Older version of AutoIt do not crash, just give a error.
I try to connect to Active directory. Now i use waters Active directory UDF.
When i try to connect to Active directory with bad username or password then i get error..
#include "AD.au3"
Global $sHostServer = "DC"
Global $sDNSDomain = "DC=work,DC=com"
Global $sConfiguration = "CN=Configuration," & $sDNSDomain
Global $sUserId = "1"
Global $sPassword = "2"
_AD_Open($sUserId, $sPassword, $sDNSDomain, $sHostServer, $sConfiguration)
And the error:
"D:DropboxJobbAutoIt3-IncludeAD.au3" (314) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.:
$__oAD_Bind = $__oAD_OpenDS.OpenDSObject("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer, $sUserIdParam, $sPasswordParam, $__bAD_BindFlags)
$__oAD_Bind = $__oAD_OpenDS^ ERROR
->19:41:55 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:1