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Everything posted by vickerps

  1. Thanks Script kitty How do u implement it in the little example i gave. For example if i put it in front of the code it would just do the progressbar until it reach 100% and then carry on doing the rest of the script wouldn't it? Would you put it under the adlib section? please help?
  2. I have just seen the Progress function in the help file. Basically on my scripts when autoit running through a script and all the users see nothing happening. To stop them thinking the prog has frozen i use SplashTextOn and splashoff and somthing like please wait. For example SplashTextOn (please wait) ....autoit is doing copying or fileinstall ... autoit doing calculations ...autoit doing iniwrite or iniread splashoff msgbox (finished) could i use the progess on, set and off function in the same way. How?
  3. thanks guys Before I read your reply i had solved my problem. here is the code i have used can you find any problems with it. should redo it the way you have suggested
  4. Hi Guys I am writing a prog to configure IP address There 1024 Site to configure Site1 = Site2 = This will multiplying by 16 until 240 is reach then site 17 = Site 18 = and so on I have written this to write the ip addresses based upon the site no basically my formula doesn't work because once site 33 is reach it will start writing 256 and upwards. Can anyone help please
  5. Thanks Triton The registry for the ip address won't work because there under a random key which you can't assign for in autoit do know of a good util for change IP,subnet,gateway on NT and XP for Pc in a workgroup enviroment.
  6. sorry not been on for a bit something came up. ZenKensei thanks for the offer i should be ok should be to hard and i am trying to get use to v3 anyway. Triton what are those ini entries your talking about i am only want the workgroup way i have no need for domain for this one. Also has anyone found a util or done a script for changing the IP,subnet, and gateway. Thanks for all your support
  7. Hi I just wondering if anyone knows a way to change the computer name in NT4 and XP. I am writing an auto it script but don't want to do the whole keystroke thing for changing the computername. I am hoping there is another way like via the registry or by calling some 3rdparty app.
  8. Thanks JPM I see your point and don't get me wrong I accept that the user should do the programing but I just thought they would good useful additions to autoit to have hard coded. Then again Holger's and your code has fixed my prob and it looks so simple. Well with every post on this forum i am learing somthing new each time. Thanks again for your time
  9. noooooooo I new I was pushing my luck booo hard code the min max lenght thing into input boxes. make us Simpletons lives easier lol. Ok JPM if you can't hard code that one what do you think of my last post This would help me with this prob
  10. Thanks Holger for your reponse and i like your code to make the input boxes have a text limit (I feel that xmas has come early). Thanks for your code hadn't had a chance to study it yet to see what you have done cause going out soon on the beer. Just had a quick run of the code and it seems to do what i want thanks. what i have noticed thou is when you click on apply it come up with the message 'incorrect terminal id' which would be great but i had till selected in the combo so they wouldn't enter one. I there any way to say only query it if the input is visible / enabled. And seeing that being cheeky and calling this wonderful program is working for me. Could i suggest that if a inputbox,button, combo box, etc is disabled / invisable that the value is set to a specific number. By doing this you could write some sort of exclussion script. Hope this make sense
  11. Hi I been trying to find way around this but just can't get it. I want the the terminal ID box to have a limit of 8 charactors and i want the prog to say error if it doesn't but only once the apply button is pressed. But every time the combo changes then the message appears. However i still want the combo box to infulance what is displayed on the screen. help!! Example: GUICreate("names") $T_COMBO = GUISetControl("combo", "Pos", -1,10,80) GUISetControlNotify ( $T_COMBO,2) GUISetControlData(-1,"Back Office|Till|Combined") $TillNo = GUISetControl("Combo","1",90,10,40) GUISetControlData(-1,"1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9") GUISetControlEx ( $TillNo, 32) $lbl_TID = GUISetControl("Label", "Terminal ID", 20,50,80) GUISetControlEx ($lbl_TID, 32) $Inpt_TID = GUISetControl("Input", "", 90,50,55) GUISetControlEx ( $Inpt_TID, 32) $Apply = GUISetControl("Button", "Apply", 220,260,50) GUISetControlNotify () GUISetControl("button", "Exit", 290,260,50) While GUImsg() $COMBO = GuiRead($T_COMBO) If $COMBO = "Back Office" Then GUISetControlEx ( $TillNo, 32) GUISetControlEx ( $lbl_TID, 16) GUISetControlEx ( $Inpt_TID, 16) ElseIf $COMBO = "Till" Then GUISetControlEx ( $TillNo, 16) GUISetControlEx ( $lbl_TID, 32) GUISetControlEx ( $Inpt_TID, 32) ElseIf $COMBO = "Combined" Then GUISetControlEx ( $TillNo, 32) GUISetControlEx ( $lbl_TID, 16) GUISetControlEx ( $Inpt_TID, 16) EndIf IF $lenght <>8 THEN MsgBox(64, " ", "Incorrect Terminal ID") Endif Wend Isn't it possible to say something like don't do something until a button is clicked. I have been thinking something like this IF $lenght <>8 AND $Apply =(Clicked) THEN MsgBox(64, " ", "Incorrect Terminal ID") Endif My would be easier if on the next update of autoit3 you clever people wrote in min and max value states for text boxes
  12. that was quick lol only downloaded 15 the other day. Jdeb have you had a any thoughts on what i asked?
