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Everything posted by DisabledMonkey

  1. This error is exactly what it is describing. A failure to send the sms (email) over smtp to the gmail server due to a failure to connect. What's strange is the settings you have entered appear to be correct for gmail so I can't really direct you other than these few guesses below... (these are complete guesses) 1. make 100% sure your smtp settings are correct 2. make sure gmail doesn't require you to toggle something on to allow smtp access (don't have a gmail account so I don't know if this is the case) 3. if you have a firewall, make sure it is not blocking outbound traffic on your smtp port, or even try disabling it to see. possible testing options 1. try to send an smtp message with the same account through a program like outlook or another smtp client Good Luck, Hopefully you can get it working. DisabledMonkey
  2. JRowe, thanks for the awesome UDF, think it could be very useful for certain things (fading in and out, changing colors fluidly, moving controls, animations and stuff like that). I expanded on it a bit to add some functionality that I thought could be very useful, and tried to make it a bit more user friendly. Added ability for transitions to be timed. (ex. move from 1-100 in 3 seconds) Added ability for transitions to be non-blocking. (ex. doesn't run in a loop and therefore allows your main loop to run as transition is occurring, button clicks and stuff like that can happen while transition is going) Function List: _Transition_Create() - Creates a transition that can be run at any point in your program. _Transition_Start() - Starts the created transition. _Transition_Array_Start() - Starts an array of transitions. (Basically you put the transitions in an array and it starts them all. This improves performance for running many transitions at the same time because it can use the same 'tick' event for all the transitions in the array instead of having one for each transition). _Transition_Stop() - Stops a transition. _Transition_Array_Stop() - Stops an array of transitions. _Transition_Stop_All() - Stops any and all transitions that are running. Note: Constants for the different types of transitions JRowe created can be found in the UDF. Examples: Most basic usage. #include <_Transitions.au3> $id = _Transition_Create(1, 1000, 4, "_TransitionOne", $LINEAR_TWEEN); count 1-1000 in 4 seconds, runs "_TransitionOne" every-time the value is updated, and updates it using a linear tween _Transition_Start($id) While 1 sleep(100) WEnd Func _TransitionOne($n) ConsoleWrite(Round($n) & @CRLF) EndFunc Transitions Example.au3 Transitions Example Array.au3 Transition Example.au3 The UDF: _transitions.au3 I think everything should be fairly straight forward, but you can always look in the UDF and examples if something isn't making sense. If anybody has questions let me know. The only problem I have really run into with the UDF as I made it is performance, so if anybody with more knowledge then me can come up with a better way, or tips on how to make it run better, I would be very interested. Once again, thank you JRowe for an excellent UDF to build off of. Peace, Disabled Monkey
  3. Guessing you just have to enable mail reception with your phone service provider. I know for t-mobile which I have, I had to change a setting on my account online to allow it. Good luck finding it and enabling it.
  4. No worries, Glad you got it figured out and the udf is useful for you.
  5. Updated UDF... See first post Added 168 new consts. 274 consts total. Some of the new consts are for pager gateways. Formatted UDF to follow UDF guidelines better: More error checking in place. Functions are commented. Functions renamed: _SMS_Start($sSMTP,$sEmail,$sUsername,$sPassword,$iPort = 25,$iSSL = 0) _SMS_Send($aSMS,$iNumber,$sService,$sMessage,$sFromName = "") @SprinterGuru - This UDF doesn't support countries, but instead supports service providers. You will have to check the const's in the UDF itself to see if the service provider you want is in there, or you could look up your service provider's sms gateway and use that instead of one of my const's.
