 5, 60, 70) Local $btnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 340, 60, 70) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GuiID) While 1 local $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch($msg) Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($GuiID) ExitLoop case $cbDoneID $boolChecked = BitAND(GUICtrlRead($cbDoneID), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED case $cbEmptyEditOnOK $boolClearEdit = BitAND(GUICtrlRead($cbEmptyEditOnOK), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED case $btnCancel GUIDelete($GuiID) Return -1 case $btnOK Local $UserEntry = GUICtrlRead($UserInputID) if stringlen($UserEntry)>0 Then if StringLen($arUE[0]) = 0 Then $arUE[0] = $UserEntry Else _ArrayAdd($arUE, $UserEntry) EndIf if $boolClearEdit Then GUICtrlSetData($UserInputID, "") EndIf EndIf if $arUE = 0 And Not $boolChecked Then GUIDelete($GuiID) return -1 ElseIf $arUE <> 0 And Not $boolChecked Then GUIDelete($GuiID) Return $arUE EndIf EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func PutToClp($sClp) Local $Res = ClipPut($sClp) Local $Attempts = 1 while $res = 0 and $Attempts < $dNumberOfRetries ; while failure Sleep($dWaitTimeMilliSec) $Res = ClipPut($sClp) $Attempts += 1 WEnd if $Res = 0 Then ; failed MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to write to the clipboard!") EndIf EndFunc Func ReadRegSetting($Setting, $Type) Local $RetVal SetError(0) $RetVal = RegRead("HKCU\software\ClipAppend", $Setting) Switch(@error) case 0 if StringLen($RetVal)>0 Then Return $RetVal Else Return -1 EndIf case -1 ; in case the ClipAppend key is there, but not the $Setting value Return -1 case 1 ; expected on first use, there is no ClipAppend key, create it RegWrite("HKCU\software\ClipAppend") Return -1 case 2 Return -1 case else ; should never get here MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to write to the registry, @error = " & @error) Return -1 EndSwitch EndFunc Func ReadSettings() Local $RetVal $RetVal = ReadRegSetting("ClipSeparator", "REG_MULTI_SZ") if $RetVal <> -1 Then $sClipSeparator = $RetVal EndIf $RetVal = ReadRegSetting("CopyCutRetries", "REG_SZ") if $RetVal <> -1 Then $dNumberOfRetries = $RetVal EndIf $RetVal = ReadRegSetting("RetryDelay", "REG_SZ") if $RetVal <> -1 Then $dWaitTimeMilliSec = $RetVal EndIf $RetVal = ReadRegSetting("IncrementValue", "REG_SZ") if $RetVal <> -1 Then $IncrementValue = $RetVal EndIf EndFunc Func SaveSettings() SetError(0) Local $Result = RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\ClipAppend", "ClipSeparator", "REG_MULTI_SZ", $sClipSeparator) if $Result = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to write the separator value to the registry, error = " & @error) EndIf SetError(0) Local $Result = RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\ClipAppend", "CopyCutRetries", "REG_SZ", $dNumberOfRetries) if $Result = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to write the number of copy retries to the registry, error = " & @error) EndIf SetError(0) Local $Result = RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\ClipAppend", "RetryDelay", "REG_SZ", $dWaitTimeMilliSec) if $Result = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to write the retry delay to the registry, error = " & @error) EndIf SetError(0) Local $Result = RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\ClipAppend", "IncrementValue", "REG_SZ", $IncrementValue) if $Result = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"Error!", "Failed to write the increment value to the registry, error = " & @error) EndIf EndFunc ;====================End Support Functions ==========================
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