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Good Morning AutoIT Geniuses I have version I am experiencing an error with the default Array.au3 or _ArrayUnique I believe it is with this single line in my au3 file...$aUniqueHostname = _ArrayUnique ($array01, 1) SendAndLog("GEN_CSVMinRowLimit01 - Started", $tempzipdir & '\' & $LogFileName01, True) ; CSV Minimum Row Limit (FYI - default was originally set to 5000) $array01 = $twoDarray MsgBox (0, "", "You are here 1") $aUniqueHostname = _ArrayUnique ($array01, 1) ; FYI - The program never makes it to here: MsgBox (0, "", "You are here 2")"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\array.au3" (2297) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.: If IsInt($aArray[$iBase]) Then If IsInt(^ ERROR ; Title .........: Array ; AutoIt Version : ; Autocheck of first element If $iIntType = $ARRAYUNIQUE_AUTO Then If IsInt($aArray[$iBase]) Then ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.: Switch VarGetType($aArray[$iBase]) Case "Int32" $iIntType = $ARRAYUNIQUE_FORCE32 Case "Int64" $iIntType = $ARRAYUNIQUE_FORCE64 EndSwitch Else $iIntType = $ARRAYUNIQUE_FORCE32 EndIf EndIf I don't believe I've ever seen an error in the default au3 files. Is this something I am doing wrong? I'm just trying to run my apps through the new version of AutoIT since the fix was put in for... AutoIt3Help.exe reworked and digitally signedI have looked at bug trackers... Is this related somehow - what version of AutoIT do you recommend I use? Thanks!
Hi, have here some alternative method to count rows.. I can't use StringSplit coz array is already buided with _StringBetween, some tips pls, Reproducer code: #include <String.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <IE.au3> $file = @TempDir&'\au3test.tmp' ConsoleWrite('File = '&$file&@CRLF) $oIE = _IECreate('',0,0) _IELoadWait($oIE) $sHTML = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) $wFile = FileWrite($file,$sHTML) $nFileHTML = FileOpen($file, 0) If @error then ConsoleWrite('error with FileOpen($file, 0)'&@CRLF) While 1 Local $aArray[10], $aRead = FileReadLine($nFileHTML) If @error then ExitLoop $aSearch = StringInStr($aRead,'<LI><SPAN') If $aSearch > 0 Then $aArray = _StringBetween($aRead, 'href="', '"') _ArrayDisplay($aArray) EndIf WEnd ProcessClose('IEXPLORE.EXE') FileDelete($file) Thanks in advance for any tips. Tedy.