  6. Lookup Eval and/or Execute in the AutoIT help file. Might help you with what you are looking for.
  7. Glad to see someone is getting use out of this. I think this might be what you were going for with the assigned value thing. #include <SMS.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ListviewConstants.au3> #include <Array.AU3> Global $array[9][2] Global $cName = 0 Global $cService = 1 $array[0][$cName] = 'ALIANT CANADA' $array[0][$cService] = $ALIANT_CANADA $array[1][$cName] = 'ALLTEL' $array[1][$cService] = $ALLTEL $array[2][$cName] = 'AMERITECH' $array[2][$cService] = $AMERITECH $array[3][$cName] = 'AT&T WIRELESS' $array[3][$cService] = $ATT_WIRELESS $array[4][$cName] = 'BELLSOUTH' $array[4][$cService] = $BELLSOUTH $array[5][$cName] = 'BOOST' $array[5][$cService] = $BOOST $array[6][$cName] = 'CELLULAR ONE' $array[6][$cService] = $CELLULARONE $array[7][$cName] = 'CINGULAR' $array[7][$cService] = $CINGULAR $array[8][$cName] = 'VERIZON' $array[8][$cService] = $VERIZON #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("SMS", 336, 232, 189, 120) GUISetBkColor (0x00AAAA) $InputSvr = GUICtrlCreateInput(iniread ("C:\SMS.ini", "INFO" , "SERVER" , "SERVER"), 16, 16, 145, 21) $Inputemail = GUICtrlCreateInput(iniread ("C:\SMS.ini", "INFO" , "EMAIL" , "EMAIL"), 16, 48, 145, 21) $Inputuser = GUICtrlCreateInput(iniread ("C:\SMS.ini", "INFO" , "USER" , "USER"), 16, 80, 145, 21) $Inputpass = GUICtrlCreateInput("PASSWORD", 16, 112, 145, 21) ;~ $Inputpass = GUICtrlCreateInput(iniread ("C:\SMS.ini", "INFO" , "password" , "password"), 16, 112, 145, 21) $Inputnum = GUICtrlCreateInput(iniread ("C:\SMS.ini", "INFO" , "NUMBER" , "NUMBER"), 16, 144, 145, 21) $Inputmsg = GUICtrlCreateInput("MESSAGE", 184, 16, 137, 75) $Combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo($array[0][$cName], 184, 96) GUICtrlSetData($Combo, $array[1][$cName] & "|" & $array[2][$cName] & "|" & $array[3][$cName] & "|" & $array[4][$cName] & "|" & $array[5][$cName] & "|" & $array[6][$cName] & "|" & $array[7][$cName] & "|" & $array[8][$cName], $array[0][$cName]) ; add other item snd set a new default $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 128, 184, 75, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $nMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $nMsg = $Button1 IniWrite ("C:\SMS.ini" , "INFO" , "server" , GUIctrlread($inputsvr)) IniWrite ("C:\SMS.ini" , "INFO" , "email" , GUIctrlread($inputemail)) IniWrite ("C:\SMS.ini" , "INFO" , "user" , GUIctrlread($inputuser)) ;~ IniWrite ("C:\SMS.ini" , "INFO" , "password" , GUIctrlread($inputpass)) IniWrite ("C:\SMS.ini" , "INFO" , "number" , GUIctrlread($inputnum)) $server = GuiCtrlRead ($inputsvr) $email = GuiCtrlRead ($inputemail) $username = GuiCtrlRead ($inputuser) $password = GuiCtrlRead ($inputpass) $port = 465 $ssl = 1 $number = GuiCtrlRead ($inputnum) $message = GuiCtrlRead ($inputmsg) $service = GUICtrlRead($Combo) For $n = 0 to Ubound($array)-1 If $array[$n][$cName] = $service Then $service = $array[$n][$cService] EndIf Next $sms = _StartSMS($server,$email,$username,$password,$port,$ssl) _SendSMS($sms,$number,$service,$message) exit EndSelect WEnd I used a Combo instead of a Listview just because i felt it's more fitting for this type of project and easier to get the selected index by what it's actual name is. If you have any questions about what I did, let me know. Hopefully it helps, DisabledMonkey
  8. Just something I found online quick You need to first enable the Mobile Email service. You can login to T-Mobile and enable it yourself under "Plan". T-Mobile told me there's no setup fee, no monthly fee, and no *inbound* (email-2-sms) fee. There is a fee for *outbound* (sms-2-email), but I can't see anyone here caring about that. The n in what you found online just stands for your number which i put in automatically, so the service provider I used in my UDF appears to be correct. Just try to enable Mobile Email service on your t-mobile plan and try the UDF again, should work then Disabled Monkey
  9. To me it sounds like you just have a wrong SMS gateway for your Service provider. Look up your SMS gateway online to make sure it matches the one I have in my UDF. Note that I don't have every single Service provider in my UDF and I can't guarantee they are all correct since I just found the list of them from a resource online. Good Luck. DisabledMonkey
  10. Honestly I don't know what is causing this exactly, it seems the error checking object.... $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") Is not being initialized correctly for you for some reason or another. I have been unable to reproduce this and don't know enough about it to point you in the right direction, sorry.
