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  1. Hi i would like to create a table of buttons, each button has its name and opens a file or does one action. I need to often change the names of this buttons, or change the file locations or actions of a current button... Is it possible that on right click of each button i can get a text window popup where i change the name and action for current button(directly in windows, without going to scite and opening the full code)? THanks P.s. This is an image of what i want to do, right now if i want to change name or action on a button or delete-move button, i have to open scite and find code for each button, then change it, and it takes alot of time... (so is there a way that i can right click the button in windows, and then i get a popup with the name and code of this button only, so i can edit it and save?)
  2. I tried your suggestion, but this function will Activate the Tab and bring it to the front. I want to be able to browse on other tabs, while the script executes on a Tab which i specified (the Tab is in Background). How could i do this? Thanks
  3. Anybody? Is it not possible to read text from a tab in background?
  4. I am trying to read text from Firefox with ff.au3, but i want it to read text from a specified background tab, while I am working/browsing through other tabs. RIght now, its not possible because with command _FFReadtext(), it reads just text from the currently active tab. Here is an example what i am trying to do, #include <FF.au3> _FFStart("http://www.wetter.de/","", 2) $lookfor= "Der Wettertrend vom 26.02.2014" do sleep(2000) $text = _FFReadtext() $result=BinaryToString($text, "4") Until StringInStr($result, $lookfor) > 1 MsgBox(4096, "'" & $lookfor & "' found.", "'" & $lookfor & "' found.",2) But as I said, the _FFReadtext() command will just continue reading the text from the currently opened window/tab, but I want that it keeps on reading the Tab/WIndow that i specified, no mater which Window/tab i am currently using/browsing . Thank you for your help
  5. Yes, thanks i managed it with BinaryToStrung(). Is it possible tor read the text of a Firefox Tab that is currently in background. I would like to be able to work on other tabs, while the script reads text on a background tab, but if i use: _FFReadtext() This function reads text but only on the current active tab, so if i browse through the tabs it always just reads text on the tab that i currently use. Any solution? Thank you
  6. I am trying to read text from firefox using the FF.au3 script. But foreign letters are not displayes correctly; letters like "ö", "ä", "č", "ć". What am i doing wrong? Here is an example of the problem: #include <FF.au3> _FFStart("www.wetter.de","", 2) $text = _FFReadtext() MsgBox(4096,"",$text) Here is the result i get: What am i doing wrong? Thank you
  7. I have exactly the same problem, how did you solve it? I need to read a website from Firefox, but if the site has some foreign characters like "č", "đ", or "ö", "ü", they are not displayed correctly. My autoit script uses UTF8 wit boom encoding, and i am using the FF.au3 include, but it doesnt work. Here is an example that doesnt work: #include <FF.au3> _FFStart("www.wetter.de","", 2) $text = _FFReadtext() MsgBox(4096,"",$text) Any help how to get the foreing lagnuages characters to display corrrectly? (Characters like "č", "Ć", "ü"..etc)
  8. What i am trying to do is a script which will automatically get Title, Text and Mouse position of an active Window, each time when i launch it. So i don't have to copy line by line from "Autoit Window info" , and put the code manually which takes a long time. The same thing i could do with "au3recorder.exe", but as i said, "au3recorder.exe" sometimes doesn't work correctly (sometimes it just skips a certain window, and just collects the mouseclick position- without the: "_WinWaitActivate("Windows Tittle", "Window text")).
  9. My code is following: sleep(3000) Local $title = WinGetTitle("[active]", "") Local $text = WinGetText("[active]" , "" ) Run("C:Program Files (x86)AutoIt3SciTEscite.exe") sleep(2000) send($text) When i try to write the text to Scite then it puts all the text into same line, without spaces. When i try to write the same text to a notepad editor, then it works fine : Is there a way how i can write this text to Scite, but line by line, and can i choose to write just the first line (cause otherwise its too much text)?? thanks
  10. Thanks, but i still didnt manage: Is there a way how i can Get text from active window, but just line by line, because when i do it with WinGetText("[active]", "") Then i get all the text lines together, and there is no space between the lines: for example: Installation Continue exit are 3 lines, but when i use "WinGetText" , i sometimes get the result like this: InstallationContinueExit And i also cannot split it with "SplitString", cause there is no space between words. Thanks for help
  11. How can i tell the script to write down just the first 2 words of the $text (not the whole text, because sometimes its very long)?: I would like to make a script that will automatically get Tittle and Text of an active Window, the same way that the au3recorder.exe does, cause the au3Recorder.exe is sometimes not working correctly. so i have tried the following script: Local $title = WinGetTitle("[active]", "") Local $text = WinGetText("[active]", "") Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\scite.exe") sleep(2000) SEND ( $title, $text) But how can i tell the script to write down just the first 2 words of the $text (not the whole text, because sometimes its very long)?
  12. Hello, I have solved the Problem now: 1. Browse folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Extras\Au3Record 2. Make a copy of Au3Record.exe and rename it to Au3Record_x64.exe. 3. Done! Should work now Well in the file C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3 there i found the following code line: If @OSArch = "X64" Then $Pid = Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Extras\Au3Recordau3record_x64.exe /o", '', @SW_SHOW, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD) Else $Pid = Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Extras\Au3Recordau3record.exe /o", '', @SW_SHOW, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD) EndIf So i guess on a 64-bit system, Scite will try to open the file "au3record_x64.exe". But there is no such file in the au3recorder folder, so you have to copy the original file and then rename it to "au3record_x64.exe"
  13. I am having exactly the same problem. Win 7 64 bit, Autoit and Scite are the latest version. The au3Recorder will not start when launching it from Scite. There is no error message, just when i tr try to launch it, nothing happens. Any ideas? Thanks
  14. Hello, I am trying to use the Au3 Recorder, but is there a way how i can force it to record all "window Titles" and "visible text"? Because right now it just randomly sometimes records the "Window Titles + visible text", but sometimes not, even though i have checked the check box to "Record Window Titles". For example; For the same installer, first time it recorded the script like this: EXAMPLE1 Run('inSSIDer.exe') _WinWaitActivate("inSSIDer 2.0","_7909CB20E8CC38D0963") MouseClick("left",444,389,1) MouseClick("left",447,386,1) MouseClick("left",441,386,1) MouseClick("left",437,388,1) #endregion --- Au3Recorder generated code End --- In this case the code was not working well, because in between there are new windows, and the script should wait until the new window appears. Examle2 Run('inSSIDer.exe') _WinWaitActivate("inSSIDer 2.0","_7909CB20E8CC38D0963") MouseClick("left",444,389,1) _WinWaitActivate("inSSIDer 2.0","Select Installation Folder") MouseClick("left",447,386,1) _WinWaitActivate("inSSIDer 2.0","Confirm Installation") MouseClick("left",441,386,1) _WinWaitActivate("inSSIDer 2.0","Installation Complete") MouseClick("left",437,388,1) #endregion --- Au3Recorder generated code End --- This time all the Window Titles in between and the visible text was recorded, So the script worked well. I have both times checked the check-box to record the Window titles, but still the most of the time it just doesn't record all of them. Thanks for help
  15. thanks Can i also tell the script to pause or wait until a new program/window opens, and then make(repeat) the title check? In this way i would save CPU load i guess..?, and the script would repeat only when new window opens?
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