  13. thanks JdeB thant work great and learnt somthing in the process using the same script the one you fixed for me. Is it possible to make it bring up the msgbox up without clicking on the apply button so when they select the name in the combo box the msgbox will just come up Kclarke don't take the script the litterally I only wrote it as an example. just found out about autoit-gui a few days ago and it superb with don't they just incorperate this into the main autoit dowload and have it as one entity. oh and krclark thank for your input. go to the help file and go to gui references via the contents the index and search doesn't have the gui in it.
  14. slowly starting to learn the superb autoit-qui One of the probs i'am have is how do you create a loop I have written a little test script which i want to select a name from the combo box. Once the user presses apply a messege box come up saying "name" was selected This works no probs for the first time but then if they press apply again or choose a different name nothing happens. How do i keep it looping? example script GUICreate("names") GUISetControl("button", "Apply", 240,260) GUISetControlNotify() $combo = GUISetControl("combo", "my combo", -1,10,80) GUISetControlData(-1,"paul|peter|sam") GUISetControl("button", "Exit", 290,260,50) While GUImsg() $combo = GuiRead ($combo) IF $combo = "paul" Then MsgBox(0,"", $combo & " " & "was selected") elseIF $combo = "peter" Then MsgBox(0,"", $combo & " " & "was selected") elseIF $combo = "sam" Then MsgBox(0,"", $combo & " " & "was selected") endif Wend
  15. lol i was being dumb Thanks larry
  16. sorry jpm i probably didn't make my self clear I look at the help file and i see that it has been updated but when i look at the example scripts like GUIWRITE.au3 In that script there are functions like GUICreate() I go to the help file to try and find out what GUICreate() is and there no reference to it like there would be for say iniwrite. How do i get to know all the varies functions? Am i being dumb? I probably am lol The last thing i want to do i offend someone
  17. This is great. woo hoo. You probably know them all but I thought i would list my findings the one with the @ are ones that for some reason don't support it and the ones with the @ have a number on the far side that how many different options there are. Hope it help someone Add hardware wizard RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL hdwwiz.cpl Intel® 82865G Graphics Controller Properties RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL igfxcpl.cpl Internet Properties RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,@0,0 6 Regional and Language Options RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,@0,0 2 Game Controlers RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL joy.cpl Mouse Properties RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,@0,0 4 Sounds and Audio Devices Properties RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,@0,0 4 Network applet, Protocols tab: RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL NCPA.CPL User Accounts RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL nusrmgr.cpl Accessibility options RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL access.cpl,@0,1 5 Add and remove programs RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,@0,0 4 Desktop applet, Screensaver tab: RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL DESK.CPL,@0,1 3 ODBC32 RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL odbccp32.cpl Power Options Properties RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL powercfg.cpl Intel® ProSet II RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL PROSetp.cpl System applet, Environment tab: RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL SYSDM.CPL,@0,0 5 Phone and Modem Options RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL telephon.cpl,@0,0 2 Date/time applet, Time Zone tab: RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL TIMEDATE.CPL,@0,1 2 Speech properties C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Speech\sapi.cpl
  18. AutoItSetOption ( "SendKeyDelay", 100 ) AutoItSetOption ( "SendKeyDownDelay", 50 ) Send ("{ALTDOWN}{i}{ALTUP}") Send ("{+}") Send ("{ENTER 2}") Send ("{ESCAPE}")
  19. Hi guys ok never new what autoit gui was until now. When i look at the coding from the scripts you wrote i think no way man... I need to start from scratch and make something basic that will give me confidences to go on. The biggest prob i have is there no help. I have download the the latest auto-qui 105 The readme says "GUI... functions are described in the .chm" but the chm is just the autoit help and i try and find out info on some of the Functions like GUIwrite and there is no info do i have the right help file?
  20. Hi just getting use to controlclick, controlfocus,etc I am using the Active window info to get the info but alot of XP is annoying because a lot of the control class are the same and there no text from what i can see. For example controlfocus ("control Panel","","ToolbarWindow323") controlclick ("control Panel","","ToolbarWindow323") This bring file on the menu bar to focus However say i want edit to be the highlighted how can i do it through the control because the class ToolbarWindow323 is the same as File, Edit, View,etc. There is no text but i have notice that via the Active window info tool that the "Status bar text" is different for each one. Is there any way to use this?
  21. Thanks it would of taken a long long time for me to do that. Why isn't there a option like filewriteline that will do this. Can it be put into the next release Yes i know i'am cheeky lol.
  22. Larry as i read what you say fear consumes my whole body. I'll give a go but if you have the time can you give me a helping hand.
  23. Thank guys but that add to the begining of a file i want to add some where in the middle for example line23
  24. I want to insert text to a line within a file. Filewrite only let you add to the end. Does anyone know of a way
  25. How would i write this I can do it but it messy and lot of repeat coding. I am sure there a easier way FileCopy ( "D:\utility\Receipt.ini", "C:\windows\Receipt.ini", 1) FileCopy ( "D:\utility\reset.ini", "C:\windows\reset.ini", 1) FileCopy ( "D:\utility\logon.cmd", "C:\windows\logon\logon.cmd", 1) FileCopy ( "D:\utility\NtConfig.pol", "C:\windows\NtConfig.pol", 1) FileCopy ( "D:\utility\unres.pol", "C:\windows\unres.pol", 1) If any of the filecopy's fail i want the script to bring a msgbox up saying 'abort' or somthing like that and then exit
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