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I seem to have an issue with clipget() - the following bit of code copy URL from chrome address bar - than using clipget() i try to grab the URL into a variable and input it into a spreadsheet. the script did not put anything into the sheet originally I though it was an issue with OOo/LibO Calc UDF and posted it there : than I tried writing $NewURL into a text file and than just a msgbox but it comes blank. (the URL is in the clipboard as i can paste it) send ("!d") ;select URL in browser send ("^c") ;copy selected URL Local $NewURL = ClipGet() MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION + $MB_TOPMOST, $sTitle, $NewURL ) am I doing something wrong? is there an issue with a URL characters?
Trying to use a clipget() along with send() (ctrl c) to copy the text, after I hit a hotkey, but it does not work...anyone have a suggestion? #include <Misc.au3> HotKeySet('!w', 'GetHighlightedWord') While 1 Sleep(200) WEnd Func GetHighlightedWord() Send('{LCTRL}c') ;_SendEx('^c') have tried this function as well $sWord = ClipGet() MsgBox(0, 'What is in the clipboard?', $sWord) EndFunc ;==>GetHighlightedWord Func _SendEx($ss, $warn = "") Local $iT = TimerInit() While _IsPressed("10") Or _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("12") If $warn <> "" And TimerDiff($iT) > 1000 Then MsgBox(0, "Warning", $warn) EndIf Sleep(50) WEnd Send($ss) EndFunc ;==>_SendEx
Hi... How to put data to clipboard in all available formats? I use _ClipBoard_GetData to save all formats data to files but when I try to put them again to clipboard using _ClipBoard_SetData, I have available only the last data format which I used. After that when I try put this data to "Microsoft Word" I get only "Cleaned" text format. When I the set last format as a HTML and I put to "Micorosft Word" everything fine, but I can't put to Notepad (I get empty value). When I doing this same with _ClipBoard_GetDataEx to save data to memory object (not to file) and put them again using _ClipBoard_SetDataEx all data formats are available... Help?
Hi all, I've been copying a lot of text from PDF files and other documents. Problem is, this text appears badly mangled when pasted again, causing formatting issues. I've been trying to write a script that would automatically reformat the copied string: #include <Clipboard.au3> #include <Misc.au3> If _Singleton("PasteModify", 1) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "NOPE.", "Already Running.") Exit EndIf #NoTrayIcon Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) $AboutTrayItem = TrayCreateItem("About") TrayCreateItem("") $ExitTrayItem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TraySetState() $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") Beep(1100,300) While 1 While _IsPressed("11",$hDLL) If _IsPressed("43",$hDLL) Then Beep(1300,150) ;Sleep(750) ;fixes the issue, but not very elegantly. $OriginalClipboardData = ClipGet() $ClipGetError = @error $RegexClipboardData = StringRegExpReplace($OriginalClipboardData, '[\r\n\t]+', ' ') $StripWSClipboardData = StringStripWS($RegexClipboardData,4) ClipPut($StripWSClipboardData) MsgBox(0,$ClipGetError,"ORIGINAL: " & $OriginalClipboardData & @CRLF & @CRLF & "POST-REGEX APPLIED: " & StringRegExpReplace($OriginalClipboardData, '[\r\n\t]+', ' ') & @CRLF & @CRLF & "STRIPWS APPLIED: " & $StripWSClipboardData & @CRLF & @CRLF & "END RESULT: " & ClipGet()) While _IsPressed("43",$hDLL) Sleep(250) WEnd EndIf WEnd Local $msg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $AboutTrayItem MsgBox(64, "About", "When CTRL+C is pressed, a reformatted version of the string that has thereby been copied, without any newline characters, should be placed on the clipboard.") Case $msg = $ExitTrayItem ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd DllClose($hDLL) Beep(600,300) However, every now and then it seems like there's a conflict between this script Windows' access to the clipboard. If I don't include a long enough sleep (see script), ClipGet() will return that my clipboard is empty, even though it wasn't empty before and I have only selected new text and pressed Ctrl+C since. Any suggestions? Could I check for clipboard access perhaps...?
if ClipGet() cannot access the clipboard, it sets @error to 3 OR 4 is there any difference between 3 and 4? i'm working with Bluegriffon - a mozilla based WYSIWYG html editor - and having some problems where ClipGet() fails with @error = 3 when copying images from the visual editor. the core code is straight forward Send("^c") Sleep(500) $clipData = ClipGet() Ctrl+C/V works fine, so i'm wondering if this issue may be specific to Bluegriffon, or if there is something else i'm not seeing