I'm trying to kill a malware process, that I can't remove with my www.sophus.com/hom antivirus.
The malware is known as coinminer,config and my Sophus only creates popups of blocking the malware.
I know that the malware is constantly launching a svchost *32.exe processes, where the svchost.exe processes are from my Windows 7 operating system.
I have with no luck tried to do this:
Global $_bStatus = False
While $_bStatus = False
Global $_iPid
Global $_sActiveTitleNew = "svchost *32.exe"
$_iPid = WinGetProcess($_sActiveTitleNew)
If $_iPid <> -1 Then $_bStatus = ProcessClose($_iPid)
But the $_iPid doesn't ever show anything else than -1, even if I can see the svchost *32.exe process in my TaskManager
YES - I know I shouldn't EXIT after killing the first malware detection, but it is easier to explain the above for you, so I can get a solution.