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  1. Thanks this is marvelous, I was working on an audit program for my IT Group and was looking to add the export. This works great.
  2. Hannes, Been trying to get your code to write the array to an excel file for each sever entry since the GUICREATELABEL creates a GUI way too big to view. I was able to write to a list view, but I haven't been able to get it to write to an excel file with the Headers "Server" "Total Space" "Free Space." #include <GuiConstants.au3> $a_data=IniReadSection("Drvconfig.ini", "Servers") $B=1024 Dim $a_space[$a_data[0][0]+1] $a_space[0]=$a_data[0][0] Dim $a_drive[$a_data[0][0]+1] $a_drive[0]=$a_data[0][0] $GUI=Guicreate("Free Drive Space Validation", 500, 400) GLOBAL $View=GUICtrlCreateTreeView(10,30,290,350) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server Name" & " " & "Free Space",10,10) For $i = 1 To $a_space[0] $a_space[$i]=DriveSpaceFree("\\" & $a_data[$i][0] & "\" & $a_data[$i][1]) $a_drive[$i]=DriveSpaceTotal("\\" & $a_data[$i][0] & "\" & $a_data[$i][1]) $1=$a_data[$i][0] $2=StringLeft($a_data[$i][1],1) $3=Round($a_space[$i] / $B, 2) $4=Round($a_drive[$i] / $B, 2) GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($1&" "&$2&" "&$3&" GB "&$4&" GB",$View) Next GUISetState() Do $MSG = GUIGetMsg() Until $MSG = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
  3. Thanks guys for your quick turn around. I was able to verify Hannes response and this is definantly what I was hoping for. I am planning on adding some other information as well. I will verify UEZ's response as well.
  4. I was working on creating a Gui so I could monitor the free space and drives for the servers in our network. So far I was able to do so with a basic setup This is what I have so far. #include <GuiConstants.au3> $GUI=GUICreate("Free Drive Space Validation",500,200) $sNotify = IniRead("Drvconfig.ini","Servers", "01", "NotFound") $DRIVE=DriveSpaceFree("\\"&$sNotify&"\C$") $B=1024 $SPACELEFT=$DRIVE/$B $SPACELEFTR=Round($SPACELEFT,2) $SPACELEFTF=StringTrimRight($SPACELEFTR,3) GUICtrlCreateLabel($sNotify& " " & $SPACELEFTF & " GB",10,25) GUISetState() Do $MSG=GUIGetMsg() Until $MSG=$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE What I would like to do is to have a server list with drives specified for each server, then bring back the details for each server and drives within. Any suggestions welcome.
  5. What would be the final full code?
  6. This is definantly something to follow in terms of programming something of this caliber in AutoIt. I absolutely love it. I'm surprised ppl haven't been sharing custom levels. I really haven't looked at the code, but I am assuming that you could add custom enemies and backgrounds and such?
  7. This worked like a charm!! Thanks I was having the same problem the subject mentioned.
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