Thank you both for your replies, I will investigate further when I'm not being forced to Xmas shop!
Thanks Saint for reminding me of the quotes, I will go through and change them when I can.
And thanks Spider, never seen that function it looks interesting, I guess it would mainly change the DirRemove part of my code to look at the array with a nth variable to count the array entries? So DirRemove($Array [$nthEntry], 1)
I forgot to add my dir line I'm running (which does work), just because I prepopulated the text files first this time as I was troubleshooting.
I run this first normally but as said, I was trying to simplify to find the problem so I just made the C:List1.txt and put in X:21New Folder which becomes "X:21New Folder" in C:List2.txt.
Local $DIRCMDPath = "X:\2\1" & " > "
Local $HiddenDirPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\SBackup\Logs\HiddenDir.txt"
Local $DIRCMD = "dir /S /B /A:HD " & $DIRCMDPath & $HiddenDirPath
Local $DetectHidden = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $DIRCMD, @WindowsDir, @SW_HIDE)
I have successfully used Spider001 suggestion of an array in the following script, but it does give an error as seen below:
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Func Array()
Global $Array = _FileListToArrayRec("X:\2\1", "*", $FLTAR_FOLDERS, 0, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
If @error Then Exit
_ArrayDisplay($Array, "Display all first level folders with full path")
EndFunc ;==>Array
Local $nth = 1
While 1
$FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($Array[$nth])
If StringInStr($FileAttr, "H") Or StringInStr($FileAttr, "S") Then
DirRemove($Array[$nth], 1)
$nth = $nth + 1
If $FileAttr = "" Then ExitLoop
"X:\Software\AutoIT\Tutorial Tests\TestSpacev2.au3" (16) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:
$FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($Array[$nth])
$FileAttr = FileGetAttrib(^ ERROR
The script does work, but it wants to go on to FileGetAttrib from a non existent part of the array which I think is the cause of the error, e.g. trying to access $array[4] when only $array[0] to [3] exists.
Any suggestions to solve the error? If so I think it might be case closed
Think I managed to sort it; feel free to suggest a neater way though:
Global $input2_data = Somepath
$DirGetSizeArray = DirGetSize($Input2_Data, 3)
Local $ArrayFolders = _FileListToArrayRec($Input2_Data, "*", $FLTAR_FOLDERS, 0, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
_ArrayDisplay($ArrayFolders, "Display no hidden or system folders")
If IsArray($ArrayFolders) Then
Global $ArraySize = UBound($ArrayFolders) - 1
Local $nth = 1
While 1
If $DirGetSizeArray[2] = 0 Then ExitLoop
$FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($ArrayFolders[$nth])
If StringInStr($FileAttr, "H") Or StringInStr($FileAttr, "S") Then
DirRemove($ArrayFolders[$nth], 1)
If $nth = $ArraySize Then ExitLoop
$nth = $nth + 1
Local $ArrayFiles = _FileListToArrayRec($Input2_Data, "*", $FLTAR_FILES, 0, 0, $FLTAR_FULLPATH)
_ArrayDisplay($ArrayFiles, "Display no hidden or system files")
If IsArray($ArrayFiles) Then
Global $ArraySize = UBound($ArrayFiles) - 1
Local $nth = 1
While 1
If $DirGetSizeArray[1] = 0 Then ExitLoop
$FileAttr = FileGetAttrib($ArrayFiles[$nth])
If StringInStr($FileAttr, "H") Or StringInStr($FileAttr, "S") Then
FileSetAttrib($ArrayFiles[$nth], "-SHRA")
If $nth = $ArraySize Then ExitLoop
$nth = $nth + 1