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About ineedh3lp

  • Birthday 07/13/1987

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    MeanWhile City
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Wayfarer (2/7)



  1. Yes, thank you! I was under the impression that FileInstall needs the source at run time as well.
  2. Finally, I understand! Thank you, BrewManNH and everybody else!
  3. It's not a matter of trust. It's just that I do not understand how it can help me. Would you be kind to give me a functional example? Like, how to actually use FileInstall to copy an embedded file to C:test?
  4. I really don't want to bother you much, but I think I haven't made myself clear. So, I have a compiled AutoIt script. Let's call the application FolderGen.exe This application has embeded multiple icon files: ico1.ico, ico2.ico, ico3.ico. So these files do no exist on the client's computer, they exist only in the already compiled script, FolderGen.exe Now, I need this application to be able to export the icon files that are embedded in it. From my understanding, FileInstall requires an external file and this is not what I want because the application must not be dependent on external files. Thus, my only guess is that I can achieve what I want only if I can export the embedded icon files.
  5. Here's what I want to do: The application I'm working on is designed to create a set of folders. What I want to do is copy some icon files to the created folders, but I don't want the application to copy the icon files from an external source, I want it to copy the embeded ones. So, I guess that my question is: can I export an embeded icon file? I see that FileInstall says that the source must be a literal string and it cannot be a variable or the result of a function call.
  6. Thank you for the reference, guinness, but I still don't understand how to copy an embeded icon to a specific folder based on the examples displayed on the page.
  7. Hello, I'm adding a couple of ico files to the compiled AutoIt application using #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add= Is there any way to access those icons? Could you tell me for example how to copy an embeded icon file to C:\test? Thank you!
  8. Yes, inside SciTE. Sorry I forgot to mention.
  9. Hello, Is there a way to highlight selected text? Like, if I double-click select a word, all the occurances of that word would be highlighted. Can this be set from AutoIt or by using a plugin? Thank you!
  10. Yup! Thank you. Thing's more advanced than the base function and it works as expected, but it should be noted that the base function is flawed and can lead to other issues when being used by others or in UDFs.
  11. Yeah, I was testing it just now.
  12. Hello! Let's say I have two files: D:\BMachine\_custom\AutoIt\z_scripts\X2MetaMove\TEST\z_LEFT\New File.m2ts D:\BMachine\_custom\AutoIt\z_scripts\X2MetaMove\TEST\z_LEFT\New File.m2ts.xmp then I perform a search using: $a=FileFindFirstFile('D:\BMachine\_custom\AutoIt\z_scripts\X2MetaMove\TEST\z_LEFT\New File.m2ts.*') $b=FileFindNextFile($a) FileFindNextFile($a) returns 'New File.m2ts' while it should return only 'New File.m2ts.xmp' because New File.m2ts. isn't a sub-string of New File.m2ts I've discovered this issue after debugging the _FileListToArray UDF. The UDF wasn't returning the correct results because it basically can't tell the difference between '.*' and '*'
  13. Adjusted the subitem columns (1 to 0 and 2 to 1), added the dot in If $sFile & '.' & $sExtension = "New File.jpg" Then and it did the trick. Thank you once again for helping me!
  14. It seems that find item doesn't check for file extensions. This means that if I have two files with the same base name, only the first one is found. Got any suggestions as how to fix this? (Showing file extensions is not an option). Exmaple: I got these files: New File.jpg New File.m2ts New File.rw2 New File.xmp ControlListView('xplorer', '', '[CLASS:ATL:BrowserListView; INSTANCE:3]', "FindItem", "New File") ; Returns the index only for New File.jpg ControlListView('xplorer', '', '[CLASS:ATL:BrowserListView; INSTANCE:3]', "FindItem", "New File.jpg") ; Returns -1 because the column contains only the file base name and I'm searching for the file base name and extension.
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