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  1. im building a exe program not a bot thanks for your time i was after group help im not in no rush im building a program where autoit 3 can connect to databases with secret token and key this isent somthing thats out for the public with autoit if i carnt find it and i can build it and i was willing to share it along the way , why try an kill my topic off infact you probaly good nite
  2. lol i had and have and was in the process lol no i carnt use php has you can not run php in the back of windows hidden it has to be html or htm im figuring out how to add the script snippet to the html then i build the bot with auto3 this is going to be a windows exe progam not a web site
  3. step 1 create a .html page and ad the button to activate the javascript <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function jsconnect() put js content here </script> <FORM name="facebook api task 1"> <INPUT NAME="trigger" TYPE="button" VALUE="go go javascript" onClick="jsconnect()"> </FORM> now ill find a test api command to hit onclick ready for step 2 sorry for not using autoit 3 code from step one but for this to work i have to use htm / java / autoit 3 please feel free to help me out thanks rob
  4. im kinda on that righ now im gonna use a invissibal .html page using javascript tags<script></script> to call the api hopfully , i belive you have to activate the api command via an invissibal button or most servers wont retrive the answer now im gonna have to go an a html forum because i can't get the <a href ><script>js content here</script></a> js script to run inside the a href link unless some one here no how to fix that
  5. its this possibal can i create a html page where i can edit the page with autoit 3 like a file hidden change security key and token for each user on a set line , ill change complete line for ease of edit one line in html will do it i think open the html page hidden all data will be shown in arrays not as facebook displays it save to file this could allow autoit 3 to connect to facebook via api key any help with the code would be fantastic help me extract one list of arrays and when ive finished all of facebook api commands ill post for all to share this will work i just need a little help and i no loads have been wondering how to do it so together it should be easy
  6. hello has any one use autoit to log in to websites and collect infor from databases and update info i want to build a bot witch i can use to log into facebook udate my status ect... i want to collect infor from my users database has any one got some sample code for me to play with thank you
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