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Everything posted by zhaicheng
How to save a session cookie to a cookie file
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Problem solved by using api--InternetSetCookieA -
proxy authentication in http request
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
problem solved by the post:http://www.autoitx.com/thread-18528-1-1.html -
"HttpSetProxy" is capable to make proxy authenticated by setting a user name and the password. However,when sending http request using winhttp's functions, how to make the proxy authenticated? This is the code I use. #include-once #include "winhttp.au3" Global Const $tagWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO = "DWORD dwAccessType;ptr lpszProxy;ptr lpszProxyBypass;" ;~ #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ;~ 函数名...........: _WinHTTP_GetRespond ;~ 描述.............: 完整的HTTP传输过程 ;~ 函数用法.........: _WinHTTP_GetRespond($hRequest, $ConnectURL [, Mode[,$hTimeOut[,$Context[,$Cookies[,$MoreHeader[,$ProxyServer[, $FuncName[, $ParamArray]]]]]]]]) ;~ ;~ 参数解释.........: $hRequest - 由 _WinHttpOpen() 函数返回的句柄 或 字符串 (Agent 的描述,也可使用-1,Dafult来创建默认描述) ;~ $ConnectURL - 请求的URL地址,其形式可为 http://UserName:UserPassWord@ ;~ $Mode - 本函数定义的模式: ;~ 0 GET (默认) ;~ 1 POST ;~ 2 返回服务器返回的内容(禁用检测的话,+256) ;~ 4 返回完整的Header ;~ 8 禁用重定向 ;~ 16 禁用SSL的证书检测 ;~ 32 使用自定义函数后立即返回 ;~ 64 返回Connection句柄(即不关闭Connection句柄) ;~ 128 访问地址为'[0x00000]' + 'http://' 的形式(即使用Connection句柄作为当期连接) ;~ 256 返回内容绝对为二进制 ;~ $hTimeOut - 超时MS(正整数,或一维四元数组) ;~ $Context - 请求需要发送的内容,一般用于POST中 (字符串) ;~ $Cookies - 指定文件头 Cookies (字符串) ;~ $MoreHeader - 指定更多的文件头信息 (单一字符串,字符串内可包含回车符) ;~ $ProxyServer - 代理服务器地址 xx.xx.xx.xx:xx (字符串) ;~ $FuncName - 用户自定义过程名称 (执行时机为确定请求有效后,优先于本过程的文件头及数据获取过程) ;~ $ParamArray - 用户自定义过程所需参数构成的数组 ;~ ;~ 函数返回值......: 如果成功的话 - 返回一维8元的数组 ;~ 0 - 数据内容 ( 二进制的字符串或字符串,要强制使用二进制模式,请使用256模式,并根据需要使用 Binary() 或 BinarytoString() 函数 ) ;~ 1 - 服务器状态 ;~ 2 - 文件长度 ;~ 3 - Cookies ;~ 4 - 重定向 (该重定向为完整的URL地址) ;~ 5 - 编码类型 ;~ 6 - 完整Header ;~ 7 - Connection 句柄 ;~ (无内容时,上述任何一个元素均可能为-1) ;~ 如果失败的话 - 设置@error,返回最后的错误代码: ;~ @Error: ;~ 1 - 打开请求失败 ;~ 2 - 打开请求失败或无法设置重定向 ;~ 4 - 无法发送请求 ;~ 5 - 服务器无回应或超时或使用SSL验证 ;~ 作者 ............: Republican ;~ 注意点 ..........: 如果Header为多行数据,请使用@CRLF为每行非开 ;~ 相关函数 ........: Winhttp.Au3 ;~ 链接 ............: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384087(VS.85).aspx ;~ 有无例子 ........: Yes ;~ 日期 ............: 2011.2.19 Func _WinHTTP_GetRespond($hOpen, $ConnectURL, $Mode = Default, $hTimeOut = Default, $Context = Default, $Cookies = Default, $MoreHeader = Default, $ProxyServer= Default, $FuncName = Default, $ParamArray = -1) Local $hConnect ; ==== 判断基本连接信息 ==== If $hOpen = "" Or $ConnectURL = "" Then Return SetError(1,0,-1) ; ==== 非句柄时,由函数创建句柄 ==== Local $SimpleMode = 0 If IsString($hOpen) Then $SimpleMode = 1 $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen($hOpen) ElseIf $hOpen = -1 Or $hOpen = Default Then $SimpleMode = 1 $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen() EndIf ; ==== 分解模式 $Mode 设定 ==== If $Mode = Default Or $Mode = -1 Then $Mode = 0 $Mode = _NumberToBinary_Winhttp($Mode) If Not IsArray($Mode) Then Return SetError(-1,0,-1) ; ==== 提取网址中包含的句柄 ==== If $Mode[7] = 1 Then Local $Distinguish = StringRegExp($ConnectURL,'(.*?)(http.