  11. @electrico - I added it, see first post. @Everyone Else. If you would like me to add a service provider to this UDF from now on, please make the Const for me and I will add it. Global Const $COMPANY_COUNTRY = "@smsgateway.xxx" If the gateway needs a prefix to the address just put that before the @ symbol. Most sms gateways are simple to find, just do a google search like... tmobile sms gateway Or at least something similar to that. Also does anyone on this forum know of a way to replace an attachment without resetting the download count? Thanks, DisabledMonkey
  12. @ludocus Sorry, I probably should have tested this more extensively. Updated UDF again, find it in the first post. Found what was causing your issue, hopefully this fixes it for you. Anyone that is trying to use a Service provider with prefix (a const with a number before the @ symbol) should update to the newest UDF ex. Global Const $T_MOBILE_NETHERLANDS = "31@gin.nl" Thank you guys for helping point out these issues. DisabledMonkey
  13. Like I said in the last post, I updated the UDF in the first post, re-download it and the warnings will magically disappear
  14. @pierrotm777 - Your error is in what you have for the example script. It's having trouble parsing your password. Make sure you have it in there correctly. Updated UDF in first post: Added SFR and BOUYGUES. Couldn't find ORANGE for france. You might be able to use one of the other orange servers, not really sure. Made it so you no longer get the two WARNING messages about the variables. A few notes about using this UDF: If it doesn't seem to be working. Chances are your SMTP settings are wrong. Check with your email service provider to find out what its settings for SMTP are, they vary (especially the port). If it still doesn't seem to be working. Check my udf's constants to make sure it is correct for the phone service provider for the number you are trying to text. I grabbed this list online and therefore cannot guarantee that it is fully up-to-date and correct. Once again, if you have any questions, comments, etc, just let me know. Thanks, DisabledMonkey
  15. Hey, Thanks for the interest, Like I said, I used Jos' SMTP UDF and I missed copying over the error checking correctly. I modified the UDF in the first post. You shouldn't get those errors now, but it probably won't work because your SMTP isn't working properly. Let me know if you have more questions, DisabledMonkey
  16. Description: Have you ever wanted your AutoIT program to be able to send alerts or other messages to your phone? Well here is a possible solution. All you need is an email account that allows you to use SMTP and the Number and Service Provider of the phone you wish to message. Constants for the different service providers can be found in the UDF. Example Usage: #include "SMS.au3" $server = "smtp.gmail.com" $email = "xxx@xxx.xxx" $username = "xxx@xxx.xxx" $password = "xxxxxxxx" $port = 465 $ssl = 1 $number = xxxxxxxxxx $service = $T_MOBILE $message = "Hello, This is an AutoIT SMS" $message2 = "Yep..." $sms = _SMS_Start($server,$email,$username,$password,$port,$ssl) _SMS_Send($sms,$number,$service,$message) The UDF: Old Versions: SMS.au3 Most Recent Version: SMS.au3 Thanks: This UDF's SMTP capabilities are taken from Jos' SMTP UDF... Thank you Jos. If you have any suggestions, questions, or anything else, just let me know. Thanks for your time, Disabled Monkey
  17. It is true that the midiUDF doesn't work with newer versions of AutoIt without modification, but that modification is very easy to do. In the midiUDF, udword's are being used, these were removed from AutoIt because a dword is already unsigned. You can either get it working by replacing all the 'udword' with 'UINT64' or getting the attached udf that is corrected and works with newer versions of AutoIt. Get Ascend4nt's modified version of the udf. MidiExample.au3 ;An example I created that uses the midiudf. midiMapping.au3 ;Maps keyboard keys to notes that way you can play using your keyboard. Hopefully this helps, Disabled Monkey Edit: Removed my attached udf, use Ascend4nt's attached below. Edited my MidiExample to use Ascend4nt's udf Edited midiMapping to actually have function that maps keyboard automatically. _KeyboardAsMidiOn() to turn on, _KeyboardAsMidiOff() to turn off.
