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Everything posted by mwalkden

  1. Try FF.au3 found searching the forums.
  2. Spoke too soon, now my script just goes past the while <> regardless so its not getting the correct info.
  3. @Malkey, Thank you, your code works. However, My "Info about Class obtained from running Au3Info.exe" does not show me "MozillaUIWindowClass". I'm running Windows 7 64bit Ultimate and AU3 v3.3.6.1.
  4. $title = WinGetTitle("[CLASS:MozillaWindowClass]", "") While $title <> "Sign Out : Mozilla Firefox" Sleep(20000) $title = WinGetTitle("[CLASS:MozillaWindowClass]", "") WEnd After upgrading Firefox my code now hangs at Sleep(20000). The MozillaWindowClass has not changed (checked with info tool). Any help much thanks.
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