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  1. found it SW_SHOWNORMAL is showing it
  2. Hi all, I just upgraded to windows 10 and am using Edge as my browser now. Updated my scripts, but I can not unhide a minimized Edge window with the script anymore. WinSetState ( "titlle","", @SW_MAXIMIZE ) works fine, but not if it is minimized. Tried same with SW_SHOW, doesn't work. WinExists("title","") -> returns 1, so it is finding my window. WinWait($title,$text,$timeout) If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text) WinWaitActive($title,$text,$timeout) Doesn't work also, so I think I tried all but cant get the window back Any help would be appreciated
  3. Hi, I have a script which is playing part of my game for me. It's working nice, BUT... it is a flash-game and a couple times a day the game generates a pop-up window in the browser (not a windows-window ).... there are several of these windows which are slightly different, some are for buying stuff with paypal, and the result is my script keeps clicking and has already been clicking to open links to paypal Also it has been spending my coins unwanted haha.... So I don't know anything about flash player but is there a way to detect if a flash-window is open within the main browser window and to close it ? That would really help me a lot !
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