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Everything posted by LiquidWarlock

  1. Oh Well, sorry. Thanks to both of you. and it works great, sorry about that ron
  2. Thanks Valuater it works GREAT!
  3. Thank you both, Ronrules and Valuater
  4. way off or not...you lost me
  5. There is not much to the script, that is not what i want it for, but that is how i am testing, using notepad. But it wont pause. And the GUI was so hard for me that i just took it out o.O
  6. sorry not sure how you do the code thing...to post it like you guys do. I am always looking through these forums, but decided to register today
  7. Hmm here it is: Woops.. Global $Paused HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") HotKeySet("+!d", "ShowMessage") ;Shift-Alt-d Run ("notepad.exe") Sleep (2000) Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") ;;;; Body of program would go here;;;; While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd ;;;;;;;; Func TogglePause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused sleep(100) ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc Func ShowMessage() MsgBox(4096,"","This is a message.") EndFunc
  8. And Val, it still wont pause when i want it to.. it just continues doing Z's til it has done the complete list, then it lets me pause the rest.
  9. haha he means you are doing it for another site to get high site viewing statistics...not on here Genius
  10. maybe i could post my script, or tell what i want it to do and someone can write me one to show me what i am trying to do.. it is a very small script so shouldnt be bad. Because even though you guys are giving me a lot of help, im not exactly sure what to do with the help given
  11. Well yeah i have all of what he said in my script, but i want to be able to pause the script at any given time inbetween those Z's. like i cannot randomly press F6 (my pause button) to pause the script, although if its before or after the Z's it pauses fine
  12. Thank you both! and check my other post if you could to see if you have any advice please!
  13. Maybe can help you script this if you need it. I play the game too, and am constantly looking for places to bot and testing new scripts out. And it looks like you have a really nice script going so maybe i could get that from you when it is complete? you know test it out? but if not thats totally understandable and cool.
  14. I need to know how to make it start...paused i guess. When i open my script it clicks where i want it to, but i need some time to open the window its clicking for back up. So is there a way to start the script paused? A second question. How do i make a button on a GUI do what i want it to? Ex: i want the ok button to start my script, I've read the help files and i sort of understand, but could someone show me an example of how i could make my "OK" button to start the script, and my "Exit" button to close the GUI and script? Thanks!
  15. Ok, so i have a script like this: Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") Send("Z") and so on, and i have the Hotkeys in there to pause it..but it will not allow me to pause in the middle of those. I am making an script to continually press z for a game, but i want F6 to pause it. It pauses at any other time after the pressing of Z's and before, but they main function is to press Z, and i need to be able to pause it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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