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  1. Thanks for the attention all. I unlocked ports. Sorry i didn't know earlier that i need run server to test ports. Port are opened, but i still can't get respone from the client. On server i run TCP Listen with IP ( PC ) On client i run TCP Connect with server IP - 93.127.x.x ( laptop ) Port is 7765 on both Server running but when i trying to run client on laptop it exiting. When i put local IP on laptop ( also ) It all works. But i wanna make it work globally. Thanks
  2. Thank you very much, i readed whole guide, you helped me alot, i unlocked ports by my router settings and by Simple Port Forwarding program, all is done good, i unlocked ports in firewall too, disabled DMZ etc. still don't working. http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ And my port are still blocked. I don't know why. I got static IP for sure ;/ my router is D-LINK GO-RT-N150
  3. I really tried to do it by router settings and by '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> But i can't get it working
  4. Hello, ive found client-server screenshot server and client AutoIt code on that forum. Topic - '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> On local network it works perfect, but while i try change IP from etc. to global IP like - 93.128.x.x. it doesn't work. Server file doesn't even want to open. I heared that it's something about port but can someone help me with that? Thanks very much
  5. Hello, i have problem with memory reading. I have to read long string, i want to made function to do that, this string is just in this offsets : 0x76D928, and next just add +4 like 0x76D928 +4, 0x76D928 + 8 So i need to made function to _MemoryRead(0x76D928 + $x, $proces) until finish all string. I tried to do it like that : Func string() $d = -4 For $i = 0 To 7 $x[$i] = _MemoryRead(0x76D928 + $d, $proces) $d = $d + 4 $z = BinaryToString($x[$i]) $string &= $z Next Return $string EndFunc But doesn't work :/
  6. Thanks man, but what is $StarAddr? and $Offset? $Offset is this reading by memoryread yes?, but that is $StarAddr?
  7. Hi, I have a problem with the function derived from the UDF _MemoryWrite -NomadMemory. Sorry for bad english. I used translator. After reading the offset i get value - 10000. I want to change it to 999999 by _MemoryWrite. I trying to do it this way: [code] _MemoryWrite($1, $process, 999999) _MemoryWrite($2, $process, 999999) $3 = BinaryToString(Binary (_MemoryRead ($1, $process))) $4 = BinaryToString(Binary (_MemoryRead ($2, $process))) ToolTip ($3 & "/" & $4, 900, 0) [/code] Unfortunately, this solution has no effect, I get only "/" in ToolTip. Also tried in other ways : [code] _MemoryWrite ($1, $process, _StringToHex (999999)) _MemoryWrite ($1, $process, Binary (999999)) [/code] Nothing gave effect, only sometimes showed a value maybe something like this - Ka1d/1q7. Just random chars... instead of 999999. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks!
  8. My god it's working great, thanks
  9. Hello, i need to do function, what return biggest number from file. In example i got file test.txt 1 8 101 9 11 So in this file biggest number is 101. I tried do it : #include <file.au3> $e = _FileCountLines("totalne_testy1.txt") $i=0 For $i = 0 To $e Local $last,$last1 If FileReadline("totalne_testy1.txt", $i) > $last Then $last = FileReadline("totalne_testy1.txt", $i) EndIf Next MsgBox( 0, "", $last) But doesn't work :|
  10. Hello, it is possible to get xpath by FF.au3 just by click on element? ( left click on any object, and get xpath of it ).
  11. Hello, i have problem with FF.au3, i can't click on element by using any of function. I don't have name/ id of the element, here is screenshot from FF_Page_Analyzer : _FFFormSubmit( 3) didn't work, so i tried _FFClick('.forms[3].elements[1]') ; But nothing happen too :/ Can someone help me?
  12. Hello, i have problem with FF.au3, i can't click on element by using any of function. I don't have name/ id of the element, here is screenshot from FF_Page_Analyzer : _FFFormSubmit( 3) didn't work, so i tried _FFClick('.forms[3].elements[1]') ; But nothing happen too :/ Can someone help me?
  13. It's not problem with any _FFConnect... FF works normally for auto login function, just don't click on submit
  14. Hello, i trying to click an element with FF.au3, i usually don't have problem with that, but now nothing works. I tried : Xpath - Nothing happen. [ _FFClick(_FFXpath("//*[@id='mail-filters-simple-submit']", "", 9)) 2. _FFFormSubmit - Site just refresh _FFFormSubmit("mail-filters-simple", "id", "click") _FFFormSubmit("mail-filters-simple", "id") _FFFormSubmit(1) 3. _FFClick - Nothing happen _FFClick("mail-filters-simple-submit", "id") _FFClick("mail-filters-simple-submit", "name") $szukaj = _FFObjGet("mail-filters-simple-submit", "id") _FFClick($szukaj) Someone have any idea? Here is form code <form id="mail-filters-simple"> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><fieldset style=""> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><div id="mail-filters-simple-submit" class="image-button dropdown dropdown_ext_list" tabindex="0"> <span class="left"> </span> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><span class="inner"> <span class="icon"> </span> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><span class="label"> <span class="sep"> </span> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><span class="arrow-wrap"> </span> <span class="right"> </span> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><ul class="more" style="visibility: visible; left: 1164px; top: 129px; height: auto; margin-left: -15px; display: none;"> </div> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><span id="mail-filters-simple-query-wrap"> <div id="mail-filters-simple-query-suggestions" class="autosuggestion" style="display:none"></div> </fieldset> <img class="twisty " role="presentation" /><div id="mail-filters-simple-simple-wrap" style="display: none;"> </form> Thanks
  15. Hello, it's possible to get PID from window title or classname? ControlGetHandle( "classname=", "", "") Or WinExists Please Edit: Sorry i found WinGetProcess
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