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Hi Fellow Automators, Long time listener, first time caller. I've resisted posting on the forums as long as possible for fear of public lynching, but I'm stuck and could really use some help. Note: If this is the wrong side of the forum for this topic, I apologize. I've built a GUI and script to make our lab data collection easier. The app has a number of input boxes and a 'record' button. The user fills out the input boxes with various notes and then presses 'record', which in turn presses 'record' on two other, separate apps simultaneously, pulls those recordings together into one folder, and then takes the text from the input boxes and adds it in a new row at the bottom of an existing .xlsx spreadsheet. Everything works great, except that every time I open the app to start collecting data for the day, the 'headers' for the $aArray are added to a new row and then the text is added below it. Now, if I don't close the app between collections, subsequent 'recordings' are added to the spreadsheet as expected. If I close the app and open it, the 'first' recording of the day adds the headers to a new row. I don't need new 'header' info because I've already got that in row 1 of the spreadsheet. If someone could tell me where I'm !#$%ing up, I would greatly appreciate it. #RequireAdmin #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <Process.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <DirConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <Excel.au3> ;Declaring the $aArray and location of the speadsheet at the top of the script Local $aArray[1][9] = [["TestID","DateTimeStamp","Tamb_C","BGTemp_C", "GasType", "TrueFlow_slm", "Lens-BGDist_in", "Lens-LeakDist_In", "AddNotes"]] Local $sDataFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\Notes\DualCaptureNotes.xlsx" Func CaptureVideo() Global $TestID = GuiCtrlRead($TestIDInput) Global $timestamp = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "-" & @SEC Global $Cam1Dir = "C:\Archive" Global $Cam2Dir = "C:\ALD" ;Capture Cam1 Data WinActivate("Cam1 App") ControlFocus("Cam1 App", "Save",'') ControlSend("Cam1 App", "Save", '', "{SPACE}") ;Capture Cam2 Data WinActivate("Cam2 App") ControlClick("Cam2 App", "", '', '', 1, 10, 10) ;Wait to ensure data files have been fully written to their default locations Sleep(2000) ;Self-explanatorily named functions MoveData() RecordNotesToArray() RecordArraytoExcel() WinActivate("DualCapture") EndFunc ;==>CaptureVideo ;Skipping ahead to the .xlsx part.... Func RecordNotesToArray() _ArrayAdd($aArray, GUICtrlRead($TestIDInput) & "|" & $timestamp & "|" & GUICtrlRead($Tamb_CInput) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($BGTemp_CInput) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($GasTypeInput) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($TrueFlow_slmInput) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($Dist_BG_inInput) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($Dist_Leak_inInput) & "|" & GUICtrlRead($AddNotesInput)) EndFunc ;==>RecordNotesToArray() Func RecordArraytoExcel() Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open() Local $oWorkBook If Not FileExists($sDataFilePath) Then $oWorkBook = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) Else $oWorkBook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sDataFilePath) EndIf $oWorkBook.Worksheets("DataTable").Columns("A:I").AutoFit $LastRow = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Row $Rowrange = "A"&$LastRow+1 Consolewrite($Rowrange & @crlf) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, $oWorkbook.Activesheet, $aArray, $Rowrange) If FileExists($sDataFilePath) Then _Excel_BookSave($oWorkBook) Else _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkBook, $sDataFilePath) EndIf _Excel_BookClose($oWorkBook) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndFunc ;==>RecordArrayToExcel() I appreciate your time and any help you can provide. Best, Johnny