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Everything posted by Gerald

  1. torels i have all ready see your script i was inspire because you your script like lyrics finder and get tube
  2. i have all ready read that all file in UDF Section of the help file in auto it script i because i want to learn im so interested in learning about AutoIt
  3. can any one help me how to make a bot in ZX Online or in any game like ragnarok plss post you Full tutorial regards to all
  4. this is my first script in autoit script i will share this script to everyone to make my script better post your comment her #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Documents and Settings\_Gerald__\Desktop\Form2.kxf $body = GUICreate("Dota Hotkey and Auto send Msg v.1", 328, 150, 312, 450) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("F2", 16, 32, 16, 17) $salita1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Back na Sir", 40, 32, 113, 21) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("F3", 168, 32, 16, 17) $salita3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Push Tayo", 192, 32, 121, 21) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("F4", 16, 56, 16, 17) $salita2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Basag lang", 40, 56, 113, 21) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("F5", 168, 56, 16, 17) $salita4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("hahaha nice 1", 192, 56, 121, 21) $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 192, 120, 59, 25, 0) $About = GUICtrlCreateButton("About", 256, 120, 59, 25, 0) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Create By: Gerald Catague", 104, 88, 130, 17) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Instruction Click About", 8, 128, 110, 17) $keyrun = HotKeySet("{Home}","runkey") $hidetry = HotKeySet("{insert}","_show") $showtry = HotKeySet("{delete}","_hide") $pausekey = HotKeySet("{end}","pausehotkeys") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) TrayTip("Dota Hotkey and Auto Send msg", "Run Dota and Press Home To run Hotkey", 5, 1) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### Opt("TrayMenuMode",1); Default tray menu items (Script Paused/Exit) will not be shown. $prefsitem = TrayCreateItem("Instruction") TrayCreateItem("") $aboutitem = TrayCreateItem("About") TrayCreateItem("") $showtray = TrayCreateItem("Show [Insert]") $hidetray = TrayCreateItem("Hide[Delete]") TrayCreateItem("") $exititem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TraySetState() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $keyrun runkey() case $pausekey Case $hidetry case $showtry EndSwitch $msg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = 0 ContinueLoop Case $msg = $prefsitem instructiontry() Case $msg = $aboutitem abouttrymsg() Case $msg = $exititem ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd func _hide() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $body) TrayTip("Dota Hotkey and Auto Send msg", "Click the about to see instruction", 5, 1) EndFunc func _show() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $body) TrayTip("Dota Hotkey and Auto Send msg", "Click the about to see instruction", 5, 1) EndFunc Func alert() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then send ("{ENTER}") Send(GUICtrlRead($salita1)) send ("{ENTER}") Sleep(10000) Return EndIf EndFunc Func panasar() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then send ("{ENTER}") Send(GUICtrlRead($salita3)) send ("{ENTER}") Sleep(10000) Return EndIf EndFunc Func panasar2() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then send ("{ENTER}") Send(GUICtrlRead($salita2)) send ("{ENTER}") Sleep(10000) Return EndIf EndFunc Func panasar3() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then send ("{ENTER}") Send(GUICtrlRead($salita4)) send ("{ENTER}") Sleep(10000) Return EndIf EndFunc Func runkey() HotKeySet("!z", "sendky1") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!x", "sendky2") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!c", "sendky3") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!a", "sendky4") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!s", "sendky5") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!d", "sendky6") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!q", "sendky7") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!w", "sendky8") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!e", "sendky9") ;Shift-Alt HotKeySet("{F2}", "alert") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("{F3}", "panasar") HotKeySet("{F4}", "panasar2") HotKeySet("{F5}", "panasar3") ;Shift-Alt-d TrayTip("Dota Hotkey and Auto Send msg", "hotkey Runing to Disable Press End", 5, 1) EndFunc func pausehotkeys() HotKeySet("!z") HotKeySet("!x") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!c") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!a") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!s") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!d") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!q") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!w") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("!e") ;Shift-Alt HotKeySet("{F2}") ;Shift-Alt-d HotKeySet("{F3}") HotKeySet("{F4}") HotKeySet("{F5}") TrayTip("Dota Hotkey and Auto Send msg", "hotkeyPause to resume Press Home", 5, 1) EndFunc Func sendky1() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad1}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky2() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad2}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky3() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad3}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky4() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad4}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky5() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad5}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky6() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad6}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky7() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad7}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky8() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad8}") Return EndIf EndFunc Func sendky9() if WinGetTitle("Warcraft III") <> "This Gui Title" then Send("{NumPad9}") Return EndIf EndFunc func abouttrymsg() Msgbox(64, "About:", "dota hotkey") EndFunc Func instructiontry() Msgbox(64, "Preferences:", "catague") EndFuncpost you suggestion her
  5. can any one make a script about youtube video finder plss im a noob tank you :) POst you script her ASAP
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