  18. Well, I know pretty much nothing about assembly language also, but here is a very very basic parser. #include "ASM.au3" #include <file.au3> Dim $lines, $code = "" _FileReadToArray(FileOpenDialog("Select ASM Code",@DesktopDir,"All (*.*)"),$lines) For $n = 1 to $lines[0] $stripComments = StringSplit($lines[$n],";") $split = StringSplit($stripComments[1]," ") For $m = 1 to $split[0] If $split[$m] = "" Then $split[0] -= 1 EndIf Next If $split[0] <> 0 Then $code &= getASM($split,$split[0]) EndIf Next $hCode = ASMCompile($code) $iRetVal = ASMExecute($hCode) MsgBox(0,"sd",$iRetVal,0) Func getASM($codeArray,$number) Switch $number Case 1 return ASMInstruction($codeArray[1]) Case 2 return ASMInstruction($codeArray[1],$codeArray[2]) Case 3 return ASMInstruction($codeArray[1],$codeArray[2],$codeArray[3]) EndSwitch EndFunc Just put the code example of martins in a text file and then select that text file when you run my code. Not sure if you ever have a ASMInstruction with more than three parameters, but if you do, just add it to the switch statement. Like I said above, this is a very crude parser but it works. Cheers, Disabled Monkey
  19. Looks Promising, really something that could save a lot of copy and pasting. Only problem is I can't get it to run. C:\Users\Monkey\Desktop\exceltest.au3 (8) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.: $oModules = $oExcel.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents $oModules = $oExcel.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject^ ERROR Your code looks solid after looking at the Visual Basic documentation. Any idea what could be causing this problem? Edit: Setting in Excel "Trust Access to the VBA project object model" needed to be enabled. Works without problems now. Thanks, Disabled Monkey
  20. OH nice, no worries about hijacking thread, this was a project I just did out of boredom
  21. Yeah, I know storing a file in the ADS isn't exactly hiding it, just hiding it from view and from the average user. Whats SMF?
  22. Sorry, noticed I misspelled hider, hidder, (felt to stupid to leave it) So was renaming stuff. Try again.
  23. This is a basic file hider using NTFS ADS //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS#Alternate_data_streams_.28ADS.29"](Alternate Data Stream) File Hider.au3 Limitations: 1. Only works on NTFS 2. Hidden Files will be lost when visible file is transferred to another computer (Not completely sure it won't work, just haven't tested it extensively) Basically you just select a visible file that you wish to hide another file into, then select the file you want to hide, and click the hide button. Note that the file size of the visible file does not change; meaning you could hide a 5mb file in a 5kb file, and the visible 5kb file would still show up as 5kb. To extract the hidden file you just select the visible file and it will list the hidden files it has in it. Then you just select the one you want to extract and hit extract. This is just something I threw together out of boredom real quick, so the GUI isn't great but I think its understandable. If you have any questions about how to use it, or suggestions/comments, just let me know. Thanks for your time, Disabled Monkey
  24. Hey, After weeks of not working on this much I finally got around to adding to it. The updated version can be found in the first post. The update includes: A new level editor, created by Corgano.New levels (1-10 from the original game are now included)Semi-functional multiplayer (You can start a game and actually play over a network; still issues with speed and glitches on the client side)As always, if you wish to help or have suggestions, please let me know. Thanks for your time, Disabled Monkey
  25. Thanks for your reply, I know that my game uses the resolution to create the playing field and this is one thing i started with, have thought about changing numerous times, and never gotten around to doing. One thing you might note is that my levels are actually created by percent of resolution and not the resolution itself. Ex. 25:50|75:50 This would draw a line from a point (25% width of screen,50% height of screen) to a point (75% width of screen,50% height of screen). Since it just stores lines in the level file, if you could somehow calculate what percent a line goes to, to another percent, you could make a fully functional map editor with my current setup. Although it probably would be best for me to just make the game have a virtual grid instead of the current method. Thanks, Disabled Monkey
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