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Everything posted by ZipperZ

  1. THANX!!!! i found what i needed :DDD
  2. Is it possible to make some program with autoit, that could open COM port and send commands to connected device? THNX (Sorry for my bad english)
  3. Damn I've didn't noticed that thanx again
  4. Oh thanx! FileInstall("C:\test.bmp", "D:\mydir\test.bmp") i thought it allways take test.bmp from C:\... but when i compiled..
  5. that's not what i'm wanting... I want to write script and input in it exe. Lets say i start my script it creates another exe (whitch is inside it)send command to it and delete it...
  6. there isnt any fileinstal() in my help file...
  7. Is there any way to implent another exe i to a script?
  8. Sorry for my english.. I'm new in this scripting so i dont know many things... Ok the main thing: My script reads registry for program dir. Then i want the script to read ini whitch is not exatly in that dir. $dir = RegRead("Heres the key dir", "heres key") (it reads C:/program files/program, and ini is in: C:/program files/program/bin/set.ini , how to make it read that ini? $ini = IniRead("(what to write here?)", "section", "Key", "NotFound") MsgBox(4096, "Result", $ini)(this is for testing)
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