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  1. So, there's no way to "include" the jpg files into the EXE?
  2. The scriptdir contains the au3 file and all jpg files. From within SciTE, I compile (Tools > Compile) the au3 from that folder. No errors or issues during compilation. After that, I transfer only the compiled EXE to computers. So, far, it is just this single computer that isn't showing the background images. Just can't wrap my head around it. No errors in the Windows event viewer and nothing out of the ordinary showing up in ProcMon, so I'm at a loss.
  3. SOLVE-SMART, yes, the images are JPG files as I created them myself in GIMP and exported as JPG. I have tried with many JPGs, even generic ones downloaded from the net. Unfortunately, after further testing, the EXE is functioning properly on other computers, so it may be just this one computer having some unknown issue. Nine, unfortunately, the change in the GUI create didn't make a difference.
  4. When AU3 script is run from right-click > run script, the background images, on the forms, are displayed correctly. However, when the compiled EXE is run, the background images are missing. Advice? Suggestions? Thanks in advance. #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Global $Form_Intro = GUICreate("Intro form", 463, 266, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP & BITOR($WS_EX_LAYERED, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) Global $Pic_Intro = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\intro.jpg", 0, 0, 463, 266, $GUI_DISABLE) Global $Button1_Intro = GUICtrlCreateButton("One", 175, 234, 49, 25) Global $Button2_Intro = GUICtrlCreateButton("Two", 229, 234, 49, 25) Global $Button3_Intro = GUICtrlCreateButton("Three", 283, 234, 49, 25) Global $Button4_Intro = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 358, 234, 97, 25) _Intro() Func _Intro() WinSetOnTop($Form_Intro, "", $WINDOWS_ONTOP) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form_Intro) While 1 $Msg_Welcome = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg_Welcome Case $Button1_Intro GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form_Intro) _One_Ask() Exit Case $Button2_Intro GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form_Intro) _Two_Ask() Exit Case $Button3_Intro GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form_Intro) _Three_Ask() Exit Case $Button4_Intro GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form_Intro) _Cancel_Ask() EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc
  5. Does something along the lines of an "OnIdle" command/function/macro/etc. exist? Looking to create a script that only fires when the system has been idle for more than a certain number of seconds. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanx, Nine! Your code helped with the solution. After removing the secondary "" (text in window) in the functions, it is working. While 1 WinWait("Timeout Warning") WinActivate("Timeout Warning") Sleep(500) ControlClick("Timeout Warning", "", "[NAME:m_btnStayLoggedIn]") WEnd
  7. That worked, ioa747! Thanx.
  8. Trying to launch Edge hidden, but apparently it's not possible? Tried this... Run('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" https://open/this/url/on/launch/', "", @SW_HIDE) The browser launches and with the appropriate URL, but just can't hide it.
  9. Yes, the window can be killed, but that would defeat the purpose. It is a inactivity timeout window for an app. If I kill the window, the app will terminate. The goal is to click the window in order to extend the timeout.
  10. Update. I used "{SPACE}" since there wasn't a shortcut present, but still only works if that Timeout Warning window is top most.
  11. Sadly, no underlined characters on the buttons when pressing the ALT key. However, it appears as though the "Still Working" button is highlighted by default. Is there an easy way to target that default button?
  12. bogQ, this only works when the window is topmost. Most of the time it is hidden behind other windows and then it is ignored. Nine, when using au3Info, I do not see anything identifying a shortcut.
  13. Have script that watches for specific window to be presented, then clicks a specific button on said window to close it out. Script works without issue, but when it triggers, it opens it's own source folder and steals focus from whatever I'm currently working on. While 1 WinWait("Timeout Warning", "") If WinExists("Timeout Warning", "") Then WinActivate("Timeout Warning", "") ControlClick("Timeout Warning", "", "[NAME:m_buttonStillWorking]") EndIf Sleep(25000) WEnd How do I prevent the script from opening it's own source folder and stealing focus from whatever I'm currently working on? Thanks in advance.
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