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Everything posted by TheDude69

  1. Hi Community, I have found this UDF and DLL when searching the internet for a possibility to print out labels from AutoIt. It's brilliant and helps me a lot for my project. Thank you to Martin for this very helpful UDF. But one question is left. 😊 Is there a way to get the amount of printed pages typed in into the dialog that is shown by _PrintSetPrinter($PrinterHandle)? This would be a great help. Many thanks in advance, best regards Thomas
  2. Hi Community, I accidentally created the topic twice - my apologies. Regards Thomas
  3. This is a very brilliant UDF. 👍 I am looking for an additional feature to monitor changes on a USB attached drive beginning in the root of that drive and monitoring all changes on the drive not "only" in a given folder. I have had a look into the UDF but have not found something that would help me in this matter. Has someone of you maybe got an idea how to monitor the whole given drive for changes and also list this changes (filenames)? Many thanks in advance, best regards TheDude
  4. Hello Adam, ... this is what I do get from the DOS box when using the command manually: "FATAL ERROR: Server refused to start a shell/command". Same in Autoit. I believe that there is no way to use plink together with Scripting and I also believe that Cisco has done "double Login" intentionally to prvent from Scripting something with this controler. This is how I use plink in a DOS box: plink.exe -ssh <IP address> -l <username> -pw <password> -m "CMDs.txt" If you start putty with param -ssh IP address then you see the following: Here you can see the Problem: Two logins. The first is a dummy, the second one is for the valid and existing user name. If there is a known Workaround this would be great to know. But again - I do not believe that there is any ... Best regards TheDude
  5. Hello Adam, I am sending the following to putty: Func _CreateGuestUser() Local $PID $PID = Run(@ScriptDir & "\Tools\putty.exe -ssh <ip-address>") Sleep(8000) Send('Start') ; Send something Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send('<UserName>') Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) Send('<Password>') Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) Send('config netuser add AutoIT 123456789 wlan 4 userType guest lifetime 300 description "Created by AutoIT script"') Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) Send('logout') Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) Send('N') Return EndFunc But this is a Workaround because I cannot work with plink.exe. The first prompt prevents the successful login into the Cisco WLC. Also when using putty.exe there is no way to get a Feedback from the external program. Best regards TheDude
  6. Hello All, I know that this is an old post but I am running into exactly the same issue today. Has anyone of you find a workaround for this problem? At the moment I help myself by sending text and enter sequence to the putty windows but I want to use plink.exe to hide this from users and to be able to get the exit messages of plink.exe. Many thanks in advance, best regards TheDude
  7. Hi Water, ... my mistake - I thought I was pointed to the German AutoIt forum. However - thank you very much for this hint. When doing a search in English language in this forum I have found an example using _AD_GetObjectsInOu that is exactely doing what I was searching for. Also the documentation of this function makes it really clear. Please accept my apologies for this. And thank you very much for your quick reply. Best regards TheDude
  8. Hello All, did anyone knows how to search the Active Directory for user objects using the AD UDF? The idea was to search for a part of the name and get back an array containing the login names. With this information I can read other properties if needed. Many thanks in advance, best regards TheDude
  9. Hello, I have successfully installed my script as a service using the following: Run(@ScriptDir & "\instsrv.exe " & $szServiceName & " " & $szFileName, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) ;RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & $szServiceName, "Type", "REG_DWORD", 272) RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & $szServiceName, "Type", "REG_DWORD", 0x110) RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & $szServiceName, "Start", "REG_DWORD", 2) RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & $szServiceName, "DisplayName", "REG_SZ", $szServiceName) RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & $szServiceName, "ObjectName", "REG_SZ", "LocalSystem") RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & $szServiceName, "Description", "REG_SZ", $szDesc) RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & $szServiceName & "\Parameters", "Application", "REG_SZ", $szFileName) When I now start the service it stops after a few seconds with error 1053. I can see that the script is running until it reaches the following loop: $VergangeneZeit = TimerDiff($TimerStart) / 1000 Do Sleep(1000) Until ProcessExists("WKix32.EXE") > 0 or (TimerDiff($TimerStart) / 1000) - $VergangeneZeit > 900 I assume that Windows expects some interaction with the script but I do not really know what to do at this point. Has someone maybe a hint for me? Many thanks in advance, best regards TheDude69
  10. I had found this function in the lates AutoIt package as an UDF but there is no documentation in the UDF help file. Especially I am looking for information about the parameter's of CreateService. Is there some documentation elsewhere? Thanks in advance regards TheDude69
  11. Hello Martin, the UDF you have linked in your post is working fine. Could you please update the ZIP file on your homepage, too? Many thanks in advance, best regards TheDude
  12. Hello Martin, Thank you very much for your help. I will test it and let you know. EDIT: Sorry, in the ZIP file there is still the old version of the UDF ... Best regards TheDude
  13. Hello Martin, many thanks for this very nice and usefull UDF. Today I have downloaded the latest version from you homepage and try to implement a print job to a script. The embedded example works fine so far but when I try to select an existing printer (e. g. PDFCreator) that is not the default one the script crashes. This happens allways, when I use _PrintSelectPrinter($DC,$PrinterName). When I do no change (no _PrintSelectPrinter() or _PrintSetPrinter()) and create a print job it works fine. When I use _PrintSetPrinter($DC) to change the printer it works fine, too. But I need to change the printer without an user interaction so I had used _PrintSelectPrinter() but this causes the crash. The DLL version is 2.55, the version of the UDF is 2.67, AutoIt version is My OS is Win7 Ultimate (32Bit). Have you got an idea how to fix this issue? Many thanks in advance, best regards TheDude
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