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  1. I had a problem getting a connection to "SQL Server" on 64 bit PCs (running XP) even though 32 bit PCs connected easily. Even compiling for 32bit was (initially) insufficient and to get it working at all on a 64bit PC, I ended up forcing its use of TCP/IP protocol by specifying a port number (that is apparently picked up as a default by 32 bit PCs once "SQL Server" has been added with it configured in "Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Databases(ODBC) --> Add --> SQL Server --> Client Configuration" This worked for me on a 64bit PC, but only when compiled in 32bit: $sqlCon = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") $sqlCon.Open("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=name.of.server,port_number;DATABASE=name_of_database;UID=logon_ID;PWD=password;") If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Problem", "SQL Connection Failed") Else MsgBox(0, "Success", "SQL Connection OK") EndIf Also, I found that the "SQL Server" needed to be added to the Databases(ODBC) as shown above (and tested OK) before the AutoIT script worked but (strangely) it could be later removed from Databases(ODBC) and it still worked (perhaps it just needed to setup defaults). Does anyone know how I can get the above working when compiled in 64bit too? On a X64 bit PC, the above script it will fail to work with: #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y but works OK with #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n
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