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About PanStefan

  • Birthday November 1

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  1. Hello there, I'd like to test your DLL, but links are down.
  2. Yes, I have this table It's just for an example. Windows 8. MsgBox displays ERROR = 2 Topic can be closed, I changed the plugin (ProgAndy's plugin) and everything works.
  3. How/where should I use it? Can you give me an example?
  4. Help? Anyone?
  5. Hello, it's me again. This time I have problem with MySQL plugin. Here is my code #include <MySQL.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> $User="" $Password="" $Database="" $Serwer="" ;I guess you guys know, why those variables are empty :) $Column = _NowDate() $BazaDanych = _MySQLConnect($User, $Password, $Database, $Serwer) $Variable1 = InputBox("", "Enter a value: ") $Query = "UPDATE autoit SET '" & $Column & "' = '" & $Variable1 & "'" MsgBox(0, "MySQL Query Preview", $Query) _Query($BazaDanych, $Query) _MySQLEnd($BazaDanych)
  6. I've tried, but my programming skill aren't so high :/
  7. Okay guys, it's too hard to me to connect phone using TCP.
  8. Thank you, and I'll try and let you know.
  9. You are right. Using app is more comfortable. Then I'll ask - what is faster considering the delay? - TCP or using DB?
  10. Okay. Step 1. (Phone) I click button in app and it changes value from false to true. Step 2. Value of the variable is changing in DataBase. Step 3. (Computer) Script is downloading value of variable and do something depending on the value. I have 2 free DBs on site pawno.pl
  11. Suppose that downloading from a database value of the variable, eg. Email = true, so now the script based on the value, opens the program to send e-mail or something. But if you say that the TCP functions could be a better solution - I'd asked for a more detailed explanation of your thoughts.
  12. So - If in app I'll click button, variable value will change and AutoIt script will for e.g. say "Hello World" if value is really changed.
  13. Can I ask for some good AutoIt SQL tutorials?
  14. Thanks so much and one more question - is database include exist in plugins folder or I'll need to download it?
  15. Hello, I have an idea to control my computer with AutoIt and phone, for example changing mouse position by clicking on button in Android app. So I have few questions - can I use in my script (AutoIt) databases? If I clicked button in Android app and value changed in database then AutoIt can do something according with value of some variable? So sorry for my bad English
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