*)',3) If IsArray($Distinguish) Then $hConnect = $Distinguish[0] $ConnectURL = $Distinguish[1] EndIf EndIf ; ==== 拆分网址 ==== $ConnectURL=_WinHttpCrackUrl($ConnectURL,$ICU_DECODE) If @error Or Not IsArray($ConnectURL) Then Return SetError(1,0,_GetLastError_Winhttp()) ; ==== 重新定义变量,方便阅读 ==== Local $ServerHost = $ConnectURL[2] Local $Port=$ConnectURL[3] Local $ObjectFile=$ConnectURL[6]&$ConnectURL[7] Local $sFlags = Default If $ConnectURL[1] = 2 Then $sFlags = $WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE ;=====判断是否使用SSL连接 ; ==== 代理服务器设定 ==== If $ProxyServer <> -1 And $ProxyServer <> Default Then Local $tProxyInfo $tProxyInfo = _WinHttpProxyInfoCreate($WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NAMED_PROXY, $ProxyServer, "localhost") _WinHttpSetOption($hOpen, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY, $tProxyInfo[0]) EndIf ; ==== 使用句柄创建连接(128模式下使用) ==== Switch $Mode[7] Case 0 $hConnect=_WinHttpConnect($hOpen, $ServerHost,$Port) EndSwitch Local $hRequest ; ==== 创建连接 ==== Switch $Mode[0] Case 0 $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, "GET", $ObjectFile,Default,Default,Default,$sFlags) If @error Or $hRequest = 0 Then Return SetError(2,0,_GetLastError_Winhttp()) Case 1 $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, "POST", $ObjectFile,Default,Default,Default,$sFlags) If @error Or $hRequest = 0 Then Return SetError(2,0,_GetLastError_Winhttp()) EndSwitch ; ==== 关闭SSL中证书的验证 ==== If $Mode[4] = 1 Then _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest,$WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS,$SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA) ;使用非权威机构签发的证书 _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest,$WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS,$SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID) ;使用公共名称无效的证书 _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest,$WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS,$SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID) ;使用过期的证书 ;~ _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest,$WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS,$SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_WRONG_USAGE) ;使用非服务器颁发的证书 EndIf ; ==== 设置超时 ==== If $hTimeOut <> -2 And $hTimeOut <> Default And $hTimeOut <> "" Then If IsArray($hTimeOut) And UBound($hTimeOut) = 4 Then MsgBox(0,"",$hTimeOut) _WinHttpSetTimeouts($hRequest,$hTimeOut[0],$hTimeOut[1],$hTimeOut[2],$hTimeOut[3]) ElseIf IsNumber($hTimeOut) Then _WinHttpSetTimeouts($hRequest,$hTimeOut,$hTimeOut,$hTimeOut,$hTimeOut) EndIf EndIf ; ==== 登录需要用户验证的HTTP服务器 ==== If $ConnectURL[4] <> "" Or $ConnectURL[5] <> "" Then _WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, $WINHTTP_AUTH_TARGET_SERVER, $WINHTTP_AUTH_SCHEME_BASIC, $ConnectURL[4], $ConnectURL[5]) ; ==== 禁止重定向 ==== If $Mode[3] = 1 Then _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest,$WINHTTP_OPTION_DISABLE_FEATURE,$WINHTTP_DISABLE_REDIRECTS) If @error Then Return SetError(3,0,_GetLastError_Winhttp()) ; ==== Header构建 ==== Local $BinaryMode=0 If $Context <> -1 And $Context <> Default And $Context <> "" Then Switch IsString($Context) Case 1 _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, "Content-Length: "&StringLen($ConText)&@CRLF) Case 0 _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, "Content-Length: "&BinaryLen($ConText)&@CRLF) $BinaryMode = 1 EndSwitch EndIf If $Cookies <> -1 And $Cookies <> Default And $Cookies <> "" Then _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, "Cookie: "&$Cookies&@CRLF) If $MoreHeader <> "" And $MoreHeader <> -1 And $MoreHeader <> Default Then _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest,$MoreHeader) ; ==== 发送数据 ==== _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest) If @error Then Return SetError(4,0,_GetLastError_Winhttp()) ; ==== 发送POST数据 ==== If $Context <> -1 And $Context <> Default And $Context <> "" Then Switch $BinaryMode Case 0 _WinHttpWriteData($hRequest,$Context) Case 1 _WinHttpWriteData($hRequest,$Context,1) EndSwitch EndIf ; ==== 接受服务器回应 ==== _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) ; ==== 判断数据是否有效 ==== If Not _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hRequest) Then Return SetError(5,0,_GetLastError_Winhttp()) ; ==== 自定义函数处理过程(此时开始调用外部函数) ==== If $FuncName <> "" And $FuncName <> -1 And $FuncName <> Default Then If $ParamArray <> "" Then Local $FuncArray[UBound($ParamArray) +1] $FuncArray[0] = "CallArgArray" For $i = 1 To UBound($ParamArray) $FuncArray[$i] = $ParamArray [$i -1] If StringLeft($ParamArray [$i -1],1) = "$" Then $FuncArray[$i] = Eval(StringTrimLeft($FuncArray[$i],1)) Next Call($FuncName,$FuncArray) Else Call($FuncName) EndIf If $Mode[5] = 1 Then _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hConnect) If $SimpleMode = 1 Then _WinHttpCloseHandle($hOpen) Return 1 EndIf EndIf ; ==== 函数返回数据构建 ==== Local $iReturn[8] = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] If $Mode[2] = 1 Then $iReturn[6]=_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest) ;完整的Header信息 $iReturn[1]=_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest,$WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE) ;服务器状态 $iReturn[2]=_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest,$WINHTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH) ;文件长度 ; ==== Cookies拆分 ==== $iReturn[3] =_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest,$WINHTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE,Default,0) ;Cookies with CRLF换行 If $iReturn[3] <> "" Then For $i = 1 To 20 Local $TempCookies = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest,$WINHTTP_QUERY_SET_COOKIE,Default,$i) If $TempCookies <> "" Then $iReturn[3] &= @CRLF & $TempCookies Else $i = 21 $TempCookies = 0 EndIf Next EndIf ; ==== 完整的网址重定向构建 ==== $iReturn[4]=_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest,$WINHTTP_QUERY_LOCATION) ;重定向及其处理过程 If $iReturn[4] <> "" Then Local $RedictURL=_WinHttpCrackUrl($iReturn[4]) If @error Then $RedictURL = $ConnectURL $RedictURL[6] = $iReturn[4] $RedictURL[7] = "" $iReturn[4] = _WinHttpCreateUrl($RedictURL) EndIf $RedictURL = 0 EndIf $iReturn[5]=_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest,$WINHTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE) ;编码类型 ; ==== 返回-1替代空数据 ==== For $i = 1 To 5 If $iReturn[$i] = "" Then $iReturn[$i] = -1 Next ; ==== 读取返回正文数据 ==== Local $rDate If $Mode[1] = 1 Then Switch $iReturn[2] Case -1,"" $rDate =Binary("") While 1 $rDate &= _WinHttpReadData($hRequest,2,1024 * 16) If @error Then ExitLoop Sleep(10) WEnd $iReturn[0] = Binary($rDate) Case Else $iReturn[0] = _WinHttpReadData($hRequest,2,$iReturn[2]) EndSwitch ; ==== 转回字符串 ==== If $Mode[8] = 0 Then Local $StringText[4] = ['text/html','text/xml','application/xhtml+xml','text/plain'],$FindText = 0,$StringType[1] = ["UTF-8"],$FindType = -1 For $i = 0 To UBound($StringText) -1 If