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  1. May it helps those who needed. #include <WinAPI.au3> ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _IsUEFIBoot ; Description ...: Detemine the Current OS is boot in UEFI mode or not ; S...
  2. Hi everyone, Here is my script that does the job of the original BootSectGui. I wrote it because I needed a BootSectGui that works in WinPE x64 environment. The original works only in x86 envoronment. It is free to use, modify and distribute. I coded first in French and then in English, it may hav...
  3. Hello everyone. 3 days back, I came across "El Torito" Bootable CD-ROM Format Specification. I was able to write this simple script to extract Boot-Image from a CD/DVD/ISO file. Here is it: #include <WinAPI.au3> Global $nBytes ConsoleWrite("Boot-Image X-tract (by MKISH)" & @crlf & @crlf & "USAGE:...
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