Enjoying this. I have a question about _S3d_SetCamera() I am drawing a wireframe of a mesh using a vertex list and a triangle list. ( _S3d_Line() works perfect for this. ) But I am having trouble positioning the camera. _S3d_SetCamera() accepts $position_x, $position_y, $position_z and $target_x, $target_y, $target_z Target is behaving exactly how I expect it to. But when changing the position values, it seems to be rotating the view instead of translating. Local $position_x = $Model_Width / 2
Local $position_y = $Model_Height / 2
Local $position_z = $Model_depth * 2 ; guessing
Local $target_x = 0
Local $target_y = 0
Local $target_z = 0
_S3d_SetCamera( $position_x, $position_y, $position_z, $target_x, $target_y, $target_z )I expected this to put the camera at roughly the center of mass in the x/y plane and some amount out along the z plane, looking at the mesh's feet (which are at 0,0,0.) Instead it is below and somewhere behind the origin. I am assuming x is left-right, y is up-down, and z is fore-aft. Is this correct? And do the position values translate or rotate? Or am I missing something completely. (attached a pic to show that it is indeed drawing.. which I find to be very cool.)