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  1. Unfortunately, this Code does not work as stable. Making parts of the image as black. One screen shows a complete black out in the resolution. Prepared with AutoIt example "MyBot" we are looking for the feature is available. Visual scanning in the background present.
  2. Ok, I have come to the conclusion that I want with this code. #RequireAdmin _share_folder("Burak", @DesktopDir & "\burak") Func _share_folder($share_name, $share_path) If Not(FileExists($share_path)) Then DirCreate($share_path) RunWait(@ComSpec & " /C net share "&$share_name&" /delete&net share "&$share_name&"="&$share_path&" /GRANT:EVERYONE,FULL&CACLS "&$share_path&" /e /p Everyone:f", "", @SW_HIDE) EndFunc
  3. Full ACL permissions on the network doesn't give access to other parties. I want to set the permissions on the share of the property.
  4. Hi, I found a code like this, but just to share the folder opens, write, and he won't give permission to modify. Const $FILE_SHARE = 0 Const $MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS = 25 $strComputer = "atl-ws-01" $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\cimv2") $objNewShare = $objWMIService.Get("Win32_Share") $errReturn = $objNewShare.Create("C:\Public", "PublicShare", $FILE_SHARE, $MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS, "Public share for Fabrikam employees.") How to access from other computers, read, write and how we can give permissions to?
  5. How to access from other computers, read, write and how we can give permissions to?
  6. Hello, I want to make autoit with facebook login with winhttp. Without using IE. Winhttp or is there another way?
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