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Enter value into search field with ie.au3
error471 replied to error471's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Thank you very much. Some methods don't work with every page. I still haven't understood why. But this helps me a lot. -
Enter value into search field with ie.au3
error471 posted a topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Hello folks, I am trying to make AutoIt open the website finanzen.net and try to input a value into the search field and submit. I have used the search and tried many suggestions, but I failed. I am not an expert in IE.au3. Could someone give me an advice on how to solve this? Best regards error471 -
Hello Folks, I would like to run a function at certain times and on a certain day. But I cant figure out how. The script shall run repeatedly every 60 seconds. Here is my very best try: #include <Date.au3> ; 1 = Sun 2 = Mon 3 = Tue 4 = Wed 5 = Thu 6 = Fri 7 = Sat $StartTime = "09:00" $EndTime = "19:00" $CurrentTime = _NowTime(4) Switch @WDAY Case 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 If $CurrentTime >= $StartTime AND $CurrentTime <= $EndTime Then While 1 justdoit() Sleep(60000) WEnd EndIf EndSwitch
Hey there, I am trying to login into my router to fetch some information about the last calls, but I miserably fail at logging in. The button is a javascript button. Typical commands do not seem to work. Here is the little piece of HTML-code: <div class="largeImportant floatRight uiButton notPrint"><a id="loginAction" href="#" class="{submitOnEnter:{form:'#login'}} uiCommandLink bold {doublereqprotector:{spinnerOptions:largeImportantSpinner}} {commandlink:{event:'click',ignoreUnbind:false,form:'#login',extraParams:{'loginAction':'loginAction','login':'login'}}}"><span>Login</span></a></div> Can someone kindly help me? Best regards error471
Seems like I am an inattentive reader. Excuse me.
Of course, I checked it and according to my understanding this is a legal topic. But nevertheless, I am asking kindly.
Hey folks, I am not sure if my question is allowed according to the forum-rules, if not, please delete it. My problem is pretty simple one. I want to automate a website login. Here is what I found after a bit of a research: -snip- The script correctly fills in username and password and also seems to submit the form, but the login opens a new tab, which seems to create a blank site with the login-hash, instead of a popup, which correctly opens after a click on the login-button ("Anmelden"). Website automation is pretty new for me. I hope to find some help here. Kind regards error471
@Melba23: Sorry for my late reply. I was pretty busy these days. The improvements are clearly noticable. Loading (large) files is fast enough for a productive use now. Thanks for all your efforts. I have no further requests anymore.
That sounds promising. I will try it as soon as I am home tonight. Thank you.
I confirm. It works. Awesome!
Thank you Melba23. I tested your script. This is a good solution. But there is a compatibility probelm with the Single-Select-Option (+512).
More difficult then I thought. The array $aTVItem is the problem. Since I am using ListFiles_ToTreeView() to create the treeview items, the items don't have a variable. Due to that difficulty I changed my actual save function. Accidental overwriting is not possible anymore. In fact, I can live with that solution, although your example script is a bit more userfriendly.
This is very interesting. I will implement this into my project. This a good idea, too, but I think a tooltip showing the column[0][$i] value on mouseover is more elegant. I already tried to implement Zednas and PhoenixXL examples (https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/149251-listviewitems-and-tooltips/) into my project, but I initially failed and worked on totally different problems.
Yes, that's what I meant. I was in a hurry when I wrote the last posts. Thank you for translating me. In my actual development version of my project I have a load/save button, which is related to the actual selected treeview item, but it is error-prone: If I select a TreeView-item and press load, the correct lvs is loaded. After making some changes and pressing save-button the lvs is saved according to the actual selected TreeView item. So far so good. Here is the problem: If someone accidentally clicks a different TreeView-item while using the program and then presses save, the wrong lvs-file will be overwritten. Therefore I am looking for a solution that eradicates this error. Autosave and autoload are another wish to get rid of manually loading/saving the lvs. I want to keep everything as simple as possible... Your suggestion - manual loading and/but automatic saving - comes very close to that. It will probably be sufficient. Single cell selection is a very useful improvement. it works fine thank you. I am really afraid to annoy you with my ideas and requests, but may I can ask you if the ListView is capable to have a cell selection as in Excel (see picture)? Please don't get me wrong, this is no request or a wish. Just a question out of curiosity.
