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  1. Hi Melba23. Good work. I also made one long ago but updated it recently just for fun. I guess there are many more versions in the forum. Have a nice day.
  2. Hi @Nine. @jchd will be the one to clarify everything. Here are a few links to get you started: http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~richard/utf-8.cgi?input=Æ&mode=char Tell us that character Æ has UTF-8 = C386 and Hex Code Point = 00C6 http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ucs2.html Here 00C6 above correspond to Æ above. My understanding is that UTF-8 chart and UCS-2 chart are two different things but in some way related. http://www.fileformat.info/info/charset/UTF-8/list.htm Let us wait for @jchd to explain everything.
  3. Thanks @Jury, @jchd and @Nine for your kind help - GENIUS PEOPLE. @Jury thanks, that made it very clear for me – I thought HexToString and StringToHex would work like Windows 1252 encoding. @jchd thanks, Unicode strings interesting to know. So that means only those who use the English alphabet will have any use of these functions. @Nine thanks, Chr(Dec(“C6”)) and Hex(Asc(“Æ”),2) seems to work perfectly.
  4. Hi. I cannot get the functions _HexToString and StringToHex to work anymore. Does anyone know if there has been a change lately? Is there any problem with the extended character set? Thanks. Here is example of my code: #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <String.au3> Local $sline01="",$sline02="",$line03="" $sline01 = _HexToString("C6D8C5E6F8E5") $sline02 = _StringToHex("ÆØÅæøå") $sline03 = _StringToHex("ABCabc") MsgBox(0, "Convert Hex and string",$sline01 & @CRLF & $sline02 & @CRLF & $sline03)
  5. Thanks BrewManNH. I was thinking about Comments and some Includes as starters. Thanks.
  6. Hi. When I make a NEW script in SciTe it comes up empty without any template. When I do the same in Windows Explorer I get a template from C:\Windows\ShellNew\Template.au3. How can I start a template inside SciTe? Is there some initial settings to SciTe when you make a NEW au3? Windows 7 Ultimate. Thanks.
  7. Very nice Melba23, you're a genious. If someone wants a little more functionality you could try this script: Thanks.
  8. ControlSend("Audition", "", "", "{F1}") This should work if the window Audition responds to F1. Could you try to compile(make exec) and try some other Fx button ? You can also try F1 on NotePad.
  9. Thanks UEZ, thanks MvGulik for your kind comments. Coming to my suggestion, I have now found out that there exists a category listing under Downloads. Surprisingly very few use it. Whatever the reasons, it means that a lot of good unofficial UDFs and routines will remain unnoticed by many. Thanks.
  10. Sort a multi-dimensional array with multiple sort columns. Max 9 dimensions. This routine focus on functionality and flexibility and not on performance. It is meant to be a supplement to the _ArraySort routine which focus is on performance. I have included a parameter description below which gives you an idea how it works. Also I feel that the example file should get you started. ; _ArraySortMulti ; Sort a multi-dimensional array with multiple sort columns. Max 9 dimensions. ; ; _ArraySortMulti(ByRef $avArray, COL0 ..[, mixed $arg], COL1 ..[, mixed $arg], [DEBUG]) ; $avArray - Array to sort. ; $sCOL0,$sCOL1 - Required. Must be COL followed by a number. ; First column start with zero - COL0. ; A 1-dimensional array has one column named COL0. ; Multiple sort columns are allowed in any order. ; $arguments - [optional] ASC, DESC, REGULAR, NUMERIC, STRING, INSEN_STRING, UserOrder, HexOrder. ; Can be repeated for every column to sort. ; All arguments can be specified in any order and in both lower and upper case. ; You can place all arguments in one string separated by comma ; or mix it with multiple strings in separate variables. ; Do whatever is convenient to you. ; $sASC - Default=ASC. ASC gives Ascending sort order. ; $sDESC - Default=ASC. DESC gives Descending sort order. ; $sREGULAR - Default=REGULAR. REGULAR treat values as they are. Don't change types. ; Lexicographically string compares. Case insensitive. ; WARNING: Using REGULAR with strings might give you unpredictable results like 'AA' > 'AB'. ; Use STRING, INSEN_STRING and NUMERIC whenever possible. ; $sNUMERIC - Default=REGULAR. NUMERIC treat values numerically. ; $sSTRING - Default=REGULAR. STRING treat values as strings. Case sensitive. ; $sINSEN_STRING- Default=REGULAR. INSEN_STRING treat values as strings. Case insensitive. ; $sUserOrder - Default=No order change. Change sort order without changing any data in the array. ; Specify UserOrder=(DataFrom=DataTo in pairs (FromTo) separated by semicolon). ; Example UserOrder=(January=1;February=2;March=3;April=4) Changes the orders of months lacking numbers. ; You do not use single or double quotes inside parenthesis unless they are data themselves. ; Parameters like NUMERIC, STRING applies like normal, see examples. ; $sHexOrder - Default=No order change. Change sort order without changing any data in the array. ; Specify HexOrder=(HexFrom=HexTo in pairs (FromTo) separated by semicolon). ; Example HexOrder=(C6=5B;D8=5C;C5=5D;E6=7B;F8=7C;E5=7D) Changes hexcode C6 to 5B and so on. ; The main purpose of this is to simplify sorting for countries like the Scandinavians ; who use additional letters to the english alphabet. A one time job for each country. ; Example Hex(Asc("Æ"),2)) & Hex(91,2) will give HexOrder=(C6=5B) ; Replace hexcode C6 with 5B without changing data so as to change sort order of strings. ; $sDEBUG - Default=No debug. If DEBUG will list the arrays before and after sort. ; You only need to specify once. ; Return values : Success = 1 ; Failure = 0, sets @error: ; |1 - $avArray is not an array ; |3 - Invalid COL parameter ; |4 - COL parameter missing or in wrong position ; |5 - Unknown parameter found ; |6 - Max 9-dimensions exceeded. ; |7 - Cannot use NUMERIC and HexOrder on the same column ; |8 - HexOrder specifications invalid ; |9 - UserOrder specifications invalid ; Author : Thopaga ; Modified : 18 aug 2019 ; Remarks : This routine focus on functionality and flexibility and not on performance. ; It is meant to be a supplement to the _ArraySort routine which focus is on performance. ; Related : _ArraySort ; Link : ; Example : Yes ArraySortMulti.zip
  11. Thanks nitekram, very good, so it is all a matter of taste then. Thanks Melba23, fantastic, you really helped me there, I was totally unaware of the options and the way it should be done. Just to get what I am used to I changed 3 of them to see how it goes: are.you.sure = 1 Not changed. save.session = 0 save.recent = 0 save.position = 0 Thanks kaotbliss, that is what I have not understood and which have caused me a lot of problems - saving automatically when I run it. Your recommendation about includes is much appreciated. Thanks for your kind help everyone.
  12. Hello. I am wondering if someone could advice me. Editor problem. When I am inside the editor and change a module, the editor ask me when ending if I want to save my changes or not. But many times it does not ask but only saves. This makes it difficult for me to escape without saving. Also if I have not closed the module, the same module pops up when I enter the editor again. Can I change these behaviors in some way? What is good practice. If you build many functions inside your program, would you put all the includes on top of your program or let the includes be kept inside each function? Keeping them inside each function will also mean duplicates. Thanks.
  13. Thanks UEZ, this was great, works like a charm. Thanks also to Shanet and Deathbringer. Deathbringer, that did not work for me though. I really appreciate your kind help. Thanks.
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