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Files posted by Deye

  1. GUICtrlTuner_Limitless.au3

    Macro Usage :
     2 ways for selecting more than one control
     Holding the X while selecting or drawing a temp rectangle over desired controls
     Mouse wheel to cycle through previous selections of checks
     Mouse wheel+ CTRL = As an alternative to using Undo\Redo (buttons)
    key combo's :
      + SHIFT           When needing to Perform actions while keeping the checked controls in check, for instance, when dragging a group of checked controls @ keeping them checked (See Aligning options for the other use)
        + Space-Bar     For applying actions to all controls Specified in a preset where only one of the controls belonging to the same preset is actually checked
        + CTRL             Makes an action continues
        + ALT                Resize actions
      + CTRL Click  a control that belongs to a configured preset, makes all the other controls in that preset to get Checked (or Unchecked - with another CTRL + click)
     Tabs :
    In order to move controls into tabs you will need to drag the control\s on to a tab label other then the one selected
      so if you want a control\s to go into a tab labeled :"one" first select some other tab then you can drag drop the control\s on to the tab labeled "one"
    Aligning options:
    Checked items are parameterized by right clicking any odd control which is checked or unchecked (in the group or out of the group \ anywhere), using its size or position as a parameter for the chosen sizing action on whatever controls that are shown as checked in the control pannel Gui
    In cases where more than one control are checked. The aligning will aim to size the group of controls relatively to each other,  if you will need  the sizing to be absolute when using the "equal in" :"Top", "Bottom", "Left", "Right" "Size", Width", "Height" than hold down  the SHIFT key while clicking or choosing an action
    How to have Equal spacing between groups (Shift+SpaceBar_Combo_Demo.flv).7z


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  2. _ClipFileToVar

    This is for reading a file and converting it to a paste-able $Var
    Double clicking the executable sends a copy of the executable to the windows explorer SendTo directory
    Usage:  right click any text file (needed for your script)   bringing explorer's context menu and and selecting ( Send To > _ClipFileToVar. Exe ) 
    Whatever option you get selected from the GUI's options will fill the output to the clipboard where you then can paste the result straight into your main script
    the options are 
    converting text files:
    considering line breaks and shortening empty lines + breaking  lines that exceed 100 notes
    all so that the output remains readable as with plain reading the file
    The other option is for converting the file's read data to  _Base64Encoded  data
    the last option fills the clipboard with the functions and an example that shows how to convert the _Base64encoded $Var back to a readable form that your script can then use
    So far with what I put here, plus the example is for working with text files only


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  3. au3 (X) shell extension

    Manage UDF's and file includes as backup\restore or import\export method  To register the extension: Double click the executable from inside any folder of your choosing, For instance "My Documents\UDF-Store\au3_X.exe"
    To change the location of what is to be the "UDF-Store", move au3_X.exe to the new path and just repeat the above.
    Starting it up :
    Right click any *.au3, In the explorer context menu showing up choose the option "au3 (X)", The GUI will show up with an overview of all the action buttons + available options



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  4. ChromeProtectedTabs.exe

    Small example script to Protect Tabs in chrome + close other tabs and duplicates
    Local $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\ChromeProtectedTabs.exe" ;Close other tabs not containg these key words or duplicates Local $sProtectedTabs = "msdn, developer, autoit, Gmail, amazon, DuckDuckGo, YouTube" Run($sFilePath & " " & $sProtectedTabs)  


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