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Found 4 results

  1. Hello expert, I want to write function that change caret for any textbox/combobox in any windows. I never write Windows Programming before. After trying many hours, I found code that close to my need from the example of _WinAPI_CreateCaret function in AutoIt help file. It captures WM_COMMAND (I don't know what is it) and changes caret. But this example change only caret in its own form, not for all windows. Could you please guide me how to do what I need. Thanks in advanced. Suntisuk
  2. I'm trying to write a script that will select text in notepad. Someone asked me to write a program that would work like the "Find" function in notepad. Everything works great except I can't figure out how to set the caret position and select text in the window. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  3. Hi, I would like to be able to set the position of the caret in a GUICtrlEdit box. I have a function that inserts a placeholder into the text box at the current position (which I obtain using _GUICtrlEdit_GetSel) and I would like to move the caret to the end of the text inserted. Could somebody help me achieve this please? Thanks in advance
  4. I'm trying to make an up and down arrow like this " ^ ", but since there is no down caret on the keyboard I'm resorting to trying to figure out ways to get that Caret upside down. Has anyone tried doing this for a button so that it looks like an up and down array? This button will be used for sorting. I've tried looking through Unicode to see if I could do it and no luck :/. Any help would be much appreciated.
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