i dont find anything or help with Json_Dump function , do you think this func can help me ?
i need to know how to
- list all my json entry ( like 42 )
- Get specific value of 42 entry like Name
"Data": {
"42": {
"Id": "4321",
"Url": "\/coins\/42\/overview",
"ImageUrl": "\/media\/12318415\/42.png",
"Name": "42",
"Symbol": "42",
"CoinName": "42 Coin",
"FullName": "42 Coin (42)",
"Algorithm": "Scrypt",
"ProofType": "PoW\/PoS",
"FullyPremined": "0",
"TotalCoinSupply": "42",
"PreMinedValue": "N\/A",
"TotalCoinsFreeFloat": "N\/A",
"SortOrder": "34",
"Sponsored": false,
"IsTrading": true
Actually i write my file like this
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include "json.au3"
#include "BinaryCall.au3"
Local $Tempfile1 = "c:\temp\tempfile.csv"
Local $Json = BinaryToString(InetRead("https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/all/coinlist"), 4)
Local $Obj = Json_Decode($Json)
Local $result = Json_Encode($Obj, $JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)
Func start()
FileWrite($Tempfile1, $result)
EndFunc ;==>start