StringInStr($iReturn[5],$StringText[$i]) Then $FindText = 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next If $FindText Then For $i = 0 To 0 If StringInStr($iReturn[5],$StringType[$i]) Then $FindType = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next Switch $FindType Case 0 $iReturn[0] = BinaryToString($iReturn[0],4) Case Else $iReturn[0] = BinaryToString($iReturn[0]) EndSwitch EndIf EndIf EndIf ; ==== 判断是否关闭句柄 ==== _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Switch $Mode[6] Case 1 $iReturn[7] = $hConnect Case Else _WinHttpCloseHandle($hConnect) EndSwitch If $SimpleMode = 1 Then _WinHttpCloseHandle($hOpen) Return $iReturn EndFunc ;-----LastError Meaning: ;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681381(VS.85).aspx ;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385465(v=VS.85).aspx Func _GetLastError_Winhttp() Local $lastError = DllCall ( "kernel32.dll", "dword", "GetLastError" ) Return $lastError[0] EndFunc Func _NumberToBinary_Winhttp($iNumber) Local $sBinString = "",$ModeNum = 11, $Numbers[$ModeNum] Local $iUnsignedNumber=BitAND($iNumber,0x7FFFFFFF) Do $sBinString = BitAND($iUnsignedNumber, 1) & $sBinString $iUnsignedNumber = BitShift($iUnsignedNumber, 1) Until Not $iUnsignedNumber $sBinString = StringRight("0000000000000000" &$sBinString,$ModeNum) For $i = 0 To $ModeNum -1 $Numbers[$i] = StringMid($sBinString,$ModeNum - $i,1) Next Return $Numbers EndFunc ;==>_NumberToBinary Func _WinHttpProxyInfoCreate($dwAccessType, $sProxy, $sProxyBypass) Local $tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[2] = [DllStructCreate($tagWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO), DllStructCreate('wchar proxychars[' & StringLen($sProxy)+1 & ']; wchar proxybypasschars[' & StringLen($sProxyBypass)+1 & ']')] DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[0], "dwAccessType", $dwAccessType) If StringLen($sProxy) Then DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[0], "lpszProxy", DllStructGetPtr($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[1], 'proxychars')) If StringLen($sProxyByPass) Then DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[0], "lpszProxyBypass", DllStructGetPtr($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[1], 'proxybypasschars')) DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[1], "proxychars", $sProxy) DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO[1], "proxybypasschars", $sProxyBypass) Return $tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO EndFunc
about the "_GUICtrlTab_DeleteItem"
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Jfish ,I really appreciate all your kind help. -
PsaltyDS ,DaleHohm ,I really appreciate all your kind help.
How to ignore "error" to avoid collapsing
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Gideon ,I really appreciate all your kind help. -
How to get the parent window's handle
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
SmOke_N ,AdmiralAlkex ,I really appreciate all your kind help. -
How to get the parent window's handle ? I have a program which pop up a window like "msgbox". I want to catch its parent window handle. Many thanks!
Is it possible to erase a session cookie like this? $Obj = _IEDocGetObj($oIE) $Obj.cookie="" My purpose is to assign a new value to this doc. But it does not work. It seems this property of ".cookie" is read only. Is that right?
