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  1. _FileListToArray can accept wildcards. Local $sPath = "filename*.msi" Would catch both your given examples. -edit Well, not both.. I didn't see the space. But a bit of tinkering with the wildcards (they are the same ones DOS or Windows accepts) should be able to catch them. -edit2 ...and I think I misunderstood what you are doing. It looks like you are trying to change the extension of the file from .64msi to .msi?
  2. I'm glad it was just a difference of axis alignments. I can accommodate that by just switching how I load the data from the vertex list. I started playing with the target values (instead of leaving them at 0) and the camera view began behaving as expected. Thanks for clearing that up. I intend to use this as a wireframe preview for a little mesh editing tool. It's just enough to help identify pieces and features within the model (that's all that is needed.) Once I have a cleaner implementation of it, I'll post an example of the code that uses your functions here. Thanks again for putting this together. I have ideas for working with 3d models, but am terrible at the math behind it.
  3. Enjoying this. I have a question about _S3d_SetCamera() I am drawing a wireframe of a mesh using a vertex list and a triangle list. ( _S3d_Line() works perfect for this. ) But I am having trouble positioning the camera. _S3d_SetCamera() accepts $position_x, $position_y, $position_z and $target_x, $target_y, $target_z Target is behaving exactly how I expect it to. But when changing the position values, it seems to be rotating the view instead of translating. Local $position_x = $Model_Width / 2 Local $position_y = $Model_Height / 2 Local $position_z = $Model_depth * 2 ; guessing Local $target_x = 0 Local $target_y = 0 Local $target_z = 0 _S3d_SetCamera( $position_x, $position_y, $position_z, $target_x, $target_y, $target_z )I expected this to put the camera at roughly the center of mass in the x/y plane and some amount out along the z plane, looking at the mesh's feet (which are at 0,0,0.) Instead it is below and somewhere behind the origin. I am assuming x is left-right, y is up-down, and z is fore-aft. Is this correct? And do the position values translate or rotate? Or am I missing something completely. (attached a pic to show that it is indeed drawing.. which I find to be very cool.)
  4. This looks like something I can use. I have a small program for editing meshes but it lacks a preview feature and have to use another program to see my results. It is able to draw UV stamps for the models using GDI, so it shouldn't be too different to adapt to this. This looks approachable. Thanks for sharing. I'll be back with results after trying it out.
  5. Thaks for sharing this. I was unaware of the issue. I love stripping and deleting superfulous data from dumb proprietary formats.
  6. There certainly is. StringSplit($sString, chr(0)) chr(0) represents the "00" hex you are seeing. Replace the 0 with the ASCII value of any other character you would like to act as a delimiter.
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