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  1. my program use the camera to catch/detect red color.. if my red color moving directly it will go on it. the red color sometime on 800,600 some time it on 400,400 for example firstly my mouse position on 0,0 then i drop red color on 800,600 -> mymouse moving on it before my mouse finish at 800,600 , I move red point on 400,400. in the fact my mouse will stop on 800,600 firstly before it go on 400,400 I want my script, when it is moving from 0,0 to 800,600 it can get interupt to move on 400,400. so it will not stop on 800,600
  2. @ somdcomputerguy thx somcdcomptuterguy but it same with my code.. i want it move without stop in ($x1,$y1)...
  3. hi guy, I need help. i have some problem to manipulate mousemove please read my code $x1 = 800 $y1 = 600 $x2 = 400 $y2 = 400 HotKeySet("{F2}","q") func q() mousemove($x2,$y2,100) EndFunc mousemove (0,0) mousemove($x1,$y1,100) in that case, from (0,0) it takes 3 seconds to get to ($x1,$y1), i want, when i press {F2} on 2 seconds it will move to ($x2,$y2) without stop in ($x1,$y1)firstly. its possible to make it? sorry for my bad english
  4. no body want help me T______T
  5. hi guys. i am newbie i want to get security token from this website www.kaskus.us if i use javascript. there is -> javascript:alert(document.getElementsByName('securitytoken')[0].value); how can i get the securitytoken use autoit? i have been use _IEGetObjByName @_@ but its not work help me
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