How to ignore "error" to avoid collapsing
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") $oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") $a=$oHTTP.Open("GET","http://kds.zj.com") $oHTTP.Send() $HTMLSource = $oHTTP.Responsetext MsgBox(0,'',$HTMLSource) Func MyErrFunc() $HexNumber=hex($oMyError.number,8) Msgbox(0,"","We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _ "Number is: " & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "Windescription is: " & $oMyError.windescription ) $_eventerror = 1 Endfunc -
How to ignore "error" to avoid collapsing
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
I have read it,still,I don't know how to handle it?Would you please elaborate? Thanks! -
about the "_GUICtrlTab_DeleteItem"
zhaicheng replied to zhaicheng's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiTab.au3> #include <array.au3> Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) GUICreate("My GUI Tab", 640, 480) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Quit") $Tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 10, 580, 400) $hTab = GUICtrlGetHandle($Tab) Dim $avTabItems[5] Dim $label[5] For $n = 0 To UBound($avTabItems) - 1 $avTabItems[$n] = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Tab No." & $n) $label[$n] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is tab number " & $n & ".", 20, 100, 300, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_ButtonHit") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") Next GUICtrlCreateLabel("Click button to delete a random tab:", 10, 420, 300, 20) GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete-A-Tab", 110, 440, 100, 30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_ButtonHit") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(20) WEnd Func _ButtonHit() Local $sText = GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId) If StringLeft($sText, 7) = "Button " Then MsgBox(64, "Click!", "You clicked: " & $sText) ElseIf $sText = "Delete-A-Tab" Then Local $i = _GUICtrlTab_GetCurSel($hTab) GUICtrlDelete($label[$i]) _GUICtrlTab_DeleteItem($hTab, $i) _ArrayDelete($avTabItems, $i) If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Done", "You deleted the last tab! Goodbye...") Exit EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ButtonHit Func _Quit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Quit -
I want to make a muti-tab browser. Now the problem is that when closing a tab using "_GUICtrlTab_DeleteItem",controls on the tabitems are not deleted. I try to use GUICtrlDelete to destroy the control. But it seems to always delete the last one. Here is my code: $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() $Sub = GUICreate("BootBars", 740, 700, (@DesktopWidth - 640) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 580) / 2, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN) $GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 10, 40, 750, 560) If $msg = $Button4 Then _GUICtrlTab_DeleteItem($BB_Tab, 0) EndIf
visit:http://autoit.net.cn/viewthread.php?tid=16273&from=favorites #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IE_Example ("form") $oSubmit = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE, 'textExample' ) MsgBox(0,'相对位置','左'&$oSubmit.getBoundingClientRect().left&'|上'&$oSubmit.getBoundingClientRect().top&'|宽'&$oSubmit.offsetWidth&'|高'&$oSubmit.offsetHeight) $o_doc = _IEDocGetObj($oIE) MsgBox(1,1,$o_doc.DocumentElement.clientHeight ) MsgBox(1,1,$o_doc.DocumentElement.ScrollHeight )
How to get the position of the scrollbar in the page Hello,every one. I use _IECreate" to create an Internet Explorer Browser Window,and I send a few "{PGDN}" to the control. Now my question is how can I know that the scrollbar has reached the bottom of the page? Can you give me some advice? Thank you!
I use the command to bypass this problem. Thank you! Send("{HOME 4}") Send("{down 4}") Problem solved: _GUICtrlComboBox_SetCurSel($h, 3)
I don't want to correct the executable. I just need to use Autoit to control the combox,for example,changing its value from "iamge1" to "iamge2".
Here is the control infomation: >>>> Control <<<< Class: WindowsForms10.COMBOBOX.app.0.378734a Instance: 2 ClassnameNN: WindowsForms10.COMBOBOX.app.0.378734a2 Name: cbServer Advanced (Class): [NAME:cbServer] ID: 10226270 Text: Position: 104, 303 Size: 93, 20 ControlClick Coords: 12, 5 Style: 0x56010243 ExStyle: 0x00000000 Handle: 0x009C0A5E
Sorry,I don't have the source code.I just have the right to use the application.But trust me that the executable is totally safe.
Yeah, ControlCommand(,,"ShowDropDown", "") works fine. Here attaches my application. dxzx.rar
I have a combox which has the style showd as the picture. I want to select one of the item using the following command. But it does not seem to work. Can you give some advice? Thanks very much! $h=ControlGetHandle("dxzx ", "", "[NAME:cbServer]") ControlCommand("", "", $h, "SelectString", 'image2' )