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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, i would like to ask for some help on how to write something like this in Autoit If CType(update, WUApiLib.IUpdate3).BrowseOnly = True Then opt_updates = opt_updates + 1 Else imp_updates = imp_updates + 1 End IfI`m trying to find Important Windows updates only, but for some reason this code: $ColNeeded = $objSearcher.Search("BrowseOnly=0 and IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=0") $update = $ColNeeded.Updates.Item($i - 1)returns all update (important and optional) as important (even though BrowseOnly=0). I think i`m missing a reference to WUApi.DLL in my code but i couldn`t find anything else to help me :/ If someone could help me either by providing a Autoit alternative to CType(update, WUApiLib.IUpdate3).BrowseOnly = Trueor another way to find only important Windows updates i would be very grateful. Thank you
  2. Hello, Ineed a function like the one below(VB.net), which convertsextended characters to standard(printable Characters/Punctuation): CType(ConvertPunct(i), Char) Example: While 1 For $i = 150 To 190 If $i = 162 Then ConsoleWrite("LControl") ElseIf $i = 163 Then ConsoleWrite("RControl") ElseIf $i = 188 Then ConsoleWrite(","); 188 should be 44(,) ElseIf $i = 189 Then ConsoleWrite("-"); -(Hyphen Key) = BD(Hex) = 189(Dec on Extended Character ANSII) = 45(Dec on ASCII) ElseIf $i = 190 Then ConsoleWrite("."); .(Period Key) = BE(Hex) = 190(Dec on Extended Character ANSII) =46(Dec on ASCII) ;[Continued ...] EndIf Next Sleep(1) WEnd
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