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Everything posted by Arnol5

  1. It took me a while to get your script working in my script. But i works like a charm now. i'll definitely check out your video's !! Thanks again for the fast and helpful respons
  2. So i have a bunch of If and else functions insida a wile function in my script but when my program freezes my mouse won't move. So than the mouse has to restart the program. But i don't seem to get how i have to put the time indication and sutch. MouseGetPos () If $array[0] And $array[1] = $array[0] And $array[1] for 500 Then MouseMove($array[0]-50,$array[1]-100) MouseClick($array[0]-50,$array[1]-100) ... ... ...
  3. Can i make my mouse move when the X and Y coordinates remain the same for a cetain moment. I have no Idea how i can put this in some kind of script laguage If mousePosition = for certain thime Then ... Thank in advance
  4. I Forgot the " " Thx for the fast and good respons everyone
  5. Hello When i press the button i want it to read witch language i selected but it gives me an error that it doesn't understand Dutch,French,English,German So what does the GUICtrlRead give as outpout ? $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Server language", 32, 8, 113, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Dutch|French|English|German") Func button1() $var = GUICtrlRead($combo1) if $var = Dutch Then MsgBox(0,"blub","hell yeah") EndIf EndFunc thx in advance
  6. Dear forum users I'm trying to make some kind of bot that searches pictures and when he found a picture he has to klick it. But if he can't find a picture he has to look for an other one if he can't find that one he moves on to the next and so on untill he founds one. if he found one the program has go back to the first image without klikking one of the images afther the first image he found. This is what i have so far (but i can't get it to work) -snip- Can someone help me with this please Thank you in advance Arnol5
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