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  1. yeah I have seen that cod uses some strange y's (-> ÿ).. Thanks for the last 2 ideas.. I think they could solve it =] and otherwise I just came up with an emergency solution -> I can just bind keys in the config with commands and just controlsend the binded hotkeys... Ty!
  2. I tried it with: -UDP -TCP -ControlSend(..."~") -Quake UDF Yes of course Im sure that u could get it with these but it didn work out in my attempts, mayb somebody else with Css+Autoit can do it.. And Im writing this script for some admins on one server, coz the headadmin doesnt want turn off auto-kicking, because he doesnt want to mess with the settings! Plus the server got 30 slots, so it should be allright with other players..
  3. thanks for ur replies James and LurchMan =] I tried your ideas with each combinition and even found a cool UDF for this kind of stuff -> QuakeUDF but nothing worked Any other ideas? Or does somebody have a tested script to write in the Counterstrike Console? .. Maybe Im just being too stupid x)
  4. Hey.. at first this is not going to be an aimbot or smth like that I just want to make sure that I wont be auto-kicked for being afk on a server, so I want to write something once in a while in the chat! I could work with ControlSend.. but it would be easier to write directly in the console (for other purposes as well).. Is there any way to do that? Since I dont get a handle of the control with the autoit window tool I dont know how to start! greets, Zero! Oh and the port of the Css Server is: 27018
  5. Hey trance.. awesome function! But could you change it somehow, so that I can use it if I just got an Ip-adresse? So for autoitscript.com -> _InternetCheckConnectionInAnotherThread($hLabel, $hIcon, 3000, "").. I would try to change it, but I honestly dont get it at all xD Im pretty new here..
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