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  1. Okay, It works fine now ! Thank you.................
  2. IE9, IE10 fails DrawToDC call Local $tIID_IHTMLElementRender = _AutoItObject_CLSIDFromString("{3050F669-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B}") It would be not found the class id {3050F669-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} not work on ie9, 10
  3. #1. during typing NOT copy&pasting (copy&pasting is no problem except below case) for example, 1. copy & paste below code on your autoit debugger editor (in non-alpabet characters) Msgbox(0, "korean language", "타이핑중입니다") or MsgBox(0, "japanease language", "入力中です") or Msgbox(0, "chinese", "输入是") or Msgbox(0, "german", "Der Eingänge") or Msgbox(0, "russian", "Из входов") or Msgbox(0, "greek", "Από τις εισόδους είναι") or Msgbox(0, "france", "Des entrées est") 2. then try typing in english comment on the right of Msgbox(0, "test", "타이핑중입니다") Msgbox(0, "test", "타이핑중입니다") ;then try typing in english here 3. it raise the error. Thanks.
  4. awesome tool ~~~ Issue#1. It is opened automatically the "AutoIt Debugger" popup window when typing in my country language.(Korean Language) Issue #2. I saved to UTF8 my script on SciTE editor (file > encoding > UTF8 with BOM) It is broken all non-english characters when open my script above It seems to be NOT supported UTF8 encoding. thank you.
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