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Everything posted by XxXFaNtA
Nice But you already know that I like it :roll:
And in the next update use GDI+ to rotate the Rocket correctly looks better then
Dunno :| I think there might be a problem when it tried to get the Object :\ Hmm..@jackit: are you sure it was an AutoIt Script? I know that some Software does this though (i.e. Spybot S&D)
Yes but wouldn't it take too long to save the state of the whole registry? Hm...We could also just Monitor special roots (like the AutoStart-Root or others).
Sry..I thought it was just a bug, but after searching at msdn I found out that it will never display the rootpath and what has been changed Sry
Not sure, but you could actually remove the change, ask if the user will really make the change and then either create the same registryentry or not
Hey guys Have been watching these forums for quiet a long time and finally I think I might contribute with a little Script: It's monitoring what happens in the Registry! $wmiSink = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemSink") ObjEvent($wmiSink , "SINK_") $regPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" $strQuery = 'Select * FROM RegistryTreeChangeEvent WHERE Hive="' & $regPath & '" AND RootPath=""' Dim $Obj_WMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\' & @ComputerName & '\root\default') If Not @error Then $obj_WMIService.ExecNotificationQueryAsync($wmiSink, $strQuery, Default, Default, Default) ConsoleWrite("Ready and waiting for changes") EndIf While 1 Sleep(10000) WEnd Func SINK_OnObjectReady($objLatestEvent, $objAsyncContext) ConsoleWrite($objLatestEvent.GetObjectText_()) EndFunc ;==>SINK_OnObjectReady I hope this will be usefull for some of you (Could be used to prevent Viruses to write into the Registry or even to communicate between 2 scripts)
func Hypotenuse($a, $ return sqrt($a^2+$b^2) endfunc ;> I think it might take longer to type it then to actually do it on your own ;>
Great! I love it!
very nice! more of these please
That's exactly what I was making one year ago at least what I tried! lol...since now i didn't know that actually had a name! damn it But I got some Errors like missing Functions (GetAByte on line 133). Do I need the newest Beta? Or is this just something left of the Bitmap.au3?
Great! I was searching long to be able to color Graphics.. But the GDI+ stuff wasn't e to.. For now I'm having a black->white gradianet and sliders to control the RGB values and recolor it with ExchangeRGB. Works great!
Great! Nice Update! Some stuff I really can use for a bigger Project Good job!
nice nice nice
Haha that's nice
Nice Actually that was what I've been searching here some weeks ago and even wanted to make it on my own.. But now you did the job for me ^^ Thanks!
Should that be funny?
Works great! Have searched for something like that! Now would it also be possible to actually change the Text?
Treeview drag & drop reorder and edit example
XxXFaNtA replied to Siao's topic in AutoIt Example Scripts
>Running AU3Check ( from:E:\Programme\AutoIt3 E:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Fanta\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp\temp-37.au3(13,108) : WARNING: $TVS_EDITLABELS: possibly used before declaration. $cTree = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(50,50,300,200,$TVS_HASBUTTONS+$TVS_HASLINES+$TVS_LINESATROOT+$TVS_EDITLABELS+ Do I need the newest beta? -
Maybe you should use RegularExpressions: Tutorial if you need one (even with a tut on how to check for a valid IP Adress) http://www.regular-expressions.info/examples.html
yeah really nice!
Hey there This is one of my first UDFs that I publish and I wanted to share it with you It's just a simple Function to change some things on a Folder, for example the Icon and the BG Image $pFolder is the Path to the Folder $pIcon the Path to the Icon $pIconIndex is the Index if the Icon is referring a dll $sInfoTip will display a ToolTip when the Mouse is over the Folder $pBG is the Path to the pattern Image Func _SetFolderIcon($pFolder,$pIcon,$iIconIndex=0,$sInfoTip="",$pBG="") If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($pFolder & "\desktop.ini"),"R") Then FileSetAttrib($pFolder & "\desktop.ini","-R") IniWrite($pFolder & "\Desktop.ini",".ShellClassInfo","IconFile",$pIcon) IniWrite($pFolder & "\Desktop.ini",".ShellClassInfo","IconIndex",$iIconIndex) FileSetAttrib($pFolder,"+S") If NOT $sInfoTip = "" Then IniWrite($pFolder & "\Desktop.ini",".ShellClassInfo","InfoTip",$sInfoTip) If NOT $pBG = "" Then IniWrite($pFolder & "\Desktop.ini","{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00c04FD706EC}","IconArea_Image",$pBG) FileSetAttrib($pFolder & "\Desktop.ini","+RSH") Return 1 EndFunc Hope that somebody might find this usefull It can be also improved to change some textColors I think, but that should be okay Ah and don't forget to refresh either the Folder or if you changed the BG of it to go out the folder and in again FaNtA
Worked good, but after I wanted to Index all my Harddrives it gave me this error (90% complete and took quiet some time..damnit)