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Everything posted by rodcrux

  1. Martin, Many thanks for your reply. I have followed your supplied ink to read up on using the "AT" command set to control a connected modem. I found that in order to send an announcement ie. "Hello Thank you for calling . ." . etc. to the person calling, the modem must first be set to voice mode. The sound file is then sent as a byte stream which is converted back by the modem into audio signal and sent down the phone line to the caller. First problem is that the sound file must be in a format which the modem can handle. Secondly all zero bytes in the stream must be sent twice or else the modem will consider a single zero as an EOF signal and conversion / transmission will end. So it seems I must experiment further - probably principally using the _CommSendByteArray from your UDF. I will post progress reports here - if any! Regards, Rod
  2. Hi, and first of all great thanks for this brilliant UDF - I have used it to read the CALLER ID data from incoming phone calls & then identify any known caller from a customer database. This works very well - thanks in no small way to your UDF. I would like to extend the functionality of my Autoit routine in that I would like to play a welcoming message to the caller - in the same way my answer machine does. This would entail sending an mp3 or wav file direct to the active COM port. I can see no obvious way of putting the voice modem into the correct mode to enable this. Would this be possible with your UDF? Regards, Rod
  3. Wooltown, thank you so much for creating this top UDF set - it has proved invaluable in making the switch from work diary appointments on an ageing Psion Series 7 to my shiny new netbook running Outlook. Just one thing that did confuse me for some time until today was that in the "_Read_Outlook_Appointments()" function, start date and end dates do not work correctly unless date setting is set to USA (Sweden too?) format from Regional and Language options in control panel. Great work and thanks again. Rod
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