Hey there,
my problem is this COM function from OTA (Open Test Architecture) for HP ALM (Application Lifecycle Management):
Local $objTestStepNew = $objTestStepFactory.AddItem(Ptr(0)) ; create new test step
Now here is the problem, Visual Basic Script supports NULL, but AutoIt does not from some reason.
If I do not pass NULL it will create the element immediately, which is a bad bad way to create a new Design Test Step.
I already tried "null", "", ptr(0), chr(0)... they do not work.
And either the step is created so the given value was interpreted as String like "null" or "0" or it says invalid parameter
It works in Visual Basic Script using .AddItem(Null), but I would love to use AutoIt for it!
Any Ideas?
Thanks for your help.
I also tried to use one of the COM functions that return NULL themselves but this was also interpreted as "0", I think AutoIt is
converting NULL to 0 all the time