I am aware that most users will need a FileOpen- and SaveDialogue. But I want get rid of unnecessary user interaction. In my special case, I need GUIListViewEx to be a permanent part of the GUI. The treeview has 4-5 parents with each 5-6 childs. Every child is directly related to a lvs-file, which means manual loading or saving is not only unnecessary, but also timewasting and a probable source for user errors. A TreeView with disabled singleclick is (just in my case) the best solution I can imagine actually.
The problem in your suggested solution is (if I understood correctly), that if one accidentaly changes the selected child in the treeview, autosave would overwrite the wrong lvs-file. If only doubleclicks would be able to change the selected item/child within a treeview, there would be no problem. That would be an easy and clean workaround in my eyes. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you Melba23. I will try the examples tonight. About the single click selection: Is there a way to disable single clicks within a treeview. If yes, that would be a quick & clean solution.
ChooseFileFolder UDF seems to be very interesting. I have already created a solution in the past minutes using your ListFiles_ToTreeView function and a function that reads the full path of a treeview item and if exists can be used to save or load the assigned database file. But nevertheless I have a question concerning the treeview linked to GUIListViewEx: Actually Load/Save is triggered by clicking their buttons. Is there a way to detect a change in the ListView to trigger a saving? And the other way round: Is there a way to load the related lvs-file when I click a different child-item in the treeview itself? Both functions together would act as autosave and autoload.
The mentioned loading error belongs to the past now, thank you. Unfortunately the redrawing slowed down the loading process for large databases, as I attached above. In my project I am going to have a treeview linked to several lvs-files for a simple switching from one database to the other. That will be a bit slow. I think I have to be ok with that. The upcoming improvements sound promising. Can't wait to see them...
@Melba23: Excuse my late reply and insufficient problem description. Here is a stripped off example of my script, which reproduces the error: #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include "GUIListViewEx_Mod.au3" #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### $Form1 = GUICreate("Example", 970, 554, 192, 124, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX+$WS_MINIMIZEBOX+$WS_SIZEBOX) $cLoad = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load", 6, 496, 60, 25) $cReDraw = GUICtrlCreateButton("ReDraw", 72, 496, 60, 25) $ExitButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 886, 496, 77, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ;===============GUIListViewEx==================== $cLV_1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("Please load file.", 6, 6, 964, 483, $LVS_SINGLESEL) _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle($cLV_1, BitOR($LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES)) ; Create array Global $aLVArray_1[1][1] ; Initiate ListView - edit on click in call columns - user colours $iLVIndex_1 = _GUIListViewEx_Init($cLV_1, $aLVArray_1, 1, 0, True, 2 + 8 + 16 + 32, "*") _GUIListViewEx_MsgRegister() GUISetState() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $ExitButton Exit Case $cLoad $sLoadFile = FileOpenDialog("Choose file", @ScriptDir, "LVS-File (*.lvs)", $FD_FILEMUSTEXIST) _GUIListViewEx_LoadListView($iLVIndex_1, $sLoadFile) Case $cReDraw _GUIListViewEx_BlockReDraw($iLVIndex_1, False) EndSwitch ; Allow edit on double click $aRet = _GUIListViewEx_EditOnClick() WEnd The lvs-database is attached. Thanks for your awesomesupport. 2016_11_02_22_48_54_colors.lvs
I found a possible bug. When I load a lvs-file with _GUIListViewEx_LoadListView the saved colors are not loaded. To do so, I have to force a reload with _GUIListViewEx_BlockReDraw($iLVIndex_1, False), which - of course - delays. Everyhing else seems to work properly.
Implemented it. It works fast and flawless. Your UDF has a very big potential... Together with the MPDF.au3 UDF I see endless possibilities... You may laugh, but I am close to ged rid of using Excel for some timewasting, repeating tasks.
I am glad that you can support me anyway, no matter how long it takes.
Yes, I looked at it, and it is definetely a thinkable option. But at his point I think the tabbed option will could be a bit userunfriendly for my colleagues, because they actually work with endless excel tables and are used to that handling. Additionally I must admit, I am also not aware how to manage save/load- or an analysis function with tabs. If the actual program design fails in practice, the tabbed